| |
 | Hier una langsamere Variante, en aber el Nummernbasis geändert voluntad podría (Es en Cryptosystemen manchmal gefragt):
Título de la ventana "Größere Faktorielle berechnen"
'(CL) CopyLeft 2014-09 by P.Pájaro carpintero, Wien; Keine sin embargo geartete Gewähr!
'Orig.-Source de https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic
Ventana 0,0-%maxx,%maxy
font 2
var Limit& = 10000' Sufficient digits.
var Base& = 10' The base of the simulated arithmetic.
var FactorialLimit& = 365' Default of Target number to solve, 365!
Declarar digit&[Limit&]' 1..Limit&: The big number.
declarar carry&,d&' Assistants during multiplication.
declarar last&,i&,n&' Indices to the big number's digits.
declarar texto$,c$' Scratchpad for output and for input
declarar tdigit$[] : tdigit$[]=explode("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"," ")
Imprimir "\n Zahl, de el el Faktorielle errechnet voluntad se: ? ";:Entrada c$
caso val(c$)>0:FactorialLimit&=val(c$)
digit&[]=0' Claro the whole array.
digit&[1]=1' The big number starts with 1,
last&=1' Its highest-order digit is number 1.
whileloop FactorialLimit&
n&=&Loop' Step through producing 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!, etc.
carry&=0' Start a multiply by n.
whileloop last&:i&=&Loop' Step along every digit.
d&=digit&[i&]*n&+carry&' The classic multiply.
digit&[i&]=(d& mod Base&)' The low-order digit of the resultado.
carry&=d& \ Base&' The carry to the next digit.
mientras que carry& > 0' Store the carry en the big number.
if last&>=Limit&
imprimir "Overflow!";' If possible!
beep: waitinput :end
last&=last& + 1' One more digit.
digit&[last&]=carry& mod Base&' Placed.
carry&=carry& \ Base&' The carry reduced.
endwhile' With n > Base, maybe > 1 digit extra.
caso rnd()<0.1:imprimir "*";
' Imprimir n&;"! = ";text$+" ("+str$(len(texto$)-1)+" Stellen)" ' Imprimir the resultado!
endwhile' On to the next factorial up.
text$=" "' Now prepare the output.
whileloop last&:i&=&Loop' Translate from binary to texto.
texto$=tdigit$[digit&[i&]]+texto$' Reverse the order.
endwhile' Arabic numerals put the low order last.
Imprimir "\n "+str$(n&)+" ! = ";text$+" ("+str$(len(texto$))+" Stellen)"
clearclip:putclip str$(n&)+" ! = "+texto$+"\n"
imprimir "\n Last resultado en clipboard! "
sound 300,300 : waitinput
| Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 15.05.2021 ▲ |
 | Faktorielle a Facf(100000) ======================== XProfan con Floats puede eigentlich sólo a 170. Der Overflow-Error se hier aber abgefangen, el Ergebnis por Minuszeichen gekennzeichnet y via Zehnerlogarithmus errechnet. En Edición se el Minus entonces entsprechend interpretiert, el Stellenzahl el Mantisse es entonces aber sólo en etwa 12 signifikante Kommastellen gültig.
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 27.05.2021 ▲ |