
DBF-Viewer Universelles Program for all Dbase III Files


DBF_Viewer opens and machine any DBase III Files and has except whom normalen functions many Extras, new data base create, structure of/ one existing data base Change too Feldnamen can changed go. CSV To DBF, DBF To CSV and much More. Please testing, Feedback erwünscht.

greetings from Bangkok


1.020 kB
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Wow but already older what about me know it not yet. against it sees Yes the XProfaneigene DBHelfer from like a ice-cream in the sun. not extensively tested - but überflogen and thereby Pinned the the Iconbutton (under right of DbFviewer.exe) not clickable is because the Checkbox disturbing.

....very good Weiterentwicklung.....
.....to the Browse changes itself the Tootip-Font....
.....unfortunately becomes to old dBase III - manner at loading not automatically a *.bak laid out....
.....alas, and it'll everything to profane dBase III, Original dBase III plus can The File after a Änderung not any more open!
compare time SAV-A.dbf with the modified SAV-B.dbf. The first Datensatz watts changed.
Please the first characters in the HEX standing, too there get Changes undertaken.

7 kB
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

@If: Meinst You whom Exitbutton ? The is by me at least 1 cm from the Checkbox removes, can you time a Screnshoot make.
the Program is really already something older but I entwickle it still always moreover, some is even brandneu.

@Thomas: this is strange is, The File really with dBase III prepares and changed, or of a andern
Program, yet I had yet never Problems Databases The of original Dbase III or Clipper machine get To reading. I have former almost everything with Clipper realized what about me can today yet with Profan on these
Databases grab. i'll me the time standing and the standard vergleichen. Dbase IV can't red go there the program To Beginn whom Header abfragt and if no DB III Header present is abbricht. the Reading the Headers won't with the Profanmodul undertaken, there have I with strikt on The Description the Headers held.

greetings from Bangkok


43 kB
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Hello Thomas,

have me straight your both Files respected and tested, I can both free from problems open and Edit, shining with you on something anderm To lying..
Dass itself something in the Header changed has is clear, last update becomes with eachone Veränderung new written.
important is, that a DBase III plus File without Memo with 03 in byte 0 begins and this is the case, means opens the program The Database and the Profandatenbankmodul can also so bypass..
Profan writes no Special Dateiform of Dbase III I could yet too any Profandateien
with Dbase III again open.

here one statement from the Header redacted of Borland

0 1 byte Valid dBASE III PLUS table file (03h without a memo = 3
(.DBT file; 83h with a memo). =131

1-3 3 bytes Date of last update; in YYMMDD stature.
4-7 32-bit Number of records in the table.
8-9 16-bit Number of bytes in the header.
10-11 16-bit Number of bytes in the record.
12-14 3 bytes Reserved bytes.
15-27 13 bytes Reserved for dBASE III PLUS on a LAN.
28-31 4 bytes Reserved bytes.
32-n 32 bytes Field descriptor aray (the structure of this aray is
each shown below)
n+1 1 byte 0Dh stored as the field terminator.

greetings from Bangkok

Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Screenshot uses nothing - The Checkbox appear not gehovert and the clicking itself can I do not Screenshotten but I have whom bow found! and of course becomes The Checkbox ANSI well To wide drawn - teste it time self.

One tolles Program! (in the comparison moreover sees one my Tools already on, that tappt im dunkeln far over 10 years on the Buckel and have seinerzeit for Profan² 3 develops get.)

a (small) inhaltlichen Kritikpunkt had I there nevertheless: almost everywhere where of data base The speech is, is in truth a scheduler, or. data base-scheduler meant.
an data base exists from several tables, a scheduler from several Datensätzen, one Datensatz from several Feldern. an dbf-File is a scheduler, no data base. (See moreover too in the XProfan-Help about Databases.) The Gesamtheit the tables, a dBase-application uses, would a data base, its tables together in link stand. my in Clipper geschriebenes Rechnungsverwaltungsprogramm using z.B. four tables: Adress, item, Post and ReKopf.

(i know, these Sprachverwirrung has self in older dBase-Documentations floored. therefore becomes The Bezeichnung data base for a scheduler but not richtiger.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Dieter,

if everything strikt to Borlands Vorgaben expires, Why can The with Profan begot/geänderte *.dbf not any more with Borlands dBase III plus opened go.
have you got with your Program a DBF laid out and dBase III opened get?

One wish on Roland:
I hope dbf-Files and its edit remaining component of XProfan, exists to introduction of
@db(Browse,X,Y, s1,n1,s2,n2)
@db(Edit, X,Y,s1,s2,n)

The Possibility, The then so arbeitssparende function:

COPY TO -new Dateiname- [-area-] [FIELDS -feldliste-] [FOR -circumstance-] [WHILE -circumstance-]
intern incorporate?
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

With the circumstance see I here as trouble I wisely the Roland no real eval anbietet. The terms wären means not more than vordefiniert or. by ? Happen? steuerbar. (though - me falls there strain Procaddr one) but can such a Fn not simply self write? and How would these then looks?

i'm bound to say cool
only one Error have I seen
I have different of my lists read The I with my
Dateiprogramm (which I recently pictured have)
written have Eingelesen and fixes,
the DFB_Viewer can No german Sonderzeichen (unfortunately)
or ought to one too The lists so write ?

Note to mehrmaligem testing:
in the Brownsermodus can the program The
german Sonderzeichen.
into others modes not.
Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit

Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit

Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14
Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins"

@ Dieter,
have at Test the program to that crash brought:
data base loaded ..... into browse-mode changed.....closed....one area moreover .....
and then helped only yet the task-manager!

Start with = ASKII ......Browse with = ANSI ???

@ iF,
to something kurzem look, should itself my COPY-wish by SQL release let.
be with SQL not yet fitt and a vorgefertigter commands relieved it, a new data base with/or reduced Feldern and/or of/ one Teilmenge to create.
@db(Browse,X,Y, s1,n1,s2,n2)
@db(Edit, X,Y,s1,s2,n)
can indeed yourself create. But straight at Entry first once a Help.

28 kB
26 kB
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

@Dieter: Yes, this crash I had straight ditto erlebt.

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Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

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Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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