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Nico Madysa | Hello iF!
I have in my Hauptprogramm some APIs through ImportDLL() import, and of course to folgendem pattern CompileMarkSeparation the connected are some Include Files, of them a, eigens for this program erstellte on even these functions zurückgreift, bspw. with CompileMarkSeparation now force me some particular circumstances moreover, XPSE To benefit, which however jedesmal aufs new behauptet, it be The function u_GetWindowRect() in XYZ.INC uncharted.
over again I will hereon allude, that these procedure maßgeschneidert for this program is what about me accordingly on items, which first in the Hauptprogramm definiert go grab can wants. yet force me these Error Message moreover, constantly {$noerr} To use, by which though naturally too any real Error ignoring go, what me ditto mißfällt.
my question now: is a such Kapselung of Include Files really necessary or could XPSE not simply gnädiger his? |
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Nico Madysa | iF
@Nico: The NOERR-joint can for individual cases of pushKeyWord prevented go
Haha, I knew still, that it there yet something for individual case given - only, that I forget having, that the thing PushKeyWord hieß - thanks!
alternatively could I one omen for functions invent which not angewarnt go should, something like How __.
and How wärs, if You simply ausläsest, which prefix in ImportFunc/ImportDLL indicated and is any functions with the ausgelesenen Präfixen ignored? the klappte then in my obigen Examples Yes with everything DLLs except for The Prospeed - then müßten XPSE-User hold with Import-x() one prefix indicate, a Einschränkung, on which even I gewöhnen could. |
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| it name itself Tilde.
for me is a thing... naturally I had already voller Erwartung on The instruction gewartét.
having To dwell with a Kameraden above already a bet completed. means, you are already correctly. jolly, with you stay I is one Forum voller joke.
mfg |
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Matthias Arlt | Gratuliere to won bet |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 03/25/09 ▲ |
| @Nico: so similar make I the with whom Units, only that I there also yet compare whether The functions from the .def-File coincide and the Difference the that prefix not of/ one Stringkonstante stored* becomes. the ought to but hinzubekommen his if the prefix on a . (in Worten: point) end.
find I anyhow somehow comic (but nevertheless too against verständlich) the Roland the prefix with import... in a String expects. |
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RGH | iF
@Nico: so similar make I the with whom Units, only that I there also yet compare whether The functions from the .def-File coincide and the Difference the that prefix not of/ one Stringkonstante stored* becomes. the ought to but hinzubekommen his if the prefix on a . (in Worten: point) end. find I anyhow somehow comic (but nevertheless too against verständlich) the Roland the prefix with import... in a String expects.
the prefix is now time a Zeichenkette, So one String.
i'd though not whom point vorschreiben (Yes not even recommend). The Unterstrich would for this special drop The first electoral. The point part Objekt of method/quality or. class of method quality and has accordingly in the XProfan-Syntax a defined weight. yet allow I in Bezeichnern almost any characters, but I have already the öfteren above thought, Bezeichner on letters (A..Z,a..z), Digits (0..9) and Unterstriche (_) To limit, where the first characters one character or Unterstrich his must. The worry around the Herzkranzgefässe some altgedienter User, The it bislang differently held, has me yet of it abgehalten. ;)
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/25/09 ▲ |
| even if z.B. I do not always a class definiere - so einklassiere (I wished not klassifizieren write ) I nevertheless almost everything to this Syntax - the Overview because of behaupte I simply there are everything classes!
One example:
ogl.clear ogl.push ogl.pop
heard everything To ogl - How I find very useful and the ziehe I seither too in grösseren Programs so through.
one could means say, ogl be here to the Syntax a class - if too no real.
And if one z.B. a class DLL any functions einholt, then lying it still not at all remote To say: thisDll.method
the not integrally correctly is, is me clear - against XProfan however not Objektbezogen operates How z.B.
declare a$,b$ b$=a$.mid$(1,10)
with which the mine principle insich against coherent is and in the working day wide praktischste usage found has.
the against virtually is that none (Specifically) of my Opportunities you on something (How z.B. The abolition the Punktes from whom Bezeichnernamen) detain must I me the XProfan by XPSE Yes on my needs zurechtrücke. |
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| ...attempt of/ one Translation the last Beitrags in that Deutsche:
even if not always a class definiert becomes, richte I personally almost everything to this Syntax from. Examples:
ogl.clear ogl.push ogl.pop
here heard everything to (pseudo-)class ogl. I find the useful and contact the in all more Programs on.
If one a class DLL (is the one joke?, Anm.d.Ü.) any functions einholt (einholt is really heavy To translate, presumably means the author extract, Anm.d.Ü.), then lying it of my Erachtens near, for thisDll.method To write.
Dass the in the senses the Profan-Syntax not integrally correctly is, is clear - XProfan operates indeed not streng Objekt-related, there otherwise the following example functions should:
declare a$,b$ b$=a$.mid$(1,10)
my Vorgangsweise has at least whom benefit, in itself coherent To his, and has therefore (as mentioned above) in my Arbeitsalltag meanwhile wide virtually usage found.
naturally should the niemanden in the Syntax retrenching, about if someone point from its Bezeichnern generally banish wants. XPSE becomes anyway both Bezeichnersysteme support.
love editing, is correct the so? |
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| lovely!
I ought to you me absolutely for a Post suggest!
editing find I well! are You our editor? |
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| love editing, is correct the so?
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... |
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| @Nico: in the coming Version become You z.B. by CompileMarkSeparation determine can, that any Funktionsaufrufe which with u_ begin, not angewarnt go. one can accordingly too z.B. by CompileMarkSeparation any functions unangewarnt deklarieren, which with _ begin. |
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Nico Madysa | the comes me against, thanks! |
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| is already installed, plenty joke. |
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