{*******************************************************} { } { RGH XProfan Header Library } { Win32 standart controls styles header } { } { Copyright (c) 0-2007, Mr. Nobody } { } { Translator: Nico Übertreiber Madysa } { } {*******************************************************} Allgemeine Fensterstile ws_Standart = $50000000; = ws_Child + ws_Visible ws_Overlapped = $00000000; ws_Popup = $80000000; ws_Child = $40000000; ws_Minimize = $20000000; ws_Visible = $10000000; ws_Disabled = $08000000; ws_ClipSiblings = $04000000; ws_ClipChildren = $02000000; ws_Maximize = $01000000; ws_Caption = $00C00000; = ws_Border + ws_DlgFrame ws_Border = $00800000; ws_DlgFrame = $00400000; ws_VScroll = $00200000; ws_HScroll = $00100000; ws_SysMenu = $00080000; ws_ThickFrame = $00040000; ws_Group = $00020000; ws_TabStop = $00010000; ws_MinimizeBox = $00020000; ws_MaximizeBox = $00010000; Edit-Control-Stile es_Left = $0000; linksbündig es_Center = $0001; zentriert es_Right = $0002; rechtsbündig es_MultiLine = $0004; MultiEdit es_UpperCase = $0008; nur Großbuchstaben es_LowerCase = $0010; nur Kleinbuchstaben es_Password = $0020; Passwort-Edit es_AutoVScroll = $0040; Text kann über unteren Rand hinaus es_AutoHScroll = $0080; Text kann über rechten Rand hinaus es_NoHideSel = $0100; es_OEMConvert = $0400; es_Number = $2000; nur Nummern verwendbar Button-Stile bs_PushButton = $00; bs_DefPushButton = $01; bs_CheckBox = $02; bs_AutoCheckBox = $03; bs_RadioButton = $04; bs_3State = $05; bs_Auto3State = $06; bs_GroupBox = $07; bs_UserButton = $08; bs_AutoRadioButton = $09; bs_PushBox = $0A; bs_OwnerDraw = $0B; bs_LeftText = $20; bs_CheckButton = $1002; = bs_CheckBox + bs_Pushlike bs_MultiLine = $2000; Listbox-Stile lbs_Notify = $0001; lbs_Sort = $0002; lbs_NoRedraw = $0004; lbs_MultipleSel = $0008; lbs_OwnerDrawFixed = $0010; lbs_OwnerDrawVariable = $0020; lbs_HasStrings = $0040; lbs_UseTabStops = $0080; lbs_NoIntegralHeight = $0100; lbs_MultiColumn = $0200; lbs_WantKeyboardInput = $0400; lbs_ExtendedSel = $0800; lbs_Standart = $50A00103; = lbs_Notify + lbs_Sort + lbs_NoIntegralHeight + ws_VScroll + ws_Border Combo-Box-Stile (Auswahlbox) cbs_Simple = $0001; cbs_DropDown = $0002; cbs_DropDownList = $0003; cbs_OwnerDrawFixed = $0010; cbs_OwnerDrawVariable = $0020; cbs_AutoHScroll = $0040; cbs_OEMConvert = $0080; cbs_Sort = $0100; cbs_HasStrings = $0200; cbs_NoIntegralHeight = $0400; Scroll-Bar-Stile sbs_Horz = $0000; sbs_Vert = $0001; sbs_TopAlign = $0002; sbs_LeftAlign = $0002; sbs_BottomAlign = $0004; sbs_RightAlign = $0004; sbs_SizeBoxTopLeftAlign = $0002; sbs_SizeBoxBottomRightAlign = $0004; sbs_SizeBox = $0008; (Größenveränderungsbox) Static Control Constants (Stile für statische Controls - Text und Icon) ss_Left = $00; ss_Center = $01; ss_Right = $02; ss_Icon = $03; ss_BlackRect = $04; ss_GrayRect = $05; ss_WhiteRect = $06; ss_BlackFrame = $07; ss_GrayFrame = $08; ss_WhiteFrame = $09; ss_UserItem = $0A; ss_Simple = $0B; ss_LeftNoWordWrap = $0C; ss_NoPrefix = $80; Dialog-Stile ds_AbsAlign = $01; ds_SysModal = $02; ds_LocalEdit = $20; (Edit items get Local storage) ds_SetFont = $40; (User specified font for Dlg controls) ds_ModalFrame = $80; (Can be combined with ws_Caption) ds_NoIdleMsg = $100; (wm_EnterIdle message will not be sent)