
Druckertreiber multiple install


Hallöle Comunity,

have the trouble, 5 baugleiche Bondrucker at a USB Ringleitung To operate. several Lines are you don't say so.
circa me now 5 hardware Druckerumschalter To save would I the Druckertreiber under 5 different printer lay out.

now To my trouble. Installiere I the Druckertreiber multiple, places windows too well 4 copies on. only unfortunately goes not so simply.
alike whether I the solid driver or a copy of it anspreche, it print always any 5.

I had yet The Possibility Bondrucker unterschiedlicher Bauart To take. this would but the latest alternative.
Perhaps stood here someone already to selbigen trouble and has a couple Tipps. thanks.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

with BonDruckern druckte so did i already - was a software
for InternetCafés.

To Your trouble: too untersch. printer install becomes hardly
help, there nevertheless any Drucke The signals receive and the Steuerzeichen
mostly Yes still all the same are.

You could Relais benefit, small Platine produce with 2
Widerständen and 1 Transistor per Relais - but whom say I the!

Yes, The Hardwareumschaltung I had already in Betracht.
wished hold without get along.

the whole must hard bayerischen Bierzeltbetrieb hold up. Grins.
will be hold circa bidirektionale Elektronikrelais not herumkommen.
XProfan X3
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

what yet went would a Raspberry-Atmellösung.
time look over whether it already a Raspberry for windows gives or whether I with Rolands old Linuxversion try should.

well, that me the Raspberry einfiel.

You could Relais benefit, small Platine produce with 2
Widerständen and 1 Transistor per Relais - but whom say I the!

the reminded me on whom Raspberry. Grins.
XProfan X3
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

but since take hold simply Linux-Shell-command.

The Platine The I me for Rasp built have working to date perfect!

but a additional computer connect, even if it in EC-cards-
Size vorliegt, means additional Schwachstellen.

The Gembird Silvershield  [...]  would there plenty plainer anzuwenden and You
can directly from XProfan out (by Shell) The Relais chid.

another Lösungsvorschlag:

you have 1 USB pipeline, on it one USB-Switch, on it against 5
USB2LPT1. so would eachone printer particular. The Bon-printer having
still LPT1?

next to the printer depends there yet ne "Atmel Dummy Bestellaufnahmeeinheit" on eachone Station with drann.

Ne, The Bon printer having only USB.

there there eh NEN Mikrocontroler sits, zäume I the horse now differently on.
I let not any more of Hauptrechner from print, separate take NEN Windowsfähigen Checkkartenrechner and let on the Station self print.
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Nochmal hervorkram:
Have me over again schlau made.
The Bondrucker The I use having any, though of equal Druckertyp, another Gerätenummer. therefore go these typgleichen USB Bondrucker of USBtreiber as different tools recognized.
It's all right now still. theoretical at least.
two typgleiche USB printer with the same Druckertreiber still different address.
the goes but only with typgleichen USB Printers with unterschiedlichen Gerätenummern. otherwise Gibts NEN Systemcrash.

time tensely. theory and practice are so known zweierlei boot.

XProfan X3
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

GDL (26.05.15)
Nochmal hervorkram:
Have me over again schlau made.
The Bondrucker The I use having any, though of equal Druckertyp, another Gerätenummer. therefore go these typgleichen USB Bondrucker of USBtreiber as different tools recognized.

the have You Yes each USB-unit. can indeed 12 baugleiche Mäuse subsequently or or. These "Gerätenummer" is well already in the USB-Chip festgeschraubt integrally like MAC-Adressen with Netzwerkadaptern. therefore have You because of your Printers too several (virt.) Anschlüsse under Settings-> printer-> IrgendEinDrucker-> Anschlüsse.

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Pedro Miguel06/22/15


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