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 Ragnar Rehbein | The XPSE-own Create-command (inkl. Syntaxprüfung) bump with the standard inc of VWP2. g1.inc
bring a satte Error Message + discontinue.
the kanns still not his ??? bow or feature ??? 
if You whom XPSE yet stronger of syntax since erweiterst entrapments me or. others slow no names More for Own proceduren one. 
moreover have I one trouble with the zeilennummern The with warnungen (fehlern) indicated go. How find I The suitable place in quelltext? the name the include + zeilennummer in the include wären nützlicher 
r.r. |
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 Ragnar Rehbein | The DEF-win strategy would me naturally entgegenkommen.
problematically is naturally, if Roland starting XProfan 9 (or XProfan 23)  so aufzubohren the syntaxprobleme To VWP2 appear could.
unfortunately becomes VWP2 not any more taken care of, so that too small changes some from the exit bring could.
unfortunately benefit many user VWP2 not (code Documentation), or. are not ready whom sharewareobulus To numbers. I for my part would gladly a couple hundred euronen spend circa a actually Version (with only small changes) to obtain. the reicht however unfortunately not around the erforderlichen hoisted To finance. a suitable survey there were some time ago. really pity ....
all my actually projects (also yet some years almost wöchtlich extended go) in a others Programming-Language new To entwicklen might my jetzigen possibilities übersteigen.
r.r. |
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 CB | Hi, what VVP concerns - and analog whom XProfan-Writer: I have both bought and to one half-way year a couple emails on Maik Strohfeldt written with more or less dringenden Änderungswünschen/Bugs. After the 4.Mail has it itself then still to a response bequemt - so vaguely: this and jenes ought to one time eliminating, but presently... ==> vergiß it, because of the 15€ krümmt it m.E. none fingers More for!
with this opportunity must so did i time a couple integrally ketzerische Statements into space to put. me becomes increasingly aware, what we with unserem geschätzten (X)Profan for a ungeheure [box:8e6df2c073]FLICKSCHUSTEREI[/box:8e6df2c073] operate. The biggest amenities of Profan are too at the same time its biggest foibles. its simply. well suitable too for einfachere programs. wants one what Aufwendigeres produce, must one already the first patches place. such a thing How whom XPSE ought to it none give must - and it heard long ago fix integrate. How long Gibts Profan now? 15 years ca - or? and yet Gibts no homogeneous Entwickleroberfläche! eachone takes itself hold irgendeinen editor and schustert drin more or less rum. then Gibts a Uralt- a überholten and a integrally new Window-Generator (THANK YOU, Rolf ), with them can The next patches produzieren. [box:8e6df2c073]the everything heard but already The longest Time under one housetop![/box:8e6df2c073] I versteh already, that it for Roland difficult is - he's finally more or less as Einzelkämpfer on the way, but Perhaps ought to it itself instead of Version 10 time this thing consecrate and iF and the XPSE The Syntaxerweiterung of Profan give over.  In each simple WordBasic or VisualBasic-editor have I a Fenstergenerator integrate and can furthermore whom code with want too line by line Verify, not only en bloc. the would me presently ev. too very useful his, after the new XPSE evident some Prob with my code has, but the XPSE in the Debug-mode no Debug writes, the Interpreter abbricht, the Compiler but completely normal durchläuft and the exe keierlei Error produced. The 0.13it XPSE working with the same code completely normal - sowohl in the Interpreter- as well as Debug-mode and compiliert. does me sorrow - I steh there on!
Christian |
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 Dietmar Horn | Hi,
this is spot-on my opinion, Christian.
but not in the incision each year one Update with more or less useful Neuerungen (of them many anyhow always first to one third or fourth nachgeschobenen BugFix to some extent functions), should first of all or. finally once fundamental things aale brought go.
I have during the past years number of times in vain attempts, in the RGH-Forum integrally, integrally softly-softly words such Notes on whom man To bring. so quick and so often can You yourself none ducking, How You therefore then always from all directions beschossen become (often of bloody Anfängern, The probably yet never one komplexeres Program written having, as always only which with Main window and a couple Controls on it). therefore have I the meanwhile given.
too of my opinion to heard XPSE solid in XProfan integrate. if need be even in the Batch-mode to whom Interpreter or. Compiler geschaltet. If XPSE none Error Code zurückgibt, then goes it normal moreover, anderenfalls becomes aborted.
somehow have so did i understanding for, that such things How VWP and others not duration free or. to that Taschengeldpreis weiterentwickelt go can. finally can no Author its keep nowadys of such Taschengeldern finance. How zeitaufwändig the develop such Tools is, the must well here niemandem hither explains go.
probably would much differently and rather run, if itself already to years Thomas Hölzer and Roland zsammengerauft hätten and PrFellow untrennbarer component of Profan become would. still this train is Yes now unfortunately departed.
One correctly. good and particularly modernes XProfan could come into being, if such people, How Roland, David, Frank and Rolf one Entwicklerteam form would, in the The releases sensible distributed go. Presumably would it then effective, Profan same of reason on new to program, without whom whole antiquated ballast, which itself in the running Time angesammelt has and yet always of year To year dragged becomes. means a real cooperation already with the development and not any more only the nachträgliche stuff of Löchern, The one Beginner unfortunately always first strike, after it itself already several months or years with the Programming-Language engage has.
with one new, moderneren Profan would then probably too The Kundenzahlen so far into Höhe speedy, that the Registriergebühren for all wealthy. it standing indeed nirgendwo festgeschrieben, that it for all times with whom 60 Euro for Full Version stay should. one schoolboy (and other Taschengeldempfängern) might it quite alike his, whether XProfan 60 Euro or 120 Euro cost, because tappt im dunkeln in the rule anyhow none this amounts yourself raise can and until next Weihnachtsfest or birthday Waiting must.
[box:6398bd24d4]@iF: That the A-Button for Again is class! the knew I not yet. These Possibility have You really integrally clever cache. i'd me yet wish (because of of my bevorzugten Arbeitsweise - see moreover supra), that XPSE The gesetzten Compilerschalter too a Ini-File read would. or there for now already a Possibility, The I only not yet found out have?[/box:6398bd24d4] Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/20/05 ▲ |
 | One Inifeature isn't implementiert.
an small list the Tastenbelegungen sustain You in the XPSE with the Button H.
How should the very of Statten weg me the ini ?
salvo. |
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 Dietmar Horn | I could me the Perhaps so present:
If XPSE no Compilerschalter in the PRF-code finds, then schaut XPSE first time in a XPSE.INI to, whether there evtl. such Settings stand, z.B. {$CLE), or. a selection the many others instructions.
The INI-File could itself Yes eachone yourself write (the so vorgehen would like), after You The Abschnittsnamen somehow set have.
whom sense the special source administration (with TAB) have I incidentally yet too not yet understands. After TAB can I prompt, I wants, it comes always only Unknown command.
That the H-Button for Help knew I. still there comes by me no Info on A for Again (A functions but nevertheless correct).
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/21/05 ▲ |
 CB | Hello, Dietmar! If you whom XPSE launch and <TAB> pressed have, gib simply thereafter Help one. there can You time see, what iF here already implementiert has (is not yet very plenty), but too, what it yet so everything planned has!  can I each only wärmstens recommend, as a look hineinzumachen, it comes yet ne crowd Geniales on us To...
Christian |
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 Dietmar Horn | thanks,
I had yet always so called: XPSE Program.prf, and there passierte nothing with TAB.
now comes what, but it sees so from, as if one part with help to supra wegscrollt. The first lesbare entry is -EDITNH open enh in editor.
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/21/05 ▲ |
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 Dietmar Horn | everything clear! thanks and sorry!
have yet XPSE always only with XPSE Program.prf called, and thereafter by Kommandozeile cle hinterhergeworfen. Because so everything fine worked having, i was pleased and happy been. be even as always a morsel of one old MS-cans-fan ...
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/21/05 ▲ |
 msgroup | Hi on all sides,
altes Topic, I know, but even first red ;)
I must whom people right give, The say, that defined things directly in that (X)Profan belong, so this Geschuster aufhört, even because the a so, the others so building.
accordingly should items How XPSE there directly mere, and of course not only as Install-option or so. I have it me of course not yet respected, but I read Yes The elation here above. ;)
The equal opinion be so did i, what The Entwicklungsumgebungen angeht. RGH has of course whom Uralt-editor, the mE to not really useable is. this becomes but still moreover delivered, in the meantime there as option but in Setup the PROFAN²-PAD.
to geraumer Time there were time a manner Testballon (cover: PROFAN² and Friends!), where the PROFAN²-Writer 4000 (old Version) something aufgerüstet watts and as PROFAN²-Writer 4500 together with many Tools in link with PROFAN 6.6(?) on book-CDs sales watts. The Resonanz was integrally well. The sense behind it: The customer sustain one carefree Setup, where immediate everything correctly installs becomes: PROFAN, PROFAN²-Writer 4500 and div. Tools, also teh folks aide ablösten. it watts everything directly configures.
On Base which strove I something like too with the actually Version on, what but not pseudo was. and the understand I then not. 
to that Topic VWP2 and XProfan²-Writer 2004. Dass the VWP2 not any more weiterentwickelt becomes know Yes many, because the engineering therein in the meantime uralt is and alone the reinfinden and portieren saulange last would. In of/ one survey to some Time ought to determined go, whether one VWP3 rewards. result was even: eachone wants it having, but 99% free or up to one Price of 10 EUR. and the rewards even not, sorry. The others lane would even, that The upper army command the part lizenziert and as standard-Program same in the pkg mitliefert... there would itself then only over the Price intern To some.
to that XPRFW2004: here there yet KEINEN Entwicklungsstopp, separate only delays, because I even neither so plenty Time in XProfan stick. If I time again little Time have, so sit so did i time again dadran and bastele new things mere, How z.B. The XPSE Connection etc. 
Greeting, Maik |
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 | I say there only one To: Yes. 
PS: In which Language is the Writer written?
salvo, iF. |
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 msgroup | |
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