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Rolf Koch | next to ROC Have I now time one Program written, which too for Standartuser virtual is. original for Eigenbedarf - now but for general public as Freeware.
NOCTRAMIC is a Calendar, which on the rechten or left Bildschirmrand so similar the Officeleiste itself plaziert. goes one with the mouse drüber, appear The groin with the Calendar. with Erinnerungsfunktion for inputted Appointments u.s.w. Looks you Please The Hilfsdatei on.
runs not under windows-NT (3.5 and 4.0), windows95! and of/ one dissolution small 800x600
I set the program first once to go there, I Perhaps on the one or others (hopefully positive exit) Tester hoping can. means Please How normally time your Betriebssystem and your dissolution me communicating and whether you something ungewönliches noticed is. Andreas Miethe has me whom grossen fallen already done and under different Betriebsystemen tested. however straight your knows it Yes, the devil's stick in the detail.
Nunja, I personally find my Program useful and even my woman uses it, though women Yes very critically are, has tappt im dunkeln not yet gemeckert
thanks you in the Vorraus - you are the first, The the program own
your Rolf
P.s.: soon goes it moreover with the Objekt Creator Version 4.2
Nachtrag: Download watts with Downloads with the predicate meaningfully eingereiht. iF |
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Rolf Koch | Hi If, already happens. however Have I the Original not wiedergefunden. If you points, where it now stick, then verschieb my Posting Please
Rolf |
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Rolf Koch | OK, have time Version 1.0c uploaded. > Dennis, would You please times testing, whether it now really too with your and my Lieblingsdesktop goes :biggrin: ???
> AH, jo How always - by Mail.
Rolf |
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Dennis Schulmeister | functions perfect, Rolf.
Allerdigns ahbe I now one other Problemchen: If I in Einstellungendialog on take click, smears the program with of/ one Access violation ex. The Settings go nevertheless stored.
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/12/04 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | Hi Dennis,
means mean You, the Übernehmen with Autostart?
Nachtrag: can it understand, comic Have there garnichts changed and is vorkurzem yet without Problems run - thanks for important Info! time look what the now again is.
Rolf |
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Rolf Koch | Juchuuu, Thanks Mithilfe Andreas Miethe is the crash now eliminating and another couple others things Done ;)
Version 1.0d is uploaded - and hopefully time slow steady
Rolf |
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Dennis Schulmeister | Juchuu. super Rolf.
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/13/04 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Hello Rolf,
chime we The next round one? (have the part straight first discover.)
WinXP Home, 2-zeilige Taskbar, 1024x768, no Active-Desktop.
I have a something breiteren Desktop as the Monitor hergibt, though not The Taskbar, The becomes correctly on the rechten edge exits. unfortunately white I do not, How I this behaviour abstelle.
therefore erwische I the Calendar right naturally not. remedy through statement on the left Page.
If the month 31 days has, then disappears The display month/year, if one with the mouse drüberfährt, there there The 31 standing.
If the Quickinfo over the Taskbar-Icon aufgeht, is a Anklicken not To think. either were I, To the thing again disappears, or I must something faster as The quick-Info his, then works.
me personally lying of course More The Kalenderblätter, but the part has what...
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 10/14/04 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | Hi and thanks Michael,
hears itself time again interestingly on, on which exotic things one still meets unfortunately Have I tonight To plenty boozed circa yet a klaren Thoughts grasp. Register later again - means Cheers Sorry Tschau RocknRolf |
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Rolf Koch | Hi, means again: the it on the rechten Page not functions, can I not kapieren, there in the actually Version really only the visible Arbeitsbereich quizzed becomes.
Yes, around the Trayicon and the Tooltip must I really over again concern. Well, I Have not dream on it virtual, that someone a so wide Taskbar on seinem system has. In this case must so did i again something think :biggrin:
Fazit: the schlimmste becomes well in the momentum the Tooltip the Tray icons his.
Rolf |
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| Hey Ihrs, i will you ma n Progg on marrow lay, [...]
particularly for Progger the goilste because one so simply z.B. whom computer valet can,- where something schief goes. the Prog sorgt simply for the one whom screen/mouse/keyboard the others has,- one sits means quasi live to the connected computer and can To second dran wörkeln.
is perfect the part,- I use it constantly.
salvo, iF |
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| Hello Rolf...
I must me well in the moment of Profan and as Tester something Log off. next to decorate, Trees cut down, holzhacken, housetop patches and of my work as Altenpfleger remaining to Time unfortunately only little for Profan spare...
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Rolf Koch | Hi AH,
is still no Topic, because there's (one should not believe ;) ) one life next to Profan Ausserdem have You me Yes already helped and beautiful, that You message give!!!
RocknRolf |
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