2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and shadowed text.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and shadowed text.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and glow-text.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and glow-text and simply shadowed rectangle.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and glow-text and 2 different simply shadowed rectangles.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and randomly colored text and 2 different smooth shadowed rectangles.
2 colored automatic resizing StaticControls on hWnd-independent-sizeable-window demonstrating horizontal and vertical text-align and text-margins and and 2 different very smooth shadowed rectangles.
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