
DLL in nproc benefit


In XProfan is the Yes no trouble
h_dll& =usedll("hashes.dll")
@ImportFunc(h_dll&, "testit", "MakeHash")'or:
'DEF testit(3) ! "hashes.dll","testit"
Hash_Str& = MakeHash(@addr(File$),Hash_Typ$,0)
Freedll h_dll&

for XPSE find I moreover in the Doku no function, and here unfortunately too nirgends an example, where one time look could.
goes the appeal too a nproc out ??
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


You benötigst hold The Funktionsadresse and the refer simply by GetProcAddress (  [...]  ) z.B. to LoadLibrary (  [...]  ).

i'd The DLL simply ausserhalb of/ one nProc with usedll loading and the Funktionsadresse the function testit relating and from the nProc only one Call on The function utilize.

thereby can you Global help, z.B. for a Long with the address To "importieren" or one Long the a Speicherhandlewert holds of a memory the against several Funktionsadressen holds.

simply super !! functions very How desired. now comes probably the externe 1-T-disk with the Bereitstellung the data not any more to , the nproc pausiert and the disk rattert (only-reading-mode)
in the XProfan - proc was is differently around: the Program "werkelte" and the disk waited...
If yet in nproc the Translate  functions would... but I mean, the werf I on The ToDo-list for XPSE

too To notice: The processor-Auslastung has on over The Half minimizes:
proc: Auslastung 50% (on More bekomm I XProfan-Proggs not)
nproc: so between 15-20 %

now werd I well drann carriages, the nproc as own Thread to start, then becomes well too the leidige Topic with updating the Hwnd (somewhere differently here To reading) one end having .

...and then Have I yet couple things found, which XPSE absolutely yet "lernen" must !!
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

look time Translate:  [...] 

there's too another Geheimforum:  [...]  -

"geheim" because it for niemanden Benachrichtigungen with new Posts gives -

there can native functions tuned go The z.B. into Sprachschatz for native Profan späterer XPSE-versions be installed could.

A propos "geheim" -- have you got already a Solution for, that it here in the Forum heavy is, a designed area to find, if one which URL not knows?

Nico Madysa (19.01.12)
A propos "geheim" -- have you got already a Solution for, that it here in the Forum heavy is, a designed area to find, if one which URL not knows?

such reaches there? How hot these? oO


iF (19.01.12)
such reaches there? How hot these? oO

can I you not say, because I your URL not have and without not find.

No, in the serious: in the Verlaufe the last months be I either by Link or by "neue Beiträge" one, two, Perhaps three time in Forums debarked, of them I no idea having, that they existieren -- geschweige because, where.

I faith, it would integrally neat, if one in the sew the Forentitels (here "XPSE/XProfan Präkompiler") a manner Path to this Forum had, or Stammbaum, or what white I. hold a Orientierungshilfe, for diejenigen, which not so in- and rote with the Forum know How You.

with the new Layout becomes everything rather!

even if I you already the new Layout viewed having...

this is again old and the new integrally plenty differently rather unso!

[OFFTOPIC]we're going see. [/OFFTOPIC]

hm, with nproc translate$ "knallt" it sometime: d.h. Program becomes without comment exits. the Probem exit on, if the Progg number of times one after another (not multiple at the same time !!) called becomes. what too To watch is: with each Program-appeal becomes the computer slower ("Eieruhr") .
Gibts there in nproc Problems with the memory-release ??
Have the nproc already time complete differently benannt, circa complications with vorhandenen command auszuschliessen >> no improvement.
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


nProcs self having no memory-release-trouble,

be because one power a Programmierfehler and with this Translate$-function (  [...]  )

can I this in the momentum not 100% exclude.

In nProcs "knallts" z.B. if one with del$ something deletes what not at all there's because the functions on speed getrimmt no Bereichsüberprüfungen manage.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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