XProfEd - Opensource IDE

XProfEd with Messagebox Designer

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have a Inc-File written The one dialog aufruft in the is a Messagebox Generate can.
one it can there testing and then into Clipboard copy circa these later into own View source einzufügen.
in the attachment is the finished XProfEd.exe and the Inc-File. Perhaps can it Yes someone use.

Greeting Fränki (since of/ one week finally on XProfan10)

361 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Messagbox Designer
Seit 2008 endlich XProfan 10, ist einfach klasse

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(because sächsische Grundschüler are known particularly endearing, well and polite - particularly as they with MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. XProfan learn)

can I only confirm, whom Paul has too by me bedankt [/offtopic]

Paul says thanks

Dietmar horn
Hello Frank,

time foreseen of it, that your INC under none PRF-Version functions can (z.B. fehlende Def SetWindowlong ...) here another couple Notes of me:

The XProfed.exe beizufügen is crept and simply nonsense, because without SciLexer.dll launch the editor anyhow not sensible. and How You with the XProfan-editor a Include-File to that Perform persuade want, is well for ever your secret stay.

to INC on itself:

this is of my opinion to a very nice Fleißarbeit! still Why The Einschränkung Windows ex XP (because of Access to UXTHEME.DLL, The it first ex XP gives)? with this Mini-Program is the still none necessary!

and what should the because z.B. with Proc MessageboxDesign() his? This will of XProfan as function angemeckert, its Definition not found go can.

Optisch fits for my savour too some not so correctly., what z.B. The length the Texts concerns.

for the 123. Messagebox-Designer are missing me further Einstellmöglichkeiten, The already in the XProfan-Help described are - to that example: values for DEFAULT or for FENSTERART.

even if itself the Jüngste of my three(!) actually Lieblingspaulchens well and artig for your INC bedankt has (because sächsische Grundschüler are known particularly endearing, well and polite - particularly as they with MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. XProfan learn), stops I your INC without further Notes To its Use for Programmieranfänger for completely unfit (because tappt im dunkeln as INC in the vorliegenden shape simply not functions can).

because I do not only meckern would like, have I from Your code on The speedy time a lauffähigen PRF-code gebastelt. to that better understanding are The replaced Original-Codezeilen weitestgehend include or. as comments marked - see Appendix (EXE and PRF).

if You nothing against it have, would I your INC-code gladly as Presentation take and from it occasionally 1-2-fix one demonstration-Program basteln and the whole story then in my XProfan-manager under [course] -> [demonstration-programs with Source code] install (naturally with Source). One Info on your Urheberschaft becomes naturally include his, because i want me under no circumstance with strangers feathers deck want ...


Vielen Thanks for many Info and naturally have I nothing against it if you one demonstration from it make, for is it Yes there .
be very glad over The Info what about me can from it Yes only learn.
hope the nächstemal make I it already rather. me missing too unfortunately The Time moreover

Vielen Thanks, Fränki
Seit 2008 endlich XProfan 10, ist einfach klasse


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Thanks say isn't wrong. But if I the of you in all possible Threads read, nervt it. then schreib at least, for what very You you bedankst...

@Frank: I faith Paul is 9 - what me on it reminds that I The Geburtsdatumeingabe in the Profil make possible wished - and the optionale Altersanzeige in the Profil. I faith Paul must simply time so thanks say. Paul would like certainly only a couple first Posts verzappen so defined informations it not any more showing.

rather once too much thanks say as not at all

too true...

is correct! Paul G. is middle december 2007 straight time 9 years young become. i know the very, because it a day to me birthday has and of/ one of my schoolboy is. he's even on seinem birthday of 16.00 watch To 18.00 watch to that XProfan-course come, though it etliche kilometres of Hoyerswerda removes dwelling.

Related to the many thanks should we with it not integrally so tight see. this is still rather, as itself never To thank, after one here constantly Free Hilfestellungen get.

because Paul G. one intelligentes and pfiffiges XProfan-Kerlchen is, go we of it presumably too so manchen niveauvollen Posting expect can, if it first time yet 1 - 2 years XProfan-mäßig durchhält. Paul has now already several Bugs in the XProfan-manager found, The erfahrenere Programmer during the past 6 - 7 years not tracking and me communicating could.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Paul has now already several Bugs in the XProfan-manager found, The erfahrenere Programmer during the past 6 - 7 years not tracking and me communicating could.

what naturally quite nothing aussagt over The quality the Programmer or otherwise some measured darstellt.
I have The experience made, that The unerfahrendsten people The best Tester are. The testing too the, what experienced Usern entgeht, because it simply To trivial appear.

In others Forums there mitunter The vice, Erfahrenheit vorzutäuschen through initially qualitative low-rent Postings, circa so slight a high Postingzähler to obtain. therefore first my supposition.
would be in this Community but anyhow not functions - because To intim here.

I have The experience made, that The unerfahrendsten people The best Tester are. The testing too the, what experienced Usern entgeht, because it simply To trivial appear.

where You right have, have You right !


I have The experience made, that The unerfahrendsten people The best Tester are. The testing too the, what experienced Usern entgeht, because it simply To trivial appear.

is correct very! I have similar Experience made: bloody Beginner are often The allerbesten Tester! tappt im dunkeln clicking Konstellationen together, on The one erfahrenerer Programmer so quick none comes, because with it thereby constantly his Programmiererwissen in the back of the head mitläuft.

In others Forums there mitunter The vice, Erfahrenheit vorzutäuschen through initially qualitative low-rent Postings, circa so slight a high Postingzähler to obtain.

for the genuineness the Paul G. bürge I herewith! this is guaranteeing no Spinner, How about our ehemaliger great Betriebssystem-Programmer. who twice weekly to that XProfan-course comes (from his Place of residence from are the for its parents there and back per week loosly over 150 kilometres milage with the PKW - in the month means far over 600 kilometres ...), the can under no circumstance one such Spinner his..

and that our Mini-Paulchen by the increase of his Postingszählers defined informations to the Einloggen finally rid would like - the would I its place presumably likewise make.

If I only 10% the weekly XProfan-ask of Paul on me here post would, then would none on The idea come, it with a straight time Neunjährigen To do to have. The Most in this age group (3. Schuljahr) know Yes not yet time, How one whom Windoofs-Explorer launch, a File copies or a link on the desktop anlegt.

everything in everything means again one klarer proof for, How dead easy XProfan really even already of Grundschülern To erlernen is. and there bastelt Roland probably in its still Programmer-Kämmerlein nevertheless again at a new verkrüppelten XProfan-Version, with the it guaranteeing not The Weltherrschaft in the Segment the windows-Batch-Languages erringen becomes, as long as it not finally moreover durchringen likes, whom each actually XProfan-Interpreter without If and without but as Freeware freizugeben.

therefore first my supposition. would be in this Community but anyhow not functions - because To intim here.

too this is to that Happiness true! would be I z.B. not Derjenige, for I here ausgebe, then had it probably already long ago a Revolte of my Jugendlichen in ours Community against me given. that the Jugendlichen something like Real draufhaben, the having tappt im dunkeln Yes first recent with yours alternativen XProfan-Wettbewerbsausschreibung viewed. inverse would I naturally ditto interfere, if someone of our MMJ-people here irgendwelchen Garbage over itself or its allegedly skills posting. Soviele letters would the Hirn Desjenigen none take in can, How then my response-Posting (in Kilometern measured) long his would ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Peter Max Müller10/14/17


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