XProfEd - Opensource IDE


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is sure one lovely Program and becomes for me one reason his, me of PrFellow-editor To separate. once Search & supplant functions, I will probably transfer.

particularly The Plugin-interface is a swell thing. Evtl. could it there with strange-PRCs prospective Problemchen give, because the 9it Runtime loudly Roland not any more with older PRCs zurechtkommt (?).

a couple suggestions:

1. whom appeal the Compilers over a manner WinExecWait find I less been successful. with more Codes can the Compilieren already time some minutes last. During this Time would I gladly on the code weiterarbeiten want.

2. I miss The Options
Compile & Link
Compile & Link & Execute

3. with with XPSE started ought to subsequently (optional) too same the Interpreter with the PRF as Parameter called go can, without that one in the code The suitable XPSE-Direktive stand having must. Perhaps could David there Yes XPSE a manner Errorlevel give back let, if no Error found go could.

4. by me becomes to the Compilieren the Runtime not found, though it in the Ini correctly. registered is.

5. If one whom code sometime too yet fold could, might for Niemanden More one lane on XPrfEdit vorbeiführen.

6. Comment of several Codezeilen, How with PrFellow.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

- Page 3 -

@ Michael

Have your Sourcecode time revised, but only so, the it run is. One bissel Komfortabler is it with With and Endwith but already
 $H Windows.ph
 $U Xprfedit.pcu = The
Declare Thexprfedit#  Bereichsvariable für die Klasse
Dim Thexprfedit#, Thexprfedit  Klasse der Bereichvariable zuordnen
Declare Version$, Prfdir$, Plugindir$, Srcfiledir$, Srcfilename$, Hed&
Declare Buffer#
Dim Buffer#,65000
Version$ = Thexprfedit#.getversion()
Prfdir$ = Thexprfedit#.getprofandir()c:Profan
Plugindir$ = Thexprfedit#.getplugindir().XPrfEditplugins
Srcfiledir$ = Thexprfedit#.getsourcefiledir()c:ProfanXPrfEditplugins
Srcfilename$ = Thexprfedit#.getsourcefilename()MyTestPlugIn.prf
Hed& = Thexprfedit#.getxprfedit()
~Getwindowtext(Hed&, Addr(Buffer#), 65000)
Dispose Thexprfedit#  Klasse freigeben
Assign #1,Plugindir$+"PlugInLog.txt"
Rewrite #1
Print #1,"  Version:",Version$
Print #1," ProfanDir:",Prfdir$
Print #1," PlugInDir:",Plugindir$
Print #1," SrcFileDir:",Srcfiledir$
Print #1,"SrcFileName:",Srcfilename$
Print #1,"  Handle:",Str$(Hed&),"($";Hex$(Hed&);")"
Print #1,"...und der Text:"
Print #1,String$(Buffer#,0)
Print #1
Close #1

[quote:635d1775af=TS-Soft]Kleineres Bugfix (0.4.1)
- diverse of me found Error eliminating.
heard to the resolved Fehlern too, the the editor suddenly 2x present is after compiliert watts?

and there was yet something, habs me time again not note...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

P.s.: will be tommorrow the new Version testing...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

it would sure help, if in the About-Window The Versions-number displayed becomes...

The Error is furthermore present:

If I compiliere from the editor out, then appear a 2. Version the Editors. Dord is then the Cursor on the Dateianfang.

Schließe I these instance, then be I again in the Version, where the Cursor on the of me gesetzten position standing.
is jedesmal at Compilieren so.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

- Page 4 -

now Have ichs too seen, can Yes nothing bad his, becomes in kürze repariert his

so, is Done, one User äußerte whom wish, the the editor the kompilieren not abwartet, separate same again available standing, the goes so but not at all, I Yes otherwise The Exe subsequently not started can, I not white when tappt im dunkeln is done

will be it later so make, if only a Exe created becomes, becomes the editor released, should The Exe same launched go even not. differently GEHTS Yes now not. About-Box angepaßt, hopefully vergeß I the nächstemal not these To update

is the Error now lane ?
by me goes everything, what Yes unfortunately nothing mean must


each Compilieren fügt a instance hinzu...

only not forsaking... :/:

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[quote:a97e94cd44=Michael Wodrich]0.4.2

each Compilieren fügt a instance hinzu...

only not forsaking... :/:

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich[/quote:a97e94cd44]
Have now many Opportunities tested, can But not understand, the Error exit simply not at me on. Evtl. genauere Notes, wieviele Files, wieviele of it ungespeicherte Changes include, evtl. Schreibgeschützte Files etc. means everything what evtl. a Error trigger could.
The Hauptänderung since the last Version, is Yes the autom. Save all veränderter, benannter Files before the Compile.

has Perhaps yet anyone else this Phenomen watch?
I need on jedenfall further Notes, as long as I the Error not provoke can, come I do not on its track

Michael - what very mean You with a instance hinzu... ?


well, under in the Taskbar appear one new Buttons. One characters for, the the program twice in memory existing.

Getestet with a Schnelltest: selection the Quelltextes over the Open-Menu. Cursor a couple Lines down moving. as a precaution once more on Save pressed. now from the Menu the Compilieren chosen and schwupps appear one Another Button in the Taskbar and the Cursor standing integrally left supra.

now whom editor exits and it erscheit again the editor in the I the Cursor down moving having.

integrally plainer Test, produced always the same Result. version number over Aboutbox controlled.

Michael Wodrich

P.s.: any Files, The through Compilieren produced go can get before deleted (prc,exe).

can it his, the the editor somewhere Tempdateien lay out wants and not can? here ought to The interne Programming over again examined go, whether any Fehlermeldungen (%IOResult) too mind go.

can/should I there evtl. of what hand delete?
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

>> can it his, the the editor somewhere Tempdateien lay out wants and not can? here ought to The interne Programming over again examined go, whether any Fehlermeldungen (%IOResult) too mind go.

Schnellstart functions naturally differently, as The others functions.
it go no Files stored,solely The actually temporär in the Temp-directory the Users, under one temporären names in a of me angelegtem temporären Ordner (names go by API created, are allso einmalig). after terminate these data lost, what indeed the sense and object the Schnellstartes is.
the means, the the suitable Source to Schnellstart evtl. still as changed, or. as unbenannt counts. through Schnellstart becomes so one status means not changed.
Schreibgeschütze Temp-directories are me not yet untergekommen, will be but whom Source to check on and a evtl. fehlende request complement.
If But on it lying ought to, that I in the Temp-Ordner No further Files lay out can, is what on Your system not integrally correctly. and it should diverse programs Problems having. One Doppelstart is therefore but still not declared.

means further informations Please, who has Problems at Schnellstart ?

yet could nobody whom Error confirm, there the editor in the gesamtem code no new Instanzen of itself launch or created, white I do not where I search ought to. Schreibzugriffe, The you don't say so are go neither attempts to execute. that is if a File not prepares go could, becomes neither attempts there into To write. such Error are PureBasic anyhow sooner unwahrscheinlich, there any functions with process one Result supplying, mostly False (0) with Error or. True (<> 0) with success. leaves itself means simply by iF to check on

i know means still not, whether the with Michael emerged effect einmalig is or too elsewhere auftaucht. will be whom editor well finish must and then first on Fehlersuche weg. means not wonder, The next Version will means yet something hinziehen.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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