XProfEd - Opensource IDE



REM heading as commands (means with mind. one space behind it) too a Kommentarzeile one. The ought to means too properly eingefärbt go.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

REM heading as commands (means with mind. one space behind it) too a Kommentarzeile one. The ought to means too properly eingefärbt go.


OK the bring I one - must REM but in the KontrollstrukturenKeywordliste stay!

AsmStart & AsmEnd & AsmInclude becomes in the next Version too gefolded (what makes sense thats area often very long are)

KeyWord3$ ought to then too these imply, means:
@Roland: Own Farbauswahlmöglichkeit for ASM-Keywords and Own KeywordTabelle? i think Yes, Farbnummer SCE_B_ASM = 14

.SciMessage(~SCI_SETKEYWORDS, 5, Addr(AssemblerKeyWords$))

@Frank: Vervollständigst You something You there gladly everything drinn would have?
Assemblerkeywords$=aaa aad aam aas adc add and arpl bound bsf bsr bswap bt btc btr bts call cbw cdq clc cld cli clts
+ cmc cmova cmovb cmovc cmove cmovg cmovl cmovo cmovp cmovs cmovz cmovna cmovnb cmovnc cmovne cmovng cmovnl cmovno
+ cmovnp cmovns cmovnz cmovae cmovbe cmovge cmovle cmovpe cmovpo cmovnae cmovnbe cmovnge cmovnle cmp cmpsb cmpsd cmpsw
+ cmpxchg cmpxchg8B cpuid cwd cwde daa das dec div enter hlt idiv imul in inc insb insd insw int int03 int3 into invd
+ invlpg iret iretd iretw ja jb jc je jg jl jo jp js jz jna jnb jnc jne jng jnl jno jnp jns jnz jae jbe jge jle jpe
+ jpo jnae jnbe jnge jnle jcxz jecxz jmp lahf lar lds lea leave les lfs lgdt lgs lidt lldt lmsw lock lodsb lodsd lodsw
+ loop loope loopne loopnz loopz lsl lss ltr mov movsb movsd movsw movsx movzx mul neg nop not or out outsb outsd outsw
+ pop popa popad popaw popf popfd popfw push pusha pushad pushaw pushf pushfd pushfw rcl rcr rdmsr rdpmc rdtsc rep repe
+ repne repnz repz ret retf retn rol ror sahf sal sar sbb scasb scasd scasw seta setb setc sete setg setl seto setp
+ sets setz setna setnb setnc setne setng setnl setno setnp setns setnz setae setbe setge setle setpe setpo setnae
+ setnbe setnge setnle sgdt shl shld shr shrd sidt sldt smint smintold smsw stc std sti stosb stosd stosw str sub syscall
+ sysenter sysexit sysret test verr verw wait wbinvd wrmsr xadd xchg xlatb xor .186 .286 .386 .486 .586 .686 .8086 .8087
+ .alpha .break .code .const .continue .cref .data .data? .dosseg .else .endif .endw .err .err2 .errb .errdef .errdif
+ .errdifi .erre .erridn .erridni .errnb .errndef .errnz .exit .if .k3d .lall .lfcond .list .listall .listif .listmacro
+ .listmacroall .mmx .model .no87 .nocref .nolist .nolistmacro .radix .repeat .sall .seq .sfcond .stack .startup .tfcond
+ .type .until .untilcxz .while .xall .xcref .xlist .xmm __FILE__ __LINE__ abs alias align assume bits byte byte catstr
+ class code comm comment common data db dd df dosseg dq dt dw dword echo else elseif elseif2 end endif endm endp ends equ
+ even exitm extern externdef extrn for forc fword goto group if if2 ifb ifdef ifdif ifdifi ife ifidn ifidni ifndef include
+ includelib instr invoke irp irpc label macro name option org %out oword page popcontext proc proto public purge
+ pushcontext qword real4 real8 real10 record repeat rept sbyte sdword segment sizestr struc struct substr subtitle
+ subttl sword tbyte textequ title typedef union while word+chr$(0ss=s2>)

so would fit.

If Frank The Assembler-list absegnet, can I it so install. The list becomes then but abschaltbar his, there it whom normalen User without XPSE and XPIA well annoy would, if suddenly command, The it in Profan not gives, from heiterem sky eingefärbt go.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Garnicht necessary Roland therefore trouble I in the Lexer - these IDs go only within AssemblerBlöcken mind!

The list has Frank abgesegnet.

BTW: The clinging []() go How Operatorten treats, are but no! (tappt im dunkeln should unbehandelt stay.)
against are AND OR and MOD Operators (and should as far as I'm concerned the list the Strukturbefehle removes go)!

If it Problems power, that it tappt im dunkeln yet as antiquated functions in the Funktionsliste gives, can I tappt im dunkeln there too to remove.

otherwise there today evening first time Version 0.98a the XPROFED. [+] and [-] were yet vertauscht and it given with Prozedurern within Procedures undschöne small Aussetzer into lines. Also ruckelte and jumping the Scrolling to Suchvorgängen, I forgot a attitude zurückzusetzen.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

OK, []() I will from the Operatorenliste Remove.

And Or and Mod can I as Operators einschleusen, and only then, as they not as functions used go. for the three need we but no Keywordtabelle - The do we simply hardcoden ok? ^^

from the Strukturbefehle scheduler should tappt im dunkeln then but out...

i know Yes not as you goes, but I come with the ITALIC certain lines not clear.
straight into Kommentaren must I always with angespitzter tongue on The right place clicking or first character type (shit moreover), again weglöschen and on The right place settle.

Can the Italic not to remove?

is it possible with whom Syntaxfarben the Bold self take on to? (behind whom Farbbalken a Checkbox).

REM was already erwähnt...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

PS.: Italic against Bold supplant, is now OK.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

lovely, very beautiful. will be I same testing.

see so did i so Michael - the XProfEd is indeed Opensource - the can means everything tuned go or. can the FarbAuswahlDialog Yes of everybody extended go sodaß there - How ichs too gladly had - for each colour too The suitable Fontattribute selectable his could.

in the Grunde hats nothing with the Lexer To do, it setting only The Styles The of editor dependent get.
so too eachone to that EditorSource contribute can have I Yes here these Rubriken created: [...] 

@Roland: everything here besprochene is umgesetzt - supra the new DLL V0.0.3 to that Download! Please absolutely in this Zusammhang too these [...]  Keywordtabellen bring into action!

@Frank: Asmstart, AsmInclude, AsmEnd faltet now too. I have a manner SubLexer integrate which itself around the ASM-area kümmert. it go Strings recognized and Rems through ; and the Keywords from the KeywordTabelle go gehighlighted.

@any: If you too others reaches folden want... for have I one Special installed. simply { to that Open and } to that Closing one Foldingblockes write! accordingly could large DEF  or DECLARE -reaches gefoldet go. good idea Thomas!

there's well unfortunately another unschöner bow in the Lexer at fold:

If one z.B. first ENDPROC writes and later PROC (odere in a Program the first PROC ausremt and the remainder the procedure can), unit it quite confusion and shows incorrect Falt-Symbols on.


its no bow, its one feature: Notepad++ power it very so. stupid only, if one with gefalteter PROC The yet visible PROC-row weglöscht. then is the point to that Aufklappen lane, but the restlichen Lines are in the Verborgenen yet there. As I said, too at Notepad++.
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

I wanted to The Check boxes install, but I come simply not further.

since I The Registry with in that boat taken have säuft the Kahn ex...

I setz the time to the others sharing...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

One exhaust any Procedures one-/ausklappen and any Structures one-/ausklappen would yet terrific!
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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