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![Dieter Zornow: 11/26/09](.././../../i/a/101212027948ca98cf1d74c.jpg) Dieter Zornow | here one Program please times testing. it deals itself circa a einfachen Player, it can MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA, ASF Play. limited too APE and FLAC if The Codecs in the system are, as well as Internetradio
Download external Download
The Source is thereby to disengaged Disposal, as Hilfestellung, if someone something like basteln wants. I have this code to some years written and it now circa Internetradio complement. its So one mixed from old and new code I To rotten was, circa everything new To write. can by the mixed first ex XProfan 11 unchanged walk. it using The FMod.dll to that Play and for Internetradio. The DLL The Exe and a small Help are ditto thereby. me would in first line interested whether with the the Proxy so functions, I none have and not testing can. If the so far works, I will time see what The dll internetmäßig yet everything can.
important: The Player can't any Internetradiostreams Play. any Streams a Playliste Send .pls as well as Streams The as .rm or .swf gesendet go cannot abgespielt go, one must hold testing what runs. The in the pkg encompassed urls should but any functions. best are MP3 and WMA Streams.
the Program is only short tested and can yet Error include.
PS: has Perhaps someone a Radiourlsammlung, are none so slight to find. |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/26/09 ▲ |
![Thomas Freier: 11/26/09](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | Hello Dieter, a swell thing, but gewöhnungsbedürftig (Screen). are we so not of you gewöhnt. helps you the with Search moreover ? [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/26/09 ▲ |
![iF: 11/26/09](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | I Have of course not yet big tested, but on 2 various. Computern runs! |
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![Rolf Koch: 11/26/09](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | too by me super and correct. Nungut The Farbgebung the Fensters *hihihi* and if I on About click, so comes the Infofenster for 2 sek. and close itself then selbstständig. |
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![Dieter Zornow: 11/27/09](.././../../i/a/101212027948ca98cf1d74c.jpg) Dieter Zornow | thanks for testing. The Farbgebung and the construction, is hold one altes Program, that I because of the Internetradiosache over again to that life erweckt have, since the Grundfunktionen already present were and the the simplest was, I To rotten be over again something new To make. ![](.././../../i/s/superlol.gif) If the but functions could it his, that it me pack what about me everything new program.
@Thomas: Yes the Link help me moreover, of it functions certainly some. you have well no Standardschrift tuned.
has nobody a Proxy around the too To testing. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/27/09 ▲ |
![Thomas Freier: 11/28/09](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | another list, teilgetestet, found. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/28/09 ▲ |
![Dieter Zornow: 11/28/09](.././../../i/a/101212027948ca98cf1d74c.jpg) Dieter Zornow | I have time yet something rumgespielt and a new version uploaded, it go now The Information The the radio sends displayed. The above-mentioned Link watts renewed. @Thomas your Urlliste have I übernommen. super thanks |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/28/09 ▲ |
![Thomas Freier: 11/28/09](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | @Dieter, make You on the Player moreover? with the advanced list, find I, is now the point come, where the Overview because of the Sendername in front stand ought to. otherwise seek one long to whom Sendern. knew none, that it, well extra for Rolf, Wackenradio gives. what I with all the Sucherei not found have are The direct Urls the schwedischen radios. ought to of/ one hereon prod, be I for a hint grateful. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/28/09 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 11/28/09](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Joaaar calm - Wacken, Wacken, fire brigade ^^ horny! |
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![Dieter Zornow: 11/29/09](.././../../i/a/101212027948ca98cf1d74c.jpg) Dieter Zornow | @Thomas, have really not till there moreover To make, there the only one attempt was to see whether the simply To make is. but you have Yes whom Source and You can time to urlname$ Search and the two Substr$() simply turnabout, 1 = then Urlname$ and 2 is then song$ or song$, then have you got The names in front. If I sometime weitermache I will what integrally new make. with the opportunity could you too The Buttons something larger make, so The Grafikfehler with you vanish. is hold only pity, that not any Radiostationen abgespielt go can, but too The bass.dll can only The equal Stationen Play. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/29/09 ▲ |
![Thomas Freier: 11/29/09](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | @Dieter, thanks, have The Sendung tested and runs. With the whom Button lying by me on the modified attitude on 120dpi. much changes itself by the attitude with older Programs, if Buttonhöhe or Randabstände to that Window concise proportion are. the not any Transmitter dauernd To listen are, so must one life. too The URL can itself changed having. for the 60,70, 80 Oldies :|Gamla Godingar SWE |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/29/09 ▲ |
![Dieter Zornow: 01/13/10](.././../../i/a/101212027948ca98cf1d74c.jpg) Dieter Zornow | new Version the Simple Player high loaded.
many Changes and particularly Improvements to the last Version, one can say Quantensprung.
code watts complete new revised, is now, think I, first ex Version 11.2 run. Schwerer Error the to that crash led at Zufallsabspielen and other smaller ones Error eliminating.
The Player can now WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, ASF APE, FLAC, AAC, MP4 and M4A" without Einschränkung Play. The letzteren 5 only if the suitable Codec in the system installs is. you'll over MCI abgespielt. naturally too yet Internetradio. Radioliste lying with. The Tags of Internetradio go now geordnet in the Infofenster displayed . any Tags go over the Infobutton displayed.
now too Drag and Drop capable. simply Files in that Mainwindow wander. can also songs as Parameter transfer Play
New bessereres Appearance, Default Skin is similar the normalen Winamp Appearance. The Playliste can one and ausgeklappt go. The Player is complete Skin capable, that is one can over one Skin-File whom Player complete change without one row Code write. any Images are in the directory ProgdirSkinsWinamp, ought to usually in that %appdata%. can also over Konfig adjusted go, it'll then a Inidatei with the site the Skins laid out. there are 2 Skins to that try thereby Winamp and Oldstyle new Skins require a Neustart, was me too much work the on the fly To make. One Skineditor the The Creation one Skinfiles vereinfacht is ditto thereby.
Each crowd Info over The invited Files by the Audogenie.dll. as code carryed out is with the Audiogenie.dll one small Splash screen To see, the in the beigelegten Exe No is, I a license on The DLL have. by the Audiogenie.dll is the Player first ex Windows XP run.
I have not yet plenty tested, therefore could still small Error present his. Kritiken and Fehlermeldungen are Welcome. particularly interested me the Appearance, there any Font and Anzeigefelder einzeilige Richedits with angepasster colour are, by me sees one The boxes not, as it too his ought to. as well as, whether it run is under windows > XP
some Problems The I not yet integrally in the handle have are The Klicks. I had already Getfocus take, there clicked() integrally dodgy operates. Subclassen the List view functions neither reliably, though I these routine already countless Male without Problems uses have. here goes not, be therefore on a alternative method umgestiegen. Typisches example Why oftmal one Minimalbeispiel functions but in the Context not. The Volume with over MCI abgespielten Files and from the Fmod.dll abgespielten can something different his, there once over The DLL geregelt and is once over the Windowmixer.
Source and Exe in the Pack.
The Link the first Postings watts renewed. |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/13/10 ▲ |