a) the XProfankompiler immediate begin can and not any more The Headerfiles first read must, what a vastly Geschwindigkeitsvorteil bewirkt and b) one simply Apis, Structures or Konstanten using can as wären tappt im dunkeln already declared - without these deklarieren To must.
I setting but yet one on it:
the zähneknirschende characters ~ must not any more written go! can! but must not! must only if it already gleichnamige XProfanbefehle gives.
I setting but yet one on it:
declared-Funktionsaufrufe go not simply as Externals eingebunden - separate one Automatismus GetControlParas (B these Apis into speedy Calls circa!
through all these Features ought to itself at Compile, and During low the process The Geschwindigkeiten raise!
If everything saponaceous goes load I today evening the Update high.
Nachtrag: If the Headerfiles however in the Source indicated go, then uses XPSE self-evident primarily these instead of The installed!
The conversion in Calls interested. a couple ask: @External(KERNEL32,@Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory... and ~Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory... go well In any drop transformed. How see it with @Def @Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory(.... Let Fehler&=@Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory.... from?
be Erzkonservativ and would like "And any Source paraphrase, only circa more speed and More safety to obtain. sees from, as would have You there a very nice idea had.
No this is not - I have the @ purposely for to that names zugehörig declared circa still a Difference between whom Definitionen To make possible. You müsstest it Remove. I faith but since @ eh hardly in Sources (vlt. Email etc.) vorkommt ought to the no trouble his.
I faith Specifically Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory is in none the standardHeaderfiles aufgeführt - XPSE would means this commands eh not konvertieren can, except You erstellst you a Own PH and give these the XPSE to that Fraß: