
Diverse Problems with the actually xpse

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Hello David,

whom XPSE use I for my projects since its existence. For this, rückwirkend, many Thanks. I wealth The Possibility slight Debugversionen to create. The enh-Files go eingescheckt around the Versionsstände To document - everything so far well.
unfortunately have I since the XProfan Version 10 quit whom XPSE To update. try To updaten hit[ed] with diversen Fehlern fehl. my Leidesdruck was neither particularly big - any projects ran Yes. meanwhile are The Opportunities the XPSE immens grown. Konkret have I to, nProc To benefit (in the Context for a Program without Hilfsprogramme as service walk To let). at that attempt on The actually XPSE umzustellen, fight I with most different Fehlern. with of/ one 'alten' XPSE is everything OK:
1. if Compileroptinen behind Include Files stand, go these not from the enh-File removes and make for Fehlermeldungen. thereby game apparently The Size the Includes a strain.
2. contains the name of/ one Procedur a Umlaut, becomes this Procedurname in the enh-File wrong eingefügt. from 'proc alles_löschen' becomes 'proc ALLES_LöSCHENöSCHEN'
3. Auskommentierte Compileroptionen dive partly in the enh-File and make for Fehlern
4. Error How z.B. double Funktionsdefinitionen make for Fehlern How z.B. 'Kompiler not gefunden'
point 1 is the, the me on the most To create power. The others items can I through revise the Codes into handle get. Since I with Visual windows work, I get The Kompileroptionen definitiv not on whom beginning the Codes.
I have time attempts from 10000 row View source something kleineres (sinnloses) to create, circa you The Possibility To give my Beobachtungen To to check on.

greetings from Rostock


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good tommorrow!

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)
Konkret have I to, nProc To benefit (in the Context for a Program without Hilfsprogramme as service walk To let).

I have whom switch noerr in the code seen and would like therefore in this
Context allude, that the switch in the Context with nProcs
moreover lead, that The nProcs not aufgelöst go, since the Fehlerprüfung necessary
is around the nProcs correctly. aufzulösen or. whom Asm To produce.

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)

1. if Compileroptinen behind Include Files stand, go these not from the enh-File removes and make for Fehlermeldungen. thereby game apparently The Size the Includes a strain.

I must confess even notice to have, a actually View source of xpse
momentarily not at all to hand to have there it on an external Festplatte lying The
itself to Time in another Bundesland rumlungert. whom View source of/ one very
plenty ältern Version have I here to hand and therein sammle I in 2. Durchlauf
any Kompilerschalter until end the Codes. on the weekend come I
on my externe Festplatte and then look I again very to.

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)
2. contains the name of/ one Procedur a Umlaut, becomes this Procedurname in the enh-File wrong eingefügt. from 'proc alles_löschen' becomes 'proc ALLES_LöSCHENöSCHEN'

for xpse are Umlaute objectively Sonderzeichen and therefore in Bezeichnernamen
fundamentally unzulässig. I have but already began, these Umlaute To
make possible and in the next Update would these too correctly functions.

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)
3. Auskommentierte Compileroptionen dive partly in the enh-File and make for Fehlern

have I me on The ToDo -Listeangefügt and I will me over again accurate
look at.

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)
4. Error How z.B. double Funktionsdefinitionen make for Fehlern How z.B. 'Kompiler not gefunden'
point 1 is the, the me on the most To create power. The others items can I through revise the Codes into handle get. Since I with Visual windows work, I get The Kompileroptionen definitiv not on whom beginning the Codes.

OK i see. here ought to then the Insert the switch by Include correctly.
functions I me over again very look at will be.

Ragnar Rehbein (11.02.13)

I have time attempts from 10000 row View source something kleineres (sinnloses) to create, circa you The Possibility To give my Beobachtungen To to check on.

the has super worked or. can I any Error understand, even if I
unfortunately with my Posting here you not really a Problemlösung offer can.

thanks, that You you the so quick respected have.
I have then Yes in the momentum enough Time, whom View source such a long time To wallop To I without whom noerr switch auskomme. becomes whom Programs sure well get.
lovely day yet.


what about me will be you over again explizit (by Mail) write down if I the next
Update ready have.

Hello David,

a problem have I yet found the unschön is. because of vieler old Source have I The profalt.inc of Roland eingebunden.
The Definition the middle-aged functions lead at XPSE always To Error 'Doppeldefinitionen'. z.B.:
DEF add(2) @!(1) + @!(2)
If to the whole as proc definiert works it without Error.
furthermore is me noticed, that the Zeilennummern with Fehlern not any more voices. If the program on a Error runs and this with Zeilennummer outputs, is correct these not any more with the enh-File überein. in the momentum have I no idea Why the lying could.


With the whom Zeilennummern in wonder me too,
you mean The of XProfan gemeldete Zeilennummer?

With the Add & Co. is simply To explain, The "Philosophie" of XPSE
is in the point fundamentally from the the XProfan abweichend, as that
xpse according to Version always for a defined XProfan-Version virtual is
or. for View source of/ one designed XProfan-Version.

Hierbei says The first number the Versionsangabe the XPSE from, for which
XProfan it operates, z.B.:

XProfan Praekompiler [XPSE]
copyright (C) 1998-2010 XProfan.com, built DE.

operates one means with XProfan 10 Codes, then becomes it zwangsläufig Problems
give, if one with the XPSE for XProfan 11 operates. this is insofern
"mitgekauft", as that otherwise against others items not at all possible wären,
The xpse 11.x with XProfan 11 make possible can.

want one means XProfan 10 Codes with XPSE for XProfan 11 use,
so must one The Codes on the XProfan 11 stood bring, there xpse this
not automatically konvertieren becomes what against too its "Rolle and
Bedeutung" has.

Perhaps would it from this visibility sinnvoller, new projects in the new Style
to create and ältere projects in the middle-aged Style To leave, or, where it even
not goes or erwünscht is, old projects on the actually stood To bring.

Hello David,

your Begründung can I not integrally understand. Why is the name of/ one function not permitted if it with Def definiert becomes? with Proc is everything OK.
'ADD' there ex XProfan 11 not any more - means is the name still to disengaged Disposal.
With the whom incorrect Zeilennummern lying on the Benutzung of CASE in the enh-File. the there were former not. currently using created The XPSE etliche CASE command with the Quellcodeoptimierung:

declare __cf8&, __cfMode&
__cf8&=0 : CASE __cfMode& : __cf8& = 1
proc __cfEOP
parameters exitcode&
case %pcount=1 : end exitcode&

Obiges example shows Error in line 12, though the Error in line 9 is.

Hello David,

having straight the Problem with the new Datumsfunktionen. Thanks Forum was The Solution quick found: {$pushkeyword dt}
Looks for me as an Übergangslösung from. becomes the in a new Version changed ?

Greeting Ragnar

clear, How written is the is offizielle xpse-Version for XProfan 11 -
{$pushkeyword word,word,word,...} is very for this object there, that
one as an afterthought Keywords Register can. naturally knows the
next xpse then The properly new Keywords. myself
have me not yet so correctly. on XProfan 12 herangetraut there it here
and there yet small Fehlerchen having so I to date really
everything with the "stabilen" XProfan 11 beget.

Hello David,

once in the week I get of NOD32 whom 'netten' Info, that I a virus Namens xpse.exe on the computer have. has You a Idea what in Your Program NOD To so of/ one Message prompted ? is already since years so. I thought, that this evtl. with aktuelleren versions not any more appears. therefore is it the network always difficult what hither and thither To copy. I must whom Admin always persuade NOD time abzuschalten. too the runterladen new versions configures itself therefore langwierig.

Greeting Ragnar

Oho, so far me now falls in, are You the yet only, of these Info.

XPSE self has/ uses no APIs, The z.B. in that network telephone or similar
activities cause. Perhaps falls the Scanner something on, because xpse The names
such APIs in memory holds, there it Yes any APIs in Calls konvertiert but directly as
virus watts it so far I know yet never marks.

here time a analysis of virustotal.com: [...] 

there report too 2 of 46 Scannern a "Möglicherweise"-Fund.

The XProfan11-Runtime becomes too with 2 of 44 bemeckert: [...] 
I faith that to the never integrally lane get.

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Hello David,

have from aktuellem Anlass attempts one Program with:
{$Debug kernelout}
To kompilieren.

unfortunately without success.
[18:28:38] Objektcode: TEST.asm(153) : Error A2121: symbol hardship defined : __CF0
[18:28:38] warning: Error in the Assembler.

what becomes there for ASM code created ?
on the Program kanns not lying, one simple CLS reicht in order to the Error To come.

Greeting Ragnar

Hello David,

wished time inquiries, as so looks.
that I $Debug kernelout not any more benefit can is something onerous.
have me first one Program written, the whom Source in Debugcode umwandelt. But sure not senses the Erfinders ?

Greeting Ragnar


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