Fuente/ Codesnippets

Faq Rundll

Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL filename.cpl)

Accessibility Options access.cpl
Add New Hardware sysdm.cpl
Add new hardware Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl
Date/Time Properties timedate.cpl
Display Properties desk.cpl
FindFast findfast.cpl
Fonts Folder fonts
Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl
Joystick Properties joy.cpl
Keyboard Properties main.cpl keyboard
Microsoft Exchange mlcfg32.cpl
Microsoft Mail Post Office wgpocpl.cpl
Modem Properties modem.cpl
Ratón Properties main.cpl
Multimedia Properties mmsys.cpl
Network Properties netcpl.cpl (In Windows NT 4.0, Network properties is Ncpa.cpl, not Netcpl.cpl)
Password Properties password.cpl
PC Card main.cpl pc card
Power Management (Windows 95) main.cpl power
Power Management (Windows 98) powercfg.cpl
Printers Folder printers
Regional Settings intl.cpl
Scanners and Cameras sticpl.cpl
Sound Properties mmsys.cpl
Sounds Sistema Properties sysdm.cpl

Date/time applet, Time Zone tab:
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL TIMEDATE.CPL,@0,1)
Desktop applet, Screensaver tab:
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL DESK.CPL,@0,1)
Network applet, Protocols tab:
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL NCPA.CPL,@0,2)
Network applet, Adapters tab:
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL NCPA.CPL,@0,3)
Sistema applet, Environment tab:
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL SYSDM.CPL,@0,2)
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl)
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL joy.cpl)
Users Tool
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl users)
Networks properties, Services tab
Run(rundll32.exe,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl,,1)

Formato Disk

Copy Disk

Exit Windows

Restart Windows

Logoff Windows 98 and run Explorer after relogon:
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 4)

Start Add New Printer wizard:
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,SHELL32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter)

Show Windows 9*s Sistema setting changed, do you want to reboot now? dialog

Open a file with Windows Open as dialog:
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,SHELL32.DLL,OpenAs_RunDLL filename)

Swap your mouse to left handed:
Windows NT: Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton)

Start DialUp Network:
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,RNAUI.DLL,RnaDial exact name of dialer entry)

Install ScreenSaver
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,DESK.CPL,InstallScreenSaver filename.scr)

Display the Fonts Folder en Explorer view
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL FontsFolder)

Displays the Crear New Shortcut dialog.
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL apwiz.cpl,NewLinkHere path)

Displays the Install/Uninstall tab selected
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,1)

Send the HTML file to the printer
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,mshtml.dll,PrintHTML htmlfile.html)

Displays Internet Properties, General Tab
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,0)

Microsoft Exchange Profiles general property page
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mlcfg32.cpl)

Microsoft Postoffice Workgroup Admin property page
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL wgpocpl.cpl)

Multimedia/Audio property page
Run(RUNDLL32.EXE,shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,0)

Windows final RunDll32.exe User,ExitWindows
aktuellen Benutzer abmelden RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx
Windows98 neu starten (Schnellstart) RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 0
Windows98 final RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 1
Windows98-PC neu booten RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 2
Windows98-Explorer neu starten RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx -1
Windows inmediatamente final (sin Rückfragen o. Chance para Abspeichern) RunDll32.exe Krnl386.exe,ExitKernel
Windows abstürzen dejar RunDll32.exe User,DisableOEMLayer
StandBy-Mode starten RunDll32.exe Kernel32.dll,SetSystemPowerState 1,0
Info-Box abierto (%1 = Texto, el con adecuado voluntad se) RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,ShellAboutA %1
Warnton ausgeben RunDll32.exe User,MessageBeep
Bildschirmschoner installieren (%1 = Dateiname des BSS) RunDll32.exe Desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %1
Alle offenen Ventana anordnen (untereinander) RunDll32.exe User,TileChildWindows
Alle offenen Ventana anordnen (hintereinander) RunDll32.exe User,CascadeChildWindows
Anzeige aktualisieren (como F5 drücken) RunDll32.exe User,RePaintScreen
Systemsteuerung neu einrichten RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,Control_FillCache_RunDLL
Explorer-Ventana abierto RunDll32.exe Shell,ShellExecute
Ratón-Cursor después de Links-Oben conjunto RunDll32.exe User,SetCursorPos
Maustasten vertauschen (no rückgängig sin Neustart) RunDll32.exe User,SwapMouseButton
Ratón ausschalten (no rückgängig sin Neustart) RunDll32.exe Ratón,Disable
Keyboard ausschalten (no rückgängig sin Neustart) RunDll32.exe Keyboard,Disable
Diskette kopieren RunDll32.exe DiskCopy.dll,DiskCopyRunDll
Diskette formatieren RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,SHFormatDrive
Informationen encima el Aktenkoffer RunDll32.exe SyncUI.dll,Briefcase_Intro
neuen Aktenkoffer invertir RunDll32.exe SyncUI.dll,Briefcase_Create
Öffnen con... - Diálogo Mostrar (%1 = LWfadDateiname.Endung) RunDll32.exe Shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1
Netzlaufwerke verbinden - Diálogo aufrufen RunDll32.exe User,WNetConnectDialog
Netzlaufwerke trennen - Diálogo aufrufen RunDll32.exe User,WNetDisconnectDialog
DFÜ-Verbindung - Diálogo aufrufen (/1 = sin Startbild) RunDll32.exe Rnaui.dll,RnaWizard /1
Verbinden con - Diálogo aufrufen RunDll32.exe Rnaui.dll,RnaDial Internet
eMail-Programa abierto (%1 = eMail-Adresse) RunDll32.exe Url.dll,MailToProtocolHandler %1
ruft el angegebene Internetadresse (%1) en RunDll32.exe Url.dll,FileProtocolHandler %1
Testseite drucken (con Druckerauswahl aller installierten Drucker) RunDll32.exe MSPrint2.dll,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage

Zum Quelltext

Título del Tema, max. 100 Signo.


Kein Systemprofil creado. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Uwe Lang02.01.2014
Torsten Boo12.07.2013


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