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Título de la ventana "Tschebyschow-Approximation uno benutzerdefinierten Funktion"
' Quelle: https://jean-pierre.moreau.pagesperso-orange.fr/Basic/tchebysh_bas.txt
' Transponiert después de XProfan 11.2a (D) Demo by P.Pájaro carpintero, Vienna/Austria
' No warranty whatsoever! Ohne jegliche Gewähr! Nutzung en propio Gefahr!
'* Chebyshev Approximation of a user defined real *
'* function FUNC(X) en double precision. *
'* ---------------------------------------------------- *
'* (Approximate sin(x) from x=0 to x=PI). *
'* *
'* Chebyshev coefficients (N= 10 ): *
'* 0.944002431536470 *
'* -0.000000000000000 *
'* -0.499403258270407 *
'* -0.000000000000000 *
'* 0.027992079617546 *
'* -0.000000000000000 *
'* -0.000596695195801 *
'* 0.000000000000000 *
'* 0.000006704175524 *
'* 0.000000000000000 *
'* X Chebyshev Eval. SIN(X) *
'*----------------------------------------- *
'* 0.00000000 0.00000005 0.00000000 *
'* 0.34906585 0.34202018 0.34202014 *
'* 0.69813170 0.64278757 0.64278761 *
'* 1.04719755 0.86602545 0.86602540 *
'* 1.39626340 0.98480773 0.98480775 *
'* 1.74532925 0.98480773 0.98480775 *
'* 2.09439510 0.86602545 0.86602540 *
'* 2.44346095 0.64278757 0.64278761 *
'* 2.79252680 0.34202018 0.34202014 *
'* 3.14159265 0.00000005 0.00000000 *
'* *
'* Basic Release By J-P Moreau, Paris. *
'* (www.jpmoreau.fr) *
'* XProfan 11-release by P.Pájaro carpintero, Vienna / Austria *
'* ---------------------------------------------------- *
'* REFERENCE: "Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific *
'* Computing By W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, *
'* S.A. Teukolsky and W.T. Vetterling, *
'* Cambridge University Press, 1986" *
'* [BIBLI 08]. *
Ventana de Estilo 24:Ventana 0,0-%maxx,%maxy-40:Font 2:Conjunto("Decimals",17)
Declarar N&,Zero!,Pi!,x0!,x1!, half!,two!,A!,B!,BmA!,BpA!
Declarar i&,j&,k&,y!,xx!, func!
Declarar fac!,sum! , f0$,f1$ ,dx!,x!
Declarar m&,d!,dd!,y2!,sv!, chebev!
ZERO! = 0 : Pi! = 4*Arctan(1)':Imprimir Pi!:WaitInput
N& = 10
Declarar C![N&], F![N&]
X0! = ZERO!: X1! = Pi!
Gosub "ES1000"'call CHEBFT(X0,X1,C,N)
Imprimir "\n\n Tschebyschow-Koeffizienten para Grad N = "; N&; \
":\n ----------------------------------------------------"
F0$ = "###0.###############;###0.###############;###0.###############"
WhileLoop n&:i&=&Loop
Imprimir " C(";int(i&-1);") = ";Formato$(F0$,C![I&])
WaitInput 5000
DX! = (X1!-X0!) / (N&-1)
X! = X0! - DX!
Font 0
PRINT "\n\n x: Tschebyschow-Desarrollo: vgl.Orig SIN(X) "
PRINT " ------------------------------------------------------------"
F1$ = "###0.########"
WhileLoop n&:i&=&Loop
X! = X! + DX!
ES2000'call CHEBEV(X0,X1,C,N,X)
Imprimir " ";Formato$(F1$, X!),
Imprimir Tab(20);Formato$(F1$, CHEBEV!),
Imprimir Tab(40);Formato$(F1$, Sin(X!) )
Beep: WaitInput
End'of main program
'user defined function FUNC(XX)
Proc ES500
FUNC! = Sin(XX!)
'subroutine CHEBFT(A,B,C,N)
'* Chebyshev fit: Given a real function FUNC(X), lower *
'* and upper limits of the interval [A,B] for X, and a *
'* maximum degree N, this routine computes the N Cheby- *
'* shev coefficients Ck, such that FUNC(X) is approxima-*
'* ted by: N *
'* [Sum Ck Tk-1(Y)] - C1/2, where X and Y are *
'* k=1 *
'* related by: Y = (X - 1/2(A+B)) / (1/2(B-A)) *
'* This routine is to be used with moderately large N *
'* (e.g. 30 or 50), the array of C's subsequently to be *
'* truncated at the smaller value m such that Cm+1 and *
'* subsequent elements are negligible. *
HALF! = 0.5: TWO! = 2
A! = X0!: B! = X1!
BMA! = HALF! * (B! - A!): BPA! = HALF! * (B! + A!)
WhileLoop n&:k&=&Loop
Y! = Cos(Pi! * (K&-HALF!)/N&)
XX! = Y! * BMA! + BpA!
F![K&] = FUNC!
FAC! = TWO! / N&
WhileLoop n&:j&=&Loop
WhileLoop n&:k&=&Loop
SUM! = SUM! + F![K&] * Cos((Pi!*(J&-1)) * ((K&-HALF!) / N&))
C![J&] = FAC! * SUM!
Proc ES2000'function CHEBEV(A,B,C,M,X)
'* Chebyshev evaluation: All arguments are input. C is a *
'* array of Chebyshev coefficients, of length M, the first*
'* M elements of Coutput from subroutine CHEBFT (which *
'* must have been called with the same A and B). The Che- *
'* byshev polynomial is evaluated at a point Y determined *
'* from X, A and B, and the resultado FUNC(X) is returned as *
'* the function value. *
If ((X!-A!) * (X!-B!)) > ZERO!
Imprimir " X liegt no en!"
M& = N&
D! = ZERO!: Dd! = ZERO!
Y! = (TWO!*X!-A!-B!) / (B!-A!)'change of variable
Y2! = TWO! * Y!
WhileLoop m&,2,-1:j&=&Loop
SV! = D!
D! = Y2! * D! - Dd! + C![J&]
Dd! = SV!
CHEBEV! = Y! * D! - Dd! + HALF! * C![1]
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 22.05.2021 ▲ |