
with XPSE in the night is my woman around the sleep brought.


the new Version bleats Yes a good deal rum.
unfortunately becomes each vermeindliche trouble through one knacksen (beep ?) in the loudspeaker of my notebooks receipting.
evtl. gabs the Yes former already, mere there was the XPSE not so pingelig.

konkret becomes the produce eachone class angemeckert, there one dispose No is.
the rattert integrally beautiful in the loudspeaker

my woman wälzt itself then always integrally restless abed, if I in the evening in the bedroom on the werkerln be.

can the turn off or ought to I now at least proforma in each Program a bag fully disposes install ?


... is correct IF, very this I had you time said. but we thought, that it on my computer lying.
happens by me always, if The informations created go.
its one thud like a starker Festplattenzugriff.

and, LOL - my woman asks me too always, whether I this not switch off can - but we sit in the sitting-room

Lol the thud make I still with solid lol.

one should Yes bisl hörn if what net is correct - because one warning is easily overlooking ^^

it'll warscheinlich suffice if your in the Start->Ausführen->sndvol32.exe whom PC-loudspeaker (not Wave!) on STUMM position.

XPSE lying strain open - in the momentum wars I no stable-release there. therefore avoid I yet Answer on The Folgefehler the Dispose-Abprüfungen.

but - should there not still Perhaps suitable Disposes there?? Eigendlich Yes still oda?



really are Disposes XP Yes unnütz.....

[quote:e8546160c3=Frank Abbing]Hi,

really are Disposes XP Yes unnütz.....[/quote:e8546160c3]integrally klares No.

already on my own - because - who not disposed - must neither new Dimmen.

proc machwas
dim a#
blabla #a

here no Dispose necessary? :/:


means always beautiful disposes.

within proceduren is Yes everything clear.

but outside, if at the beginning of the prgs classes allocated go (z.b. a class to that reading the ini-File with the parametern as properties), cans dispose little sense.
almost each Program knows several ausstiegsmöglichkeiten.
one should then again a END-class define or. procedure The proforma the dispose durchführt.

evtl. is the the überlegung worth, circa really forgotten disposes aufzuspüren.
or one power XPSE intelligenter .....


Ne means momentum time lol.

If one Program on meheren to put exit can - then ists Schonmal Spaghettie.

If one already Spaghettisiert :/: then ought to one but at least a homogeneous proc app.kill benefit.

in this against should any Vorkehrungen met go - The necessary are for the the software possible free from problems removes. For this, heard naturally!! too the Disposen of alloziierten Save.

the ought to not to question stand.

its still really integrally simply - what geDimt becomes - must too Disposed go - even if z.B. XP this gladly self into hand takes - is the XPsche automatic transmission too only one MS-Behelf the system insg. stabiler To style - because these Systematik has too your known Schwachstellen and Tücken.

its and remaining simply messy - one Dim not To terminieren.

and there it itself the small XPSE not grundlos to that targets made has, XProfan-programs qualitativer appear To let, becomes it such (from of my visibility) groben Verstöße self-evident report.



even if XProfan only a emulierte Programming-Language is:

One selbstveranlaster Zwischenausstieg of/ one software ought to really only Extremfall necessary his ( to that protections of Irgendwas ) - usually has Yes each APP not umsonst ihren einstiegs and ausstiegs-Entity.


too in emulierten Programs is a Notausstieg sometimes meaningfully, circa further damage abzuwenden.
that I not everything tidy finish is normal, because, there's Yes in the event one programmausstieges (miscarriage) nothing sinnvolles More To do.
circa everything pretty tidy To can make I naturally so do as though....
and my woman can quiet sleep
sometime if I time have can I too any fensterhandles again spare give u.s.w.

but time in the serious, you have me persuated, i'll me on the hintern settle and so do as though I one dispose make.
somehow is it only unlogisch, The declaration and the dim make I global and the dispose in a procedur. I sträube me something against it reaches (classes) in a procedur To declarieren, and of/ one others procedur again To disposen. the lead first correctly. To spaghettis.

my überlegungen relating itself solely on The declaration of classes. unfortunately behaviour itself these not so How variable with them I for a dispose indeed not concern must.


[quote:77e14c48ef]somehow is it only unlogisch, The declaration and the dim make I global and the dispose in a procedur. I sträube me something against it reaches (classes) in a procedur To declarieren, and of/ one others procedur again To disposen. the lead first correctly. To spaghettis.
[/quote:77e14c48ef]I faith You bring there biserl confusion.

it game still at all garkeine strain where You a variable disposd or dims - entscheident is still only where The variable declared is! ( whether glob or loc)

there need itself with you garnix sträuben - if You a Globaldeklarierte in a procedure Dimst or Disposed - this is completely tidy and has integrally and garnichts with Spaghettie To do.[quote:77e14c48ef]too in emulierten Programs is a Notausstieg sometimes meaningfully, circa further damage abzuwenden.[/quote:77e14c48ef]said I already. [quote:77e14c48ef]can I naturally so do as though.... [/quote:77e14c48ef]No not so do as though - separate it do.

salvo. ;D

[box:77e14c48ef]nothing so withal be I naturally for all Notes grateful - there itself Yes auchmal one Error into XPSE einschleichen can...!
Hierbei however reacted XPSE How it should. where a variable gedimmt becomes - must too at least one Dispose vorgehalten go. XPSE can naturally not check - whether and when the Dispose objectively clutching. but the bloße Info hereon - the garkein Dispose in the Source is - helps already Error To avoid.
the actually unstabile Release screen too the existence of Variablendeklarationen and Procedures/functions. These Version is however not yet Spruchreif and standing therefore not yet to that Download ready.[/box:77e14c48ef]

must you there what show! Diesen Screenshot have I to the first Start of new XPSE 0.14 adopted, short before me the shock met has!
it were round 8.000 (!!) corrections necessary, the meiste of it God Thanks with automatischem supplant possible....


394 kB
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200


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