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Dieter Zornow | here one Program please times testing. it deals itself circa a einfachen Player, it can MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA, ASF Play. limited too APE and FLAC if The Codecs in the system are, as well as Internetradio
Download external Download
The Source is thereby to disengaged Disposal, as Hilfestellung, if someone something like basteln wants. I have this code to some years written and it now circa Internetradio complement. its So one mixed from old and new code I To rotten was, circa everything new To write. can by the mixed first ex XProfan 11 unchanged walk. it using The FMod.dll to that Play and for Internetradio. The DLL The Exe and a small Help are ditto thereby. me would in first line interested whether with the the Proxy so functions, I none have and not testing can. If the so far works, I will time see what The dll internetmäßig yet everything can.
important: The Player can't any Internetradiostreams Play. any Streams a Playliste Send .pls as well as Streams The as .rm or .swf gesendet go cannot abgespielt go, one must hold testing what runs. The in the pkg encompassed urls should but any functions. best are MP3 and WMA Streams.
the Program is only short tested and can yet Error include.
PS: has Perhaps someone a Radiourlsammlung, are none so slight to find. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/26/09 ▲ |
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Matthias Arlt | Hello Dieter, habs strain time by me tested. Erstmal only The finished EXE-Version. me whom Source to examine, I had not yet The Time.
The Playerfunktionen functions so far tadellos, anyway with the Formaten, The I tangible having. too Webradio goes correct. Subjektiv felt even somehow zügiger as with others Webradio-Playern, The I know. to surface of me only so much: somehow skin the System Menu not correctly. there. move the Fensters goes not at all and minimizes in the Taskbar verweigert it itself then gänzlich. there helps then only yet the Taskmanager... otherwise but everything in everything integrally nice and useable.
Greeting Matthias |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 01/13/10 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | Hello Matthias,
thanks for testing, what Dou you mean with System Menu ? its Yes quite keins present, this is one Window without title bar. to that move the Fensters must You integrally right clicking, there it only on the Window works and the window fully is with Buttons and Richedits. Related to the minimize have so did i already fixes. usually ought to still windows the automatically again produce. I use Showmin, must times the Api try whether it then rather reacted.
Dieter |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/13/10 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | Related to the Mininieren have I found. it's located on the Fensterstil moreover simply in the Winamp.skn in the directory skinswinamp under [WINDOW1] Style of 240 on 112 Change, then works wonderful |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/13/10 ▲ |
Matthias Arlt | Dieter Zornow, Beitrag=55828, Zeitpunkt=13.01.2010
what Dou you mean with System Menu ? its Yes quite keins present... having me there something mißverständlich framed. I held whom oberen Fensterbereich incorrectly for a optisch changed Headline and wunderte me then only over The unexpected or. fehlende reaction... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 01/13/10 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | is of course simply To Change, have whom Fensterstil but changed and new uploaded. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/13/10 ▲ |
Pedro Miguel | Hello Dieter
functions well, is it possible The Radiosendungen aufzunehmen, means The music To Save?
greeting Pedro |
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Dieter Zornow | Hello Pedro,
in the momentum not, could but Perhaps To make his, must test times. If it works I will one Update Upload.
Dieter |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/15/10 ▲ |
| otherwise unless integrierbar... I draw "alles" with Audiograbbers Line-take on - have but too a extra computer the the Audsig of Playrechner durchschleift and aufnimmt but vlt. hilfts Yes nevertheless. |
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| time fix launched... tolles thing - I tell but time only of Bugs...
have The Playlist under aufgeklappt but Fensterverschieben with the mouse works not - means can simply supra not "anfassen". close-Button but works - same time neustarten... |
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| by mistake Posting a blank abgesandt... too to Neustart can I somehow the window not move me the mouse - ah, even, somehow... means only sometimes find I one Pixel where I move can...
click on Play - happens but nothing - faith must first downstairs list fill - vlt. one Voreintrag would beautiful. ^^
click under on "Open Folder" and shows on Festplatte - be vergewirrt is still one Internetradioplayer - ah, see, standing only here in the Thread cover Internetradio - otherwise nennts sichs Yes SMP. Vergewirrt. ^^
Ah, Load Playlists Button discover - juhu there lying already a URLsTXT. If I linksklicke aufs LV then comes each 2. time the Contextmenu - faith is so not virtual. alike whether I now Play press etc - to that Piepsen get ichs not - shows always "waiting for action".
Kurztest first end. |
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Dieter Zornow | The lists or directories must with the Version fundamentally with the for vorgesehenen Buttons opened go. with the Button for Playlisten can no Radiolisten red and be inverse, for is a eigener Button there. i'll the probably yet change and first time analyse which data in the list are, then can everything with a Button loading. the move must I over again to check on. this is the Mainwindow related, by the many Controls hereon is of Mainwindow not any more plenty spare, so that the move difficult becomes. the Context menu is so pseudo. How I already supra described have, operates the Subclassing list view from irgendeinem Grunde here dodgy,though already many Male without trouble inserted, therefore I had these alternative chosen. I wanted to really Double click Starting and Rechtsklick Context menu. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/16/10 ▲ |
| Perhaps. can you for SubClassing "natives Profan" inspire - this is something like of perfect for with highest care prepares, so it sheer one bitchiness is, z.B. very hierbei not hereon To count - it functions so simply perfect because nature the thing unso...
not tested and simply here in that Edit typed The idea, with ankommender wm_lButtonDown or wm_contextMenu etc a UserMessage To Send (Please before too as UserMessage deklarieren!) The then z.B. in the Hauptschleife _einfach and _präzise always funktionierend quizzed go can: CompileMarkSeparationdeclare owp&//owp& bitte global per declare deklarieren - ginge aber auch ohne Globale per Tip https://xprofan.com/thread.core?t=7909
nProc lv.wndProc
Parameters wnd&,msg&,wp&,lp&
global owp&
if msg&=wm_lButtonDblClk//irgend ne Nachricht
elseif msg&=wm_contextMenu//irgend ne Nachricht
return 0
return callWindowProc(owp&,wnd&,msg&,wp&,lp&)
in the SSP ( [...] ) functions the so.
and the Hauptfensterverschieben - the went zielsicher z.B. simply so, that if WaitInput leave and is Mouse button pressed held becomes (z.B. getAsyncKeyState(1)) and under Mauspfeil the hWnd is, that one then simply in a Loop/Proc changes which first then again leave becomes, if one MausTaste losgelassen has. in the Loop/Proc simply globale Mauspositionsänderung vergleichen, circa Window circa difference To move. the works In any drop so very tidy, that to the feeling get, its "echt". (though it sure too yet plainer goes ^^) |
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