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 Ragnar Rehbein | the intesessanteste on the XPSE find I The new compileroptionen, The it permit in a rutsch To compilieren, left and exe started.
unfortunately begreife I do not How the part eingebunden go should. I have both mutants from the Help tested. 1. as compiler and interpreter XPSE.EXE inserted 2. The in the Help beschriebene umbenennungsmasche
The xpse standing just in the black window there:
XProfan Syntax Enhancer Professional [XPSE] V0.1.2c
Memory: 847MB avaiable OS : WinNT (5) File : M:REHBEINXPROFANprofcomp.exe M:REHBEINXProfanxx x.prf -E prc
and becomes through tastendruck exits.
the only I hinbekomme is the appeal the kommandozeile, as parameter the Program. then results at least The sysntxübersetzung. compiler, linker and exe-start report a error.
what make I wrong ???
r.r. |
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 | Jaja, is Yes everything no trouble, but with the whom Compileroptionen has to of/ one CFG whom benefit, the one in each Program (proposition) self certainly with welchem Compiler, ressource etc. compiled becomes, the was before only with there-and-since-copy possible. I have but too nothing against a xpse.cfg, which already vordefinierte Compileroptionen contain. If however Compileroptionen in the Source found go, counts override. well? is the ne idea? 
Related to the way erledige I, The Syntaxüberprüfung is yet gründlicher, others Features are too new dazugekommen, i'll it well but first tommorrow create upzuloaden.
otherwise be I the opinion on Compileroptionen can not sufficient give, one must Yes not any benefit, but if one these time need are se available. 
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 Ragnar Rehbein | concerning the compileroptionen give I you fully and quite so! hat ex How quick You in everything are. 
r.r. |
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 | so, new version uploaded, but pssst, habs yet nirgends so correctly. hingeschrieben, and the doku is too old. on the Todoliste orientieren büdde.
iF |
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 | Tjah, schonwieder ne new *gg* is now of Version 0.1.2g on 0.1.2gb skittered, and ought to now too whom Compiler there started, where The prf lying. One verzeichniswechsel becomes however not implemented, or was too erwünscht?
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 Ragnar Rehbein | 1. The option $P+ becomes now correctly treats.  2. The prfcomp.exe becomes yet always not found. now there a suitable Message. You written: ...ought to now too whom Compiler there started, where The prf lying very this is still wrong !  have so did i never so angeregt. it was always the speech of it the The xpse.exe and the compiler+interpreter in the equal directory lying. The prf-File lying logischerweise in a lovely unterverzeichnisstruktur, möglicherweise even on one andern LW (z.b. with VWP2 there in the interpretermodus always a locale temp.prf launched becomes). 3. interpretermodus works ! 
the only time so today moregen on The speedy probiert. I hope is no never ending story .....
r.r. |
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 | Muahhaha, tjah, be hold heavy of concept. 
could You me Perhaps still once explain, what XPSE because now very differently make should, I mean I kappiers not. 
we can the Yes Perhaps too live bequatschen, then ists Perhaps plainer. For this there integrally under a Chat Link. Müssten we only ne Uhrzeit turn off, therefore make I simply a suggestion: 10.06.2004 11:00. If you not appear werd ichs already remember, wished only same a Terminvorschlag make circa not still in further 10 Posts so To befassen. otherwise is my Terminkalender today To 20:00 fat fully, much here write I over my Commi, be means seltener in the office as some Perhaps believes, have nähhhmlich constantly Appointments.
Nachtrag: Joar, try wirs again 21:00.
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 Ragnar Rehbein | unfortunately must I nacher again lane. from the chat tonight becomes means unfortunately nothing. 
really have I it still well described !? load you still both programs and teste it self so.
over again short what in my opinion necessary is:
1. you have one verz. z.b. c:BIN there are The xpse.exe, profcomp.exe, prfrun32.exe and the profane.exe drin
2. you have one 2. directory c:prf there's a xxx.prf drin
3. now wechselst You into c:prf-directory
4. now must it possible his the ganse under zuhilfename komletter pfadangaben to that play To bring. the attempts the profane-pad Namely too.
5. The eingabezeile sees means so from: C RF>c:inxpse.exe c:prfxxx.prf
r.r. |
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 | perfect, the help me, I machs, thanks!
iF |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
you should now at times Help works. can I now directly in whom Source write, the the code to the Compile & left automatically gestart becomes ? |
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 | Yes clear, so stehts too in the Help. the make The different Compiler-functions possible.
if you only interpreter started want, then: {$i}
if you compilieren and prc started want, then: {$cr}
if you compilieren, left and exe started want, then: {$cle}
if you too yet want the XPSE itself automatically exits, then simply one q ranhängen: {$cleq}
with the Help haste right, but the PDF is but already very revealing, or?
iF |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
The Compiler-functions are Help still nirgendwo described...
Pdf-Files find I personally too quite sch***e, there's me .hlp or .htm still vastly rather. |
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 | still Frank, on Page 8. too XPSE self gives gladly detailed operator over its switch and all others functions. simply time XPSE Starting and H for Help pressing. so ists too described.
PDF find so did i not so doll, i'll on HLP Umstellen.
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