


Gewisse Personen How Dietmar or Nico go jetz schmunzeln, but I have objectively time one Program ready written! and I wealthy it for competition one. Muahahahaha!

InFile, is a Program the one with Texts in Files hide can and these Files thereafter hardly differently looks and even still function.
yet go only 24bit-BMPs supported, but I work yet on further Formaten.
the whole is quite selbsterklärend and one must only the Nummerierung follow.
I have too same a BMP-File settled so your it immediate testing can.
particularly be I interested, as on your Systemen looks.

Greeting Thomas

6.028 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: 31.12.08
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

the Handling is dahingehend difficult because it me at first Male not gelingen could successful kodierten Text wiederherzustellen.

what I "falsch" made have? sure much, guilt has but always the program.

Lauter Ypsilone and others furchteinflössende characters get only zurückkodiert, withal same Key.

I Have now to ambulation tested and can say: WOW! no Real
under Vista runs it correct. too beautiful is the progress as display!
I go time of it from, that too yet something in direction solid happens? and too the © correctly. occupied becomes or removes becomes.

in the Contrast To iF could it codiert and decodiert go!
I go of it from, that it means, you should Error intercepting - to that example if one normales Bitmap without Text chosen becomes.

have The Digits stand let (123456789)

Codierung something slow - for went The Decodierung very zügig - desirable would another small guide ! ;9


Lauter Ypsilone and others furchteinflössende characters get only zurückkodiert, withal same Key.

time bad whether I the somewhere nachstellen can.

the © correctly. occupied becomes

becomes To friday corrected

another small guide

there Have I me what komplexeres undertaken. Werd but sehn whether I the too To friday schaf.

something slow

the decodieren goes quick because I a Schlussstrich into Text einbaue and the decodieren thereafter stop can. what the codieren angeht, becomes me certainly one in the morning at augenaufmachen sure yet what to occur
beautiful the your it so quick tested have.
Greeting Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

have now with of/ one disengaged number codiert (6stellig) functions ! - take I but one other Image (*.bmp) depends itself your Program on - the new Image was even yet something small How your mitgeliefertes (with a more went But neither )
there missing another Messagebox The the User klarmacht, that it with the Image not works !

@horst schick me time Please The Images over PM or so
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Thomas Zielinski
Gewisse Personen How Dietmar or Nico go jetz schmunzeln, but I have objectively time one Program ready written! and I wealthy it for competition one. Muahahahaha

Wohlbemerkt only already dank:

Horst horn
have now with of/ one disengaged number codiert (6stellig) functions ! - take I but one other Image (*.bmp) depends itself your Program on - the new Image was even yet something small How your mitgeliefertes (with a more went But neither )
there missing another Messagebox The the User klarmacht, that it with the Image not works !

I suppose would like, that Dietmar or Nico with Program ready written here möglicherweise on something other virtual having...

all joking aside and tolles Program! wanted to we not any already once very something like program?

BMP and PNG and unkomprimierte WAV have on the plan?

Hello Thomas,

I Have already soon not any more on it believed, that You in this life at all once more one einziges Program half-way ready get (I know Yes, how much tons on halbfertigem stuff You yet present have).

a couple Notes to that Program from of my visibility:

- the MultiEdit should You yet a Line break give liberally.

- in the finished Messagebox: "If with the the Key not works, then take tappt im dunkeln a others Key ..." (or so similar): two Listviews the because? either the program is tidy program, then has the To klappen, or it is not tidy program, and it works therefore not - then is it Schrott.

- to the Codieren should You The Color Depth the Bitmaps to check on (&BMPCol), because with < 24 bit comes yet only Garbage out! With the whom "Ypsilonen and furchteinflössenden Zeichen" with iF might on it lain having, world iF presumably random straight no 24-bit-Bitmap to that try erwischt having.

- If one exhaust present is, then has behind it too Irgendwas To hide. otherwise sees the little professional from.

- The Buttons, The yet nothing concern, because tappt im dunkeln not yet dran are, should disabled go, until on the row are.

- an Helpfile heard nowadys absolutely to that standard, even if most people presumably anyhow no Hilfetexte reading. but at least a short Programmbeschreibung and a small Info, for what to the Program meaningfully use could, would already not so bad.

- with something colour ließe itself the program optisch on any Cases another slightly aufpeppen (z.B. one Programmlogo, and / or a Mini-Preview the To bearbeitenden Bildes - later with Sound-Files then Perhaps another Possibility to that listen to the Sound-File, etc.)

-Versions-Information and a own program-Icon should You ditto yet insert. as firm: "RGH-Soft", and as Programmversion "" sees the of my opinion to stupid from, or.?

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

sometimes crashes the program simply ex - if I wild click and/or The rights Mouse button for use.

have You in the code somewhere one procAddr?

so your observes that I Nich rotten be, Have I time a Aktuellere Version uploaded circa my actually stood aufzuzeigen. s.O.

presently bastel I one Universallem part for Mp3s what but here yet Nich drin is. but its Yes only a Beta to that testing. The Help missing immernoch. The Buttons werd I well too yet coloured make if I time again couple hours Time find.

Greeting Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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