
JPGSave 1.0

Version: 1.0

JPGSave 1.0 is a Imageviewer with the Possibility a JPG-Kompressionslevel in Echtzeit festzulegen circa immediate the suitable Result To see.

• Image loading
• Kompressionslevelscrollbalkenherumspielerei
• Save picture

Program have I written because it to that a) interestingly is the JPG time with the work zusehen to and b) because Roland it with last Subscriptionlieferung (X11Beta5) allows has JPGs Save to.

so seen was my XProfan-JPG-Save-Test.

View source to insight the einfachen Arbeitsweise lying with.


Download:  [...] 


Hello iF,

could You time Please yet The system.inc dazulegen?
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

there position itself me only The question whether a .jpg-Support at all yet necessary is, if .png supported becomes. clear is it (unfortunately yet) gängiger as jpg, but falls me straight no Verwendungszweck one, with the I one jpg of/ one png vorziehen would.

(before misunderstandings aufkommen: me GEHTS circa Profan, not circa your Program ;) )
XProfan 11| Vista(64) SP2

@Christan: No worry - it was only Franks first set To my Program the part taugt not. what me something schief bad let.

the Program should - so How I it write - The XProfan-JPG-Opportunities aufzeigen. the succeed the Program. JPG likes I integrally and not at all - and over ands over again want me people - z.B. in the Skype - JPG instead of PNG z.B. for ScreenShots aufdrücken.

there's even Websites The JPGs in the Layout benefit - the sees often bad from!

JPGs can small his as PNGs if The Farbdifferenzen between adjacent Pixeln small, but present are. PNG is there sooner a RLE-Kompression (means ne gezippte RAW ) which with Photos sometimes More Bytes needed as JPG, for but always verlustfrei operates - take off me definitive is.

JPGs (particularly The integrally small) can even larger his as unkomprimierte BMPs, and are moreover too yet verlustbehaftet.

Dietmar horn
Hello iF,

could You time Please yet The system.inc dazulegen?

clear a momentum...

me I ment primary around the question, whether it necessary is, that Profan the Save in 2 compressed Formate needed (straight, because the advantages größtenteils for png talk). In my eyes is png The future (too through apng).

1. because of the Runtimegröße (even if I in the suitable Thread for a large Runtime with many functions expressed Have - The question is, obs in the drop necessary is).
2. If 1x integrate is, becomes one it heavy again go, because itself To many on it gewöhnt having.

but probably ought to the Topic in nem others Thread fortgeführt go.
XProfan 11| Vista(64) SP2

I mean XProfan should jpg not Save can. (ok what kind of set *rofl*)

Hauptsache it can PNG Save.

ideal would it naturally if Roland PNGs with alpha channel for OGL as Textur make possible would, then would my TEX-stature this not any more necessary.

@Dietmar: The system.Inc needed against Inc etc bla, nimm The IncludeZeile simply out and füge this code under hinzu (only used FNs from this Includes)

what Frank to that Thread meant - but so How I it here zitiere never said:

Frank Abbing

The in XProfan installed JPG-Kompressor taugt not.

my PNG-Testbild is 4396 Bytes tall.
The JPG-Saver prepares me with 100% a JPG-Image of 22074 Bytes and first with 18% quality could one Image created go, the the Size the PNGs corresponding. where The visuelle quality More as lousy was.

in the drop recommend I sooner a Verzicht on The Speicherung of JPGs and rate only to take of PNG as new XProfan-Speichermöglichkeit.

it be because it'll a better JPG-Speichrung found.

Jo Frank, I voice you To the it better JPG-Algos gives, but too schlechtere. The Algo is - say we - IO, I personally however likewise on JPG dispense can there Yes PNG-Support ditto with installed watts. (Perhaps. conditioned but the a Lib The others...)

Why power me your whole Zustimmerei now again misstrauisch?


@iF: Related to the Source works unfortunately nevertheless not, though I now additional too yet The Thread.pcu eingebunden have.

85 kB
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Yes because You a middle-aged XPSE have.

and the Thread.Pcu is not at all necessary - even harmful!

The Warnungen see You still integrally clear, your XPSE knows simply The procedure SavePic not yet, the writes it still too!

whom newest XPSE Gibts but yet net, whom Have only I - means behelfe you because You XPSE klarmachst the it SavePic sehrwohl gives!

two whole Opportunities there even for: {$pushkeyword savepic} or The joint {$noerr}

and already must it functions as should...

here would my Help not at all necessary been.

and XPSE-Screenshots understand I anyhow not, there's The W Button.

XProfan Precompiler & SE [XPSE] copyright (C) 2004-2007 XProfan.com
Built in Berlin, DE on 26 Jun 2007 by xpse.build@XProfan.com

c:p00xjpgsave (141)

Compile: XProfan Compiler 11.0ß s5¸1992-2008 Roland G. Hülsmann, Nußloch

C00Xjpgsave.prc becomes compiled ...ready!
Exitcode: 0 [successful] (3706 byte pcode)
left: XProfan Compiler 11.0ß s5 ¸1992-2008 Roland G. Hülsmann, Nußloch

Erzeugung the Program: C00Xjpgsave.exe, ready!
Exitcode: 0 [successful] (948 KB exe)
XPRR:> XProfan Resources Rebuilder
Perform: Exitcode: 0 [successful]

and for JPG-Screenshots have I so and so no understanding. (can Yes eachone IrfanView for 0 Euro buy, the save even MP3s in Icons )

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Uwe Lang09/16/13


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