XProfEd - Opensource IDE

Platform SDK benefit with XProfEd

The following hint depends itself on advanced users (Flatrate recommended)

The everywhere known Win32.hlp has Yes already since längerem no longer being used. The successor PSDK and MSDN are but not so slight useable (everything over COM). remedy creates one Freeware-Viewer, as well as the here gepostete XProfan-code.

who this Tipp uses sustain kontextsensitive API-Help by platform SDK (MSDN too possible)

what need we?
1. platform SDK (ca 400 MB), free download under: [...] 

2. H2Viewer (ca 400 KB), Freeware download under:
[...]  (H2Viewer135.zipper)

and subesquent XProfan-Source Please adjust, Exe create and in that User Menu insert!
Declare H2Viewer$, AktuellesWort$, Hilfe$
Hilfe$ = "MS.PSDKSVR2003SP1.1033"  MSDN usw. sind auch möglich
H2Viewer$ = "D:\Programmieren\H2Viewer\H2Viewer.exe"  bitte anpassen
AktuellesWort$ = GetEnv$("XPRF_W")  funktioniert ab XProfEd 0.99!!!
WinExec(H2Viewer$ + " " + Hilfe$ + " /appID XProfan /index " + AktuellesWort$, 1)

Kontextsensitive Help becomes first ex XProfEd 0.99 functions, in the momentum becomes the actually word means yet ignoring, but testing can it already, becomes solely The Startseite opened.

plenty Fun so

PS: before the first Test Please the platform SDK once so started!

Well and if there something not round separate angularly runs - intern werkelt again a M$-API:[quote:bbf084b7e6]Q. is H2Viewer with DExplore Microsoft How compatible?
A. H2Viewer beruht on the equal H2 API call- and ActiveX Startkonfiguration- and Indexkontrollen.

Q. reader the MS representative appear, but won't talk?
A. for windows.xp must tappt im dunkeln SAPI 4.0 ( speech API) place.

Q. H2Viewer verriegelt sometimes itself supra for a few Menuetts. can tappt im dunkeln this regulate?
A. If a aggregation to that first time loaded becomes or after a Änderung loaded
becomes to aggregation formed, The tappt im dunkeln see, that a display, The of a long followed becomes, delayed
How windows index- and Nachschlagentabellen umbaut. this is a part of MS Help 2 not
under ours Control. having tappt im dunkeln a shell coffee and come tappt im dunkeln in 5 minutes back.

Q. Suchresultate go with 500 Einzelteilen trimmed?
A. this a Restriction of MS Help 2 not the Projektor. MS works on of/ one Solution.

Q. filter are big but take means langes To edit and To Change. can I this supra speed?
A. again his a Restriction of MS Help 2. computer receive faster and MS correct tappt im dunkeln Überschußzeit.

Q. sometimes, if I Steckverbindung a aggregation, The my authoring tool The Startkonfiguration uses, disappears.
A. The verschwindene Startkonfiguration declared them, that the aggregation, The tappt im dunkeln write, not is
syntaktisch correctly. reading tappt im dunkeln our on-line-Tutorial and attempt, The your aggregation vergleichen
with ours Demoansammlung: MS H2 aggregation Tutorial.

Q. How I Content the MS Help 2 cause.
A. we afford one shareware product on, the WEITES HTML called becomes. it contains charmer, circa tappt im dunkeln to obtain quick gehend.
our product H2Reg allows them, Ansammlungen H2 to installation Time quick To Register.
Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

having tappt im dunkeln a shell coffee - OK.
but Resultate already to 5 minutes??
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

super hint!

but integrally round walk also not! One Installer from Ner Website out the dank ActiveX only with IE functions... savage.

you mean certainly The WebInstallation of M$. The likes so did i not. Have me the PSDK as ISO-Image loaded and of there installs. [...] 

The function with the Agenten is really superfluously, but the H2Viewer operates rather as DExplorer of M$.

Have time the probiert.

Help$ = MS.NETFrameworkSDKv1.1.DE
AktuellesWort$ = class

though the Viewer fündig becomes machts always Pling - is the one feature?

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

the the part too vorlesen can is incidentally ne Wohltat (well Yes, almost anyway).
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I Have no Plink
talk does it by me neither, but for class becomes C#-Programmierreferenz with class opened, functions means. however power the Framework SDK for XProfan not so much sense

but to that testing, before one The 400 MB loading, because to the Framework SDK already has.

...and who attempts itself now on the XProfan.help2 so we the part too fully ausreizen can?
CHM should it too Show, creates it then too the HLP stature?
(sozusagen The eierlegende Wollmilchsau)
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I personally be not so keen of H2 stature. Have by me PSDK installs, subsequently VB Express. there me not zusagte, Have I deinstalliert and speedy was M$ typical too the PSDK not any more funktionsfähig. Reparaturfunktion of PSDK, as well as Neuinstallation brought none success. first after I VB Express neuinstalliert having, I ment again

this H2Viewer appear me something unproblematischer. but Own Aids I will temporary yet as chm write. or. Have too yet no free Tools to that create of H2 Aids seen.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Sven Bader08/07/21


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