

Module, or How could one something like name?

Letztendlich are it weitergabefähige DLLs with anhängiger Funktionsadressbeschreibung and festgelegtem Initialisierungsverfahren - means native Units, one Moduleloader for specialized EFX-Files sähe thereafter z.B so  [...]  from what itself To there to that dynamic Modulladesystem drive can How z.B.  [...]  wonach one functions from nativen Bibliotheken to Laufzeit add and Remove can.

Hierauf aufgesetzt against is it possible, in the Module-Nutzendem Program a Zweckprogrammiersprache anzubieten, The Module created, The of Program used go can. this principle is in FilterLib3 apply for freiprogrammierbare native EFX-Pixeleffektfilter - on the fastest by video declared:

These Module(?) anyway could one 2erlei integrate, static and How supra dynamic. static hiesse, the Modulecode could by Include loaded and be would in the Exe vanish and the functions stünden ex there available, dynamic How supra has hold others temptation. accordingly can also eachone weitergabefähige DLLs create The with a Loader loaded go can, one Loader for XProfan existing Yes already.

all told, becomes no human benefit - but I can it super-duper in my Programs use and hereon aufbauend against me self help with Things How z.B. one Malprogramm to program.

One Module(?) produce becomes XPSE in subesquent versions automatically, becomes with gesetztem {$notmp} again removes.

accordingly You can then Includes too as Module benefit, what The Kompiliergeschwindigkeit demented increased, there to the Module the Include only renewed, if Changes in the Include necessary were.

I custom too somehow ne File extension, Module shining me neither so perfect and .mod is forever give away. someone ne idea/ suggestion? Perhaps. npcu for native Unit or vlt. still simply .module.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Roland Schäffer12/26/10


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