XProfEd - Opensource IDE

The XProfan-Lexer

How Roland it already erwähnt has there now a Lexer for XProfan - a completely new and own for the Scintilla-Control.

Download SciLexer.dll for XProfan

i'll here for drop that I Changes on the Lexer undertaken have always The neuste DLL to that Download offer.

what me on whom grundlegenden Lexern for Scrintilla disturbing is the words often not immediate eingefärbt get once one whom last letters written having - separate first a letters later.

the XProfanLexer have I however beigebracht it so To do - as itself IMHO heard.

what the Lexer can:


StringsString are XProfan with umschlossen and terminate fundamentally at the latest on the Zeilenende, be because, on the Zeilenende is the characters , then becomes the String on the Folgezeile fortgeführt.

commentscomments go with or with REM eingeleitet and terminate on the Zeilenende.

XPSE-User having two further Opportunities.
comments einleiten with // which too on the Zeilenende terminate
comments einleiten with /* which itself too over several Lines until */ erstrecken can, or still in the equal row with */ exits go.

KompilerdirektivenLines which with a $ begin are Kompilerdirektivenzeilen

ProceduresIdentifier which from the Prozedurenkeywordlist stammen go as Procedures recognized. gives it whom same Identifier too as function checks the Lexer anhand the Syntax whether The function instead of The procedure meant is. If still The function meant is becomes against anhand the Syntax screen whether the Funktionsname Perhaps still only as Variable - or Methodendefinition - interprets go should. (phew)

functionsIdentifier which from the Funktionenkeywordlist stammen go as functions recognized. Anhand the Syntax becomes too geschaut whether the Funktionsname Perhaps only as Variablenname - or Methodendefinition - To understand is. (phew)

KontrollstrukturenIdentifier which from the Kontrollstrukturenkeywordlist stammen go as Kontrollstrukturen recognized.

SystemvarialbenIdentifier which from the Systemvarialbenkeywordlist stammen go as Systemvarialben recognized.

variablesIdentifier which from none Keywordtabelle stammen but a TypChar carry, count as variables, too then if the Identifier in the Funktionenkeywordlist aufgelistet But the Syntax shows the the Identifier not as function used becomes. (phew)

DigitsDigits go as such recognized. follows on a digit one point so becomes this as Operator recognized, be because, on the point follows against a digit. (Point numbers)

ZahlenkonstantenZahlenkonstanten of type Hex,be or Oct go as such recognized and as Digits eingefärbt. it'll too screen whether The Zahlenkonstante validly is. %012 is null How $0FFU or &1238 and becomes yellow eingefärbt.

Operatorsfollowing Operators go as such recognized: %^&*-+=|{}:;<>,/?!.~ or and mod
go or and mod however as functions uses recognize it the Lexer.

Faltungfollowing Identifier bezeichnen a Faltung:


InlineAssemblerwithin InlineAssemblerblöcken clutching a manner Sublexer:

AssemblerKeywordsAssemblerKeywords from the AssemblerKeywordTabelle
StringsStrings with umschlossen and terminate fundamentally at the latest on the Zeilenende
commentscomments in Assemblerblöcken go with ; eingeleitet and terminate on the Zeilenende

double LottchenThe Lexer helps you and recognize double Lottchen (command unterschiedlichen Types equal Namens) anhand the Syntax and shows so whether The Inputs too correctly interprets would. If z.B. same behind DeleteObject  a Klammer follows, so becomes the word as an afterthought again zurückgefärbt, and similar Features in others situations... . it'll but too recognized whether it itself Perhaps circa a Variablenbezeichnung or a method deals and according as whether The Syntax then for correctly would remaining The tint consist,- or ebend not. (phew)
Syntaxhinweisea yellow background get Keywords which möglicherweise into next XProfanversion not any more supported go. One gelber background becomes but too displayed if something with the Syntax not is correct. yellow means Info.
antiquated Keywordsantiquated Keywords receive a red background and should not any more uses go or. make for Fehlermeldungen of Compiler.
Escapesequenzenwithin Strings go Escapesequenzen visible made. particularly for Programmieranfänger ought to this very helpful his To discern, that here a Special Perhaps ungewollte Zeichenkombination apply is.

Known Bugs:

who Bugs in the Lexer feststellt can the request here, or with whom Bugreports  post.

XProfan Scintilla Lexer

310 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: 0.0.8b


bow eliminating: After System-Variables were Operators in Systemvariablenfarbe.

EasterEgg installed for LexerVersionsKontrolle.

New feature: If functions written, and eingefärbt get, but afterwards another Freizeichen angehangen watts the too XProfan it as procedure understand would, instead of a Klammer, so becomes as an afterthought The Funktionsfärbung removes. simply at times Destroywindow ( try.

New feature: If Procedures written, and eingefärbt get, but immediately in the Connection a Klammer instead of one Freizeichen angehangen watts, so becomes as an afterthought The Prozedurfärbung removes in order to show it is correct what not.

with Kontrollstrukturen I'm going now similar to, either one Space or garnichts behind it, a gleichanschliessende Klammer however deaktiviert as an afterthought the Keyword.

I faith these both Features help the helps ungemein richtigeren Code write.

I yourself stolpere often over DeleteObject and Destroywindow in XProfan


bow discover, to Funktionsnamen which double Lottchen are go clinging in Operatorenfarbe displayed instead of Black. ^^ well Have I take off The 0.0.5 ^^


some Bugs eliminating.

new Features are likewise hinzugekommen,

only time circa one To name: with the new editor (the first comes) go farblich Warnungen displayed if a incorrect Syntax akin, or antiquated command/functions used go.

Update on V0.0.6

within Strings go Escapesequenzen visible made. particularly for Programmieranfänger ought to this very helpful his To discern, that here a Special Perhaps ungewollte Zeichenkombination apply is.

but make we nothing to, self experienced Programmer tappen in these entrapment, particularly if the code Perhaps times not the Own is...

The LexerÄnderungen are visible when the editor that here intus has: [...] 

Update on V0.0.7

Zahlenkonstanten of type Hex,be or Oct go as such recognized and as Digits eingefärbt. it'll too screen whether The Zahlenkonstante validly is. %012 is null How $0FFU or &1238 and becomes yellow eingefärbt.

BugFix: Geremte XPSE-Kompilerschalter go not more than UserFoldings recognized.

Update on V0.0.8

# have I as only Typenbezeichnung from the System-Variables abgekoppelt - now works too with # with the Klassendefinitionen.

Hexzahlen - which with small Chars described are - go not any more angemeckert.

BugFix on V0.0.8b

Wg. Lexercodeverbummelung Better get going a new give, a better: [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sven Bader08/21/21


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