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 | here can your eure Proposals the Aussehens involved express. I personal bevorzuge Standardcontrols without Extras. If your however effects How Hoover or similar wish, standing the almost nothing in the ways, only The Images must someone produce 
Have as suggestion first started whom Options-dialog To style, How said, simply and crept. The dritte tab is not yet ready, I whom first later Edit will be. for Your Proposals wären Schnappschüsse integrally useable. to that example with the ObjectCreator erstellte Window.
PS: I can Your Opportunities only respect, if your tappt im dunkeln me timely mitteilt. once I started have whom code for To write are solid-Changes very costly. and it should still quick forth weg 
PS: the Window sees with you slight differently from, I one XP-Skin use, of course a only schlichten, but there are everything only standard-Controls |
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 | go To row... is now implementiert, Gibts but first at next Update. |
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 | my question: should I The recent proposition-Files support and solely strain or something own develop. Both has to- and detriments, therefore is Your opinion to important!
Bisherige proposition-Files support is on the simplest To to assimilate, i'd The File solely for a couple Options How: CPP2Profan, FileList etc. strain.
Own Projektverwaltung would mean, the any Settings in a zentralen data base stored go, and accordingly autom. available stand. Extra proposition-Files can entfallen.
numerous Answer erwünscht, so I as soon as possible a decision meet can. Gänzlich new Vorschlage can your naturally too make!
Greeting Thomas |
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 Michael Wodrich | there be I for zentrale Projektverwaltung. so ought to it then possible his, any projects in the eye To keep.
I put me to, that the switch between different Projekten then plainer becomes.
Please not forget: each proposition can in a others Profan-Version walk. The Runtime must means In any drop wählbar his. well would it too, if tappt im dunkeln as an afterthought verstellbar is. because there's sure situations, where one one proposition on a new Version adjust would like.
If everything in a File standing, You can then too a Editiermodus with install? Runtime-way and Fileliste not only by Dateiwahl-dialog separate quick time by hand edited?
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/18/05 ▲ |
 | [quote:e3bc3d1b12=Michael Wodrich]Please not forget: each proposition can in a others Profan-Version walk. The Runtime must means In any drop wählbar his.[/quote:e3bc3d1b12]This will tappt im dunkeln. I bastele straight on a own integrierten Linker, so the The Runtime too with older Profan² versions anzugeben is.[quote:e3bc3d1b12=Michael Wodrich] well would it too, if tappt im dunkeln as an afterthought verstellbar is. because there's sure situations, where one one proposition on a new Version adjust would like. [/quote:e3bc3d1b12]once a File as tab activate becomes, go The lastly verwendeten Options voreingestellt. Each Veränderung becomes immediate into data base transfer. means File enable and on Compile clicking. only if you what Change want call You The Compiler-Options on.[quote:e3bc3d1b12=Michael Wodrich] If everything in a File standing, You can then too a Editiermodus with install? Runtime-way and Fileliste not only by Dateiwahl-dialog separate quick time by hand edited?[/quote:e3bc3d1b12] But Fehlerträchtig. If the wish yet öfters geäußert becomes, I will it Optional arrange. The Filelist is then anyhow independent of the data base. means Filelist or Open File, everything further becomes from the data base red. |
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 | i will again short The differences between Database and Projektdatei explain. with Projektdatei becomes in the Ordner the Sources a Zusatzdatei with the Compiler-Options prepares. means MeinSource.prf and moreover automatically generiert MeinSource.prf.co loading one MeinSource, alike How, becomes before the kompilieren nachgesehen, whether The co-File present is and which Settings go pretended. benefit: one can whom Source together with this File move, its an easy editierbare Textdatei. disadvantage: it arise to the most Sources a small Zusatztextdatei.
with the data base-alternative, becomes z.B. a DBase-File with of/ one scheduler manages. The Settings go anhand the Dateinamens incl. way determined. benefit: additional Text files in the Source-Ordner entfallen. disadvantage: go Sources moved any Settings mci .., The data base must now and than updated go, circa not any more existing Source To Remove and the Editierbarkeit isn't so without further given. |
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 Rolf Koch | Hi Thomas,
I personally tendiere to the Projektdatei. one shift Yes often times one Ordner u.s.w.
Rolf |
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 Michael Wodrich | is correct, so seen is the Projektdatei in the benefit.
and how'bout if everything on Projektdatei basiert, but these Projektdateien in a data base import, there edited and with want again export go can? then can The Paths self adjust.
example: it'll one proposition ensured (z.B. gezippt). Later becomes this proposition in another directory entpackt.
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/18/05 ▲ |
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 Michael Wodrich | becomes the editor automatically geänderte Sources on the disk discern can?
example: One PlugIn changed whom Source, the itself straight certain lines befindet and save it into File. The editor ought to the to the PlugIn-appeal testing and hereon allude.
Possibility: The File watts changed. should The modified data new be read? If the editor-Content not changed watts (z.B. to PlugIn-appeal watts stored), then ought to the Content same without demand be read.
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/18/05 ▲ |
 | in the momentum see I it so, I first only Compiler-Options To eachone *.prf Save file will be. These go at loading same with grasped and at Save updated. Ausserdem I will before another doppeltes loading same File prevent, where this only for jeweilige editor-instance counts. who whom editor number of times opens must then already yourself one bissel pay attention. Ausserdem stops I it for meaningfully before the interpret (exception Schnellstart), Compile or appeal one Plugins any benannten and modified Files Save. has whom benefit, a *.inc anzupassen and then The *.prf started to etc.
@Michael: No, becomes hopefully neither necessary his. an instruction to that Neuladen the Sources I will later time to assimilate. otherwise goes it now already, through skilful SendString-instructions, what but really only a Notlösung stay should. The Plugin-Unit sorgt Yes for a gesicherten Shared-Memory, whom the editor to Time only updated, later becomes it there also yourself data inquire, The of Plugin come. identification of editor-instance to that Plugin happens over a GUID, so the Verwechslungen really impossible go can. in the momentum be I Yes yet with whom Vorarbeiten, so the still Proposals erwünscht are. on the side circa Irrtümern vorzubeugen: The Projektdatei becomes no About dazugehörigen Files include, there this too completely unnecessary is. circa any Files one Projekts To loading, for are The Filelists suitable. otherwise sufficient yes a Doubleclick on The *.inc or anything else certain lines and these becomes immediate opened |
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 ASKTEC | Hello Thomas...
the editor sees very very promising from... Gefällt me well...
here another small Please for The Options: Ermögliche Please a Pfadangabe, for the open and Save the projects... so one voreinstellen can, where one its projects stored has and at open not always The entire disk durchforsten must...
Desweiteren would it class, if one later too a Own Font for editor take on could...
otherwise freue I already on The future versions 
Andreas |
| Profan 7.6 / XProfan 8 / XProfan 9 ~ W2k Prof. / Win XP Prof. ~ AMD XP2000+ / P4 3.80 GHz | 06/21/05 ▲ |
 | >> Pfadangabe, for the open and Save the projects is on jedenfall a virtually thing and becomes come
>> a Own Font for editor take on could is planned. whether The Font then On-The-Fly updated becomes can I not yet say. The Syntax-colours and attributes go too interchangeable his. there The distinction of commands and Function anyhow something inaccurate is, can it his that I these in a group pack and as 3 Highlightfarbe a Benutzerdefinierte list einlese. there can either XPSE extensions or InlineASM highlight let. Have unfortunately only 3 Wortlisten in this Lexxer available. |
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 | @Andreas To it so far is, save still simply The FileList under WhileLoop & ex. The sorgt for, the any required Files loaded go, independent of it where tappt im dunkeln itself find. Also can these too Doppelklicken |
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