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| Einfache PHP gallery without SQL/data base
Kleinster denominator of/ one a only small File existing PHP Fotogalerie or. one photo-album -
becomes in the meantime of over einhundert Websites uses.
pages UTF8-Kodiert No (MySQL-) data base necessary Ordner and Files simply Upload and ready discretionary strukturieren simply over Ordner optionale alphabetical Sorting to Dateiname Temp-Files How Thumbs/ Counter self-contained in album/.tmp/ Bildgruppen possible, Gruppierung produce by Dateinamenvergabe in the stature: presentment.jpg; bild_2.jpg; bild_3.jpg. Grußkartenfunktion URL, BBCode & HTML-code -boxes for each Image Slideshow-function Filenames for r-line between là ¶ can in the names Umlaute imply possible Dateiendungen: png; gif; jpg; jpeg Autoinstallation, notwendige directories go automatically laid out Layout simply by CSS anpassbar Optimal too simply by Iframe anzeigbar
Related: Simple PHP Guestbook without SQL/data base [...]
load The php everywhere there there, where You gladly a Bildergalerie would have.
You can The php too rename (z.B. index.php), tappt im dunkeln functions with each names if The Endung .php sounds.
beget in the same directory one Unterverzeichnis namens album, and load here The Images high. You can also arbitrary Unterverzeichnisse create and therefore any sort to achieve.
Thumbs go automatically created circa Traffic and Serverlast lowly To hold, too a Slideshow-function is installed.
everything automatically, and therefore, that only a File necessary is, can too very simply a Vielzahl such galleries next to each other run.
The code isn't written under the preferential guter Lesbarkeit, on reason the geringen Size but sure quick and simply erweiterbar.
too appropriate to pursued in a IFrame. |
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| updated on Version 0.1.1c BETA -
because of vieler Changes first of all as Beta-Version.
pages UTF8-Kodiert optionale alphabetical Sorting to Dateiname Temp-Files How Thumbs/ Counter not any more messy very next to whom Bilddateien liegend separate self-contained in album/.tmp/ Bildgruppen possible, Gruppierung produce by Dateinamenvergabe in the stature: presentment.jpg; bild_2.jpg; bild_3.jpg. Filenames for r-line between là ¶ can in the names Umlaute imply possible Dateiendungen: png; gif; jpg; jpeg Autoinstallation, notwendige directories go automatically laid out
Info: there the album/- directory now tidy only yet the actual Bilddateien contains recommend I one bisheriges album-directory To Remove and Images for r-line between là ¶ new anzulegen. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | OK - after I understood having, How and where very I The File and Images hinpacken must, has it because too worked. crazy thing! by me becomes though each Image always a red 0 right under displayed and the Seitenmitte (over smallBum@XProfan.com) is a Black hinterlegte zero.
but again: super Skript, thanks!
Nachtrag: Hab's out - there go probably the Views the large Images mitgezählt...
the Send functions though not. would be me neither important. time see, whether I the rausbekomme... The Umlaute go by me correctly angezeigt; The Slideshow comes so though not clear. i'd in the I-Net but too (yet) no Umlaute bring into action. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/04/11 ▲ |
| whom worth the Variable $_smallbum_conf['ShowViewsCount'] simply of true on false settle and already disappears The "rote 0". ^^
With the whom Umlauten with the Slideshow look I me on.
You can in album/ Files and Ordner lay out.
What exactly happens with you because _nicht that the Send not working? |
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| Derweil...
updated on Version 0.1.1d BETA -
Slideshow shows now too Images with Umlauten in the Filenames. (thanks Jörg)
with Send simply E-Mail-Adressen and a Grusskarten-Text and on Send clicking.
The Empfänger sustain a E-Mail with a Link -
The Page behind the Link shows the image velvet Grußtext. |
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| Argh,
with "Slideshow" make Umlaute in the Ordnernamen yet Problems...
I will at next Update mind. |
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| I
Update 0.1.1e BETA uploaded. |
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| and yet one...
Update 0.1.1f BETA uploaded -
so can Images now too of less gifted Suchmaschinen indiziert go. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer |
What exactly happens with you because _nicht that the Send not working?
I filling The boxes for Empfänger and Sender from, and then happens nothing, after I on versenden click. The view jumping again in that Rootverzeichnis the Albums and the war's.
The Slideshow functions now correctly with the Umlauten, though go The names not displayed, if The Slideshow durchläuft, separate only, if I on The Pfeile click. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/05/11 ▲ |
| over again one Update on V0.1.1g BETA -
in the Slideshow-mode becomes now too the Bilddateiname displayed and UTF-Dateisysteme should supported his. |
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| and same another Update on V0.1.1h BETA -
@Jörg: now ought to with you too The Grußkartenfunktion functions. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | unfortunately not integrally: "hat fÃŒr you a Grusskarte " standing in the Mail, The I then objectively receive have. though first at second attempt. The encompassed Link verweist then but on The Grundebene the gallery with all Images. The Link end with :/ "images.php?album=&showcard=1320511229" it'll but in greetingcards nothing hinterlegt, if the the sense the Verzeichnisses his ought to. has it still but FileZilla has the directory not correctly. updated displayed. I teste later again... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/05/11 ▲ |
| Update on Version 0.1.1i BETA -
now becomes UTF-8 too by http-Header gesendet what relevant is if Webserver another Charset-indicated into Header mogeln. |
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