

- Page 1 -

Hello together,

here my erstes small Progrämmchen for our diesjährigen XProfan-competition with for the time being something over 250 Einträgen. in the Verlaufe the year go certainly another couple further DDR-joks and some More in this direction join.

some not-Ossis go presumably so some Pointe hardly or none understand or. nachvollziehem can, and presumably too some children and adolescent not, which The DDR-past tense or. the end the DDR-Time not aware miterlebt having.

too identify I personally as "gelernter Ossi" yourself not absolutely with all Inhalten this joks-collection.

nevertheless be I the opinion, that one thoroughly over many this "Geschichten" too as an afterthought yet schmunzeln can and something like not absolutely once in to be hooked get let ought to.

me personally power it on the most Fun, me each DDR-joks (by F9-Button) to the Zufallsprinzip anzuschauen or. durchzulesen.


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Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

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Jac, it's located me remote, this issue again breitzuschlagen. Dietmar is the commissioner, it ought to know what it power.

so, now Have I but too time enough. The function DDR-joke add is as great Button on the Window. and the it Dietmar only around the prices goes is considering the fact, that it on the large part its actual prices waived has, quite abwegig.
sure are all these programs small and simply in the Creation, but tappt im dunkeln should indeed only The people on The idea bring, self what einzureichen. and who with the Ratings the Jury not pleased is, can itself in concise 6 Monaten self moreover bewerben, no trouble. too plenty Time need one neither, too I as hard lernender Elftklässler have it geschafft.

PS: plenty joy you all!
Nico Madysa

Hi, Nico,

sure are all these programs small and simply in the Creation, but tappt im dunkeln should indeed only The people on The idea bring, self what einzureichen.

moreover are you plenty To ideenlos.

and who with the Ratings the Jury not pleased is, can itself in concise 6 Monaten self moreover bewerben, no trouble. too plenty Time need one neither, too I as hard lernender Elftklässler have it geschafft.

One two-minutes-Schnellklicktest Perhaps, with following 10 words-comment. careful software-Tests with einigermassen detail recession last yours Time.
so I will your Tests not verunglimpfen, you're enough in detail. If I but something like read, goes me the hat high:

- Simple Program
- Scrolling in Textboxen is not
---> 25


Lustiges Tool, however fehlende Opportunities.

the there under is a of my Wettbewerbs-Ratings from 2006, means wirf me Please not till, it rather make To should!


an Schnellstartleiste, circa programs faster started to and yet diverse Extras.
an Help is enough present, The installation simply. too The compel Settings are quick undertaken.
unfortunately reacted the Trayicon the Tools not as should. sometimes must one number of times clicking, To the program time reacted. too can The Icons, The Softstart aufs Window position not in the position change. Have it anyway not geschafft. and the stops I for a gewaltiges Manko.
calls one The Help on, so appear the upper part the Hilfefensters supra outside the Bildschirms, sodaß one not on The Bedienungsleiste herankommt. too so one blunder.
The Programmicons are additionally utterly ugly, particularly the Trayicon. and the Windowsicon shows mitunter seltsame Borders and Kanten.
means really only many störende Kleinigkeiten, The quick abgestellt go could. The Programmidee is otherwise of course old, but not so bad.

note: 4+ (to Mängelbehebung 3)

alas Yes. my whole Ratings for competition 2006 have I on the 17.january 2007 in the Adminforum posted, means thoroughly timely!

my herzlichsten Glückwunsch or. my Beileid To Your yet biggest Stänker-success as Community-Admin!

with Your futile-Rumgebrabbel over programs, The not Your (imaginären) FA*-Anspruchs-level correspond to, and your Stänkerei against whom competition dürftest You it now finally really geschafft having, that itself prospective presumably no XProfan More trauen becomes, one own small XProfan-Program as Wettbewerbsbeitrag einzureichen!

means people:

avoid it Please, prospective Own programs einzureichen, without before whom blessings of Frank for eingeholt to have (z.B. by PM) - anderenfalls setting your eurer Programmierleistung the menace from, yet to the actual Wettbewerbsende on the 31.12. the year of Frank unsachlich, as well as gnaden- and self-indulgent auseinandergepflückt and hellish To go. best would it, your orientiert you with eurer hobby-Programmiererei prospective on whom of Frank created Programmiertools, because then ye on any Cases first time on the secure Page. building but Please not plenty More Bugs in eure programs one, How tappt im dunkeln in Franks Programs ditto include are! Fehlende Windowsversions-inquire and fehlende Error-Messageboxen at exist of for eurem Program unpleasant Systemkonfigurationen are to my jetzigen Erkenntnisstand however allows or. go of Frank thoroughly toleriert. for from it resultierende Systemabstürze, including eventueller Datenverluste, draw anyhow the trollige hobby-PCler and -Tastendrücker (FA*-Wortschöpfung) or. users eures Program yourself Responsible.

Also solltet your it at the outset avoid, one Program einzureichen, which one not The category Programmiertools or Games einreihen can.

After the previous run down of/ one FA*-Genehmigung standing eurer Wettbewerbsteilnahme 2008 means now nothing more in the ways! self-evident go these Wettbewerbsbeiträge then from the world-wide only kompetenten FA*-Jury sympathetic and zeitnah, means To at the latest end january the Folgejahres, rates and rated, sofern these not short to the Wettbewerbsende again yourself verkrümelt ... unfortunately can to the jetzigen Erkenntnisstand no Gewähr for given go, that itself to one such possible Jury-resignation again a hand voller Dummlinge finds, The thereafter try becomes, eure programs unvoreingenommen and objective To evaluate and einzuschätzen.


I had before never on it believed, that it a such gigantic hatred- and Stänkerwelle trigger would, after the Wettbewerbsprogramm one Community-Admins a independent Jury into latest Drittel the Preisträgerliste eingereiht watts and not, How of Program-Author expects, a Space in the vorderen area belegte! but known is one never To old for, circa constantly and over ands over again dazulernen to ...
the, what here in the public part the Community To this Subject to reading is, this is only The pointed the Eisberges and quite nothing against Franks Stänkereien in the Admin-Forum against our competition and the (new) Wettbewerbs-Jury.since the publication the Results the 2007-it XProfan-Wettbewerbes.

FA* = F. Abbing
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

interestingly to ascertain is, that among other things I me vorwerfen let must, i'd The programs not correctly. testing. mere because Frank means, one must a essay write, circa SELBER then spots distribute to, then would like I the following note:
These 10-words-rating was on itself only for me virtual, I me not at all deliberate was, that the whole then published becomes.
a very large Einfluss having my (admittedly) subjektives feeling bzgl. one Program. Dummerweise let itself not always in words grasp, take off my rating neither necessary is

around the reproach Dietmars against Frank again aufzugreifen: you have Yes sure my rating for your Program red ... and know too, as to the Punktzahl for may part comes.

moreover would like I note, that me really The pleasure missing, for somebody einzuspringen, and me hereafter vorwerfen To let, I had gemurkst.

Regards Christian
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

would your Please there go on. me personally reichts slow and of course of both pages.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

on Dietmars vehementer Reakion can itself discern, How very I well in that Scharze met having must.

These 10-words-rating was on itself only for me virtual, I me not at all deliberate was, that the whole then published becomes.

Yes, but its Yes not my guilt, that You above not correctly. informed were. You would have you possible The Ratings the Vorjahre standing can.

@Dietmar: To your Posting rewards it not, plenty say. Perhaps should You with the stupid-newspaper inquiries, whether tappt im dunkeln another Orakel or a new Märchenonkel search.
your Vorwürfe on me count well sooner for you, still goes it in this Thread circa Vorabtests for your Tool.

@Jac: correctly., me too. I at least have everything said.


on Dietmars vehementer Reakion can itself discern, How very I well in that Scharze met having must.

@Dietmar: To your Posting rewards it not, plenty say. Perhaps should You with the stupid-newspaper inquiries, whether tappt im dunkeln another Orakel or a new Märchenonkel search.

Hello Frank,

1. thanks for this hint! After umgehender telefonischer Bewerbung with the Info on this Thread here, said me The nice personnel-Referentin of BILD, that tappt im dunkeln first yet further Bewerbungen in this direction to wait it out would like (evtl. of F. A. from A.?), before tappt im dunkeln dbzgl. a final and verbindliche decision meets, and wish me for my berufliche Weiterentwicklung everything good, blablabla, etc. evident appeared I your for this job (yet) not stupid enough. wanted You yourself not already medium-term time professional change or. improve?

2. That You here now even single, from the Context herausgelöste verbale estimates of Wettbewerbs-Juroren postest (The yet only for Community-Admins and Jury-Members einsehbar been were), the find I particularly low-down from you! too I must so calculate and so life, that I almost daily time head-wind of Jugendlichen get! big deal? If I Error made have, then gestehe I these even one - and the wars then been! yet has me the still no Jugendlicher übelgenommen. under no circumstance feel I dbzgl. as meanwhile unfortunately over Fünfzigjähriger in of my Eitelkeit injure, only because me one 16- / 17- / 18-Jähriger on irgendeinen Error or one (its opinion to) Fehlverhalten hingewiesen has.

3. how far must one really in its charakterlichen Re-development voranschreiten, circa with you on same Augenhöhe communicate to? Please try not, me dbzgl. again my words in the mouth herumzudrehen! your inspired Programmierkenntnisse (particularly in Assembler) white I very well To value and anzuerkennen! still with vielem, what outside the world the Bits and Bytes expires, seem You unfortunately something integrally beautiful Nachholebedarf to have!

4. @all: i want here under no circumstance provozierend or insulting wirken, separate I respond solely polite and shy (anyway of my opinion to) the Posting one Community-Admins.

5. Sorry, but if here even one Community-Admin attempts, my schoolboy, Jugendlichen or quite a me personally completely unidentified Jugendlichen or. boys erwachsenen XProfan from bavaria and Jury-Member (Christian E.) for stupid and dorky hinzustellen, then goes me too slow the hat high!

none of us is fehlerfrei - weder I, yet You, Frank, yet sonstwer! still so, How You yourself as Community-Admin here and in unserem Admin-Forum in the jüngsten past tense in the tone out of print have, after I The Ergebnisliste the award winner ours 2007-it XProfan-Wettbewerbes published having - something like has yet yet none getraut!

and the evident only, because your Web-Cam-Program from the independent Jury mehrheitlich in the last Drittel the Wettbewerbsgewinner platziert been was, and not vorderen area. is a such character-Grundeinstellung not sooner sorry or. pitiable?

If your super-Wettbewerbsprogramm on several strangers Jury-Testrechnern without reasonable Error-Messagebox abschmiert, then has it crept and simply no better rating and Platzierung earn! in the Ernstfall (means not Testrechnern ongoing) had the program additional to a vigorously windows-crash presumably too Datenverluste at users manufactures! from The mouse! circa something like objective to weigh up to, must I no diploma-Informatiker his, separate The quality one such Wettbewerbs-Program could if need be even already one nine- or zwölfjähriger Krümel-Pauli from unserem HY-territory to weigh up! or?

of my bescheidenen opinion to would bzgl. Your (sure involuntary) Fehlverhaltens at least a excuse on Christian E., and Perhaps too all Members the new Jury, The The 2007-it Wettbewerbsprogramme in her ditto concise bemessenen free time as an afterthought rates had, More as overdue!

If You, the against expect here in this Thread from verletzter persönlicher Eitelkeit (or from whom Found too always) public not want, then standing you Yes still The PM-Variante available. as Community-Admin have You additional, very How I, ditto Access to The not-PM-Mailadresse, with the itself each Community-Member here announced having.

moreover would like I note, that me really The pleasure missing, for somebody einzuspringen, and me hereafter vorwerfen To let, I had gemurkst.

Tja, Christian, so is the now time in the real life! with such FA*-saunter must one unfortunately always calculate - alike what does, or what not does!

herewith one public and offizielles Community-Thank you for may part for your persönliches Engagement during ours 2007-it Wettbewerbsauswertung, after the old Admin-Jury to Franks resignation by degrees (ca. 5 months to Einreichungsschluß) in 05/2008 for good in breeze aufgelöst having! Murks have You of my opinion to with your Programmbewertungen under no circumstance abgeliefert! Genausowenig How any others Juroren ditto not!

too all others Juroren for may part one riesengroßes Thank you for your yet geleistete work in the senses the Weiterbestehens ours XProfan-Programmierwettbewerbes!

yet I'm going yet of it from, that it individual FA*-T. on duration not gelingen and is must, our XProfan-Programmier-competition kaputtzureden or. kaputtzuposten!


who in my Kilometerpostings Rechtschreib-, Grammatik-, Schussel- or Buchstabendreher-Error finds, the must these gladly keep! 

FA* = F. Abbing
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

I had said, I say wished. i think but - without somebody Unbeteiligten with hineinzuziehen To want - at least Horst horn becomes understand can, How such oberlehrerhaften Easterner/west german - Krümel/Pauli - schoolboy/teacher - Millionärs/Fussballer Postings me presently nerves.

in the Übrigen reading itself Dietmars Postings sooner How the Geschreibe one right senilen and In any drop very weltfremden confused.

here one small UpDate of my DDR-Witzesammlung.
Own joks can association, edited and again deleted go.
an minimale Suchfunktion is integrate.
yet are now in the program 400 DDR-joks include.
if someone further DDR-joks knows, would it nice, if one me these by Mail zuschicken would, so I tappt im dunkeln into Program einarbeiten can.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


One Quote from the from you so geschmähten BILD-newspaper: [web]https://www.presentment.de[/web]

after a investigation the disengaged university Berlin wish itself eachone ninth Berliner and Brandenburger The wall and so The DDR back.
The testimony
it would rather, if The wall between East and West yet stand would stimmten loudly survey 11 percent the Westberliner and 12 percent the Ostberliner To. In Brandenburg lying The approval even with up to 14 percent.

to that comparison:
to four years vermissten seven percent the questioned in Ostberlin The wall. increasingly Ostdeutsche (up to 19 percent) feel itself concise 20 years to the drop the wall as Verlierer the reunification.

After all whom Billion, which since almost 20 years as Soli... investiert get, gives me the To think,,,

...or could to the Result as DDR-joke your collection add ?


After all whom Billion, which since almost 20 years as Soli... investiert get, gives me the To think,,,

...one ought to but too time deliberating, how much the Billion again back flowed or none first here arrived are. so to the motto:
bought for a Euro, Fördermittel and Stützungen kassiert, and then nothing How lane !! 
the goes of einfachen House until Grossbetrieb. i think, something like carry too To such Umfrageergebnissen, How supra described, with.

but alike, with wall hätten we Yes all probability too no XProfan. and in Basic on one Robotron-computer could Dietmar certainly not such unterhaltsamen small programs write.

make a long story short, wall there or not : I find The Witzesammlung cool. One toller Posting, lest everything from the DDR untergeht !!

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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