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 Rolf Koch | next to ROC Have I now time one Program written, which too for Standartuser virtual is. original for Eigenbedarf - now but for general public as Freeware.
NOCTRAMIC is a Calendar, which on the rechten or left Bildschirmrand so similar the Officeleiste itself plaziert. goes one with the mouse drüber, appear The groin with the Calendar. with Erinnerungsfunktion for inputted Appointments u.s.w. Looks you Please The Hilfsdatei on.
runs not under windows-NT (3.5 and 4.0), windows95! and of/ one dissolution small 800x600
I set the program first once to go there, I Perhaps on the one or others (hopefully positive exit) Tester hoping can. means Please How normally time your Betriebssystem and your dissolution me communicating and whether you something ungewönliches noticed is. Andreas Miethe has me whom grossen fallen already done and under different Betriebsystemen tested. however straight your knows it Yes, the devil's stick in the detail.
Nunja, I personally find my Program useful and even my woman uses it, though women Yes very critically are, has tappt im dunkeln not yet gemeckert 
thanks you in the Vorraus - you are the first, The the program own 
your Rolf
P.s.: soon goes it moreover with the Objekt Creator Version 4.2
Nachtrag: Download watts with Downloads with the predicate meaningfully eingereiht. iF |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | Hello Rolf,
understand You under windows NT too XP? XP Although a NT-Variante, but if the program only under 98/Me walk would, wre that a little bit little. I find The idea very been successful, unfortunately can I the Panel by me nirgends see. 
Getestet under Windows XP, 1152*864 Pixel, Athlon XP 1800+, 256MB RAM.
Sincerely, Dennis  |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/04/04 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | Hi Dennis,
no naturally only The official NTs 3.5 and 4.0. or there there yet which? have You too The Helpfile red? If you with the mouse on whom rechten edge (there is the first once at first Start) and this on the desktop going.
look time Please under Symbols space to to (Click right Desktop) and there whether WEBELEMENTE ON DESKTOP FIXIEREN disjointed is. this must not his!!! is me noticed! and too Desktopsymbole Show must active his Mach time whom chop lane. then must I me yet what consider, that this weggeschaltet becomes (or DICK in the Help indicate) - is indeed one typischer Billblödsinn 
I have here 3 different computer with XP - under all (and XP watts it too develops) funiktioniert it. too lt. testimony Andreas.
thanks you first once for the testing  Rolf |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | negative. I can with the mouse on the desktop rumfuchteln How i will. it functions simply not. I mean there twice what short random aufflimmern seen to have. If it The Kalenderleiste was, was tappt im dunkeln but only for Bruchteile of/ one second visible.
I werds time aufm 98it computer of my mother's try and then again report to repay. i'm me sure, that they usage for the Program has. 
Sincerely, Dennis  |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/05/04 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | Hmm, then were I but yet on others Results, before I it correctly. publish. thanks Rolf |
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 | Jo, pafekt. by me working it on all XPs super. i'm for the wood-Skin. 
Have too XP,- on nem Home and on nem per geteste.
Well, the Rechtsklick aufs TrayIc is bisl stubborn, particularly if The Quickinfo aufgeht.
i'd Perhaps too whom Pixel integrally right supra (%maxx),0 omit for attend. gives Yes Leuz How me The for Closing of maximierten Wins not first whom CloseBut search, separate The mouse simply supra-right into corner bang and clicking. there could it disturbing the the Calender aufgeht.
PS: just as handhabe ichs with the Startbutton, not ziehlen separate simply mouse to left under bang + Click. *coolyeah*
what me very very slight negative auffiehl is the the Focus from the Sklin-Listbox taken becomes. therefore is a Scrolling over Mausrad net possible. 
otherwise ne goile idea. 
salvo, iF |
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 | Hello Rolf...
would be gladly mittesten, unfortunately fractures Forum with my slow access whom Download always vorzeitig ex. can You me the Prog time zumailen? E-time: Andreas.Hoetker@t-online.de |
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 Rolf Koch | Hi,
> AH, Mail straight out
> If, Yes not so bad The idea with the Pixel 0 - there's but to hardship too deaktivieren, as long as one not so operates. with the Focus I will time look.
thanks you |
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 | [quote:ec9644f6e3=AH]Hello Rolf...
...unfortunately fractures Forum with my slow access whom Download always vorzeitig ex....[/quote:ec9644f6e3]ought to not on the Forum lying,- something like Have I net geproggt and the Servereinstellungen would Derartiges too net join. 
salvo, iF |
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 Rolf Koch | Dennis?
an question: have You random a ungewönlich gesetzte Windowstaskbar - means not under How the Standart - separate left or supra .... ? there Have I namely another Error of my Program discover. otherwise, have You over again tested? under 98? apparently is on Your XP system something, what with others not so tuned is. but what?
Rolf |
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 | Hello Rolf...
I have your zugemailte Version times under windows98 tested. The thing gefällt me insgesammt very well. The operating is very simply, logical and clear. The display the Kalenders on the Bildschirmrand (is Yes go ahead see, if The mouse drüber standing) is as idea very originell - hervorragende Solution!
One huge Knackpunkt is really The code reaction the Tray icons. If under windows98 further aufwendige Programs background walk, can itself the Menu hardly yet Call (one could really already say none More Call) - on it must You absolutely yet what turn. |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | Hello Rolf,
no The Taskbar is integrally regular under. likewise on the 98it computer of my mother's. but somehow seem I To stupid for To his, because alike I make, on the computer of my mother's can I too no Panel see. dissolution is 1024*786. I fuchtel there How wild with the mouse rum, it happens but nothing... Perhaps köntnest You time a small Debugversion recharging, The each time a Sound game or a Messagebox created, if the Panel To see his ought to. so liese itself find out whether it on the Mausabfrage or on the display the Panels depends. the Trayiconmenü against and its Punklte functions einwandfrei…
Sincerely, Dennis  |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/08/04 ▲ |