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![Stephan Sonneborn: 02/22/09](.././../../i/a/27.gif) Stephan Sonneborn | Hello iF,
I mean I see just the woods not sheer trees: in the PSPad would like I gladly whom XPSE as Compiler take on and it too The switch CLEQ mitgeben.
I thought XPSE.EXE CLEQ Test.prf would weg, means CLEQ as direct Parameter VOR whom Source to put, so XPSE white, what it make should. goes but not: Syntaxerror.
too one {$CLEQ} or $CLEQ functions not.
I find but unfortunately too no example in the Help, How the Komandozeilenaufruf lauten could. solely, that one in the Konsole The command To foot prompt could. must objectively {$CLEQ} in the Source come along?
VG Stephan |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 02/22/09 ▲ |
![Klaus Müller: 02/22/09](.././../../i/a/5719242914ac8e0e0a323c.gif) Klaus Müller | {$CLEQ} must objectively in the View source at the beginning stand. XPSE fummelt itself the then there out. Greeting Thomas |
| XProfan X4; Win10 x64 Der Kuchen ist eine lüge! | 02/22/09 ▲ |
![iF: 02/22/09](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Hello Stefan, {$cleq} are objectively Kompilerschalter which XPSE in the View source expects - z.B. supra in the head.
I mach the z.B. always so: CompileMarkSeparationAufgerufen from the IDE must XPSE solely with the Parameter the Quelltextdatei, means z.B. xpse c:devmeinSource ![](.././../../i/s/-smile.png) |
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![Stephan Sonneborn: 02/22/09](.././../../i/a/27.gif) Stephan Sonneborn | Hello and thanks for Info. Schade, I thought, if mans too as Kommandozeilenparameter mitgeben could, then wärs always automatically with drin. but alike, I schreibs simply into standard-Presentation. ![](.././../../i/s/qq7.gif) |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 02/22/09 ▲ |
![iF: 02/22/09](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | the was too integrally former so, klappte then but because of the different IDEs not.
its therefore even so, that The of IDEs known switch stored go.
a couple Steuermöglichkeiten there but nevertheless: CompileMarkSeparationwhere Test.inc too z.B. Kompilerschalter How: CompileMarkSeparationimply can and the Test.xprf to that example this: CompileMarkSeparation I have nevertheless one baldiges Update to, --compile --link --run --exe --interprete --quiet --nokeyb as Kommandozeilenparameter? |
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