Since I it full having me constantly Passwörter To mercken have I this program geprogt. I wanted to but neither the somewhere irgentwelche Passwörter stored go, neither verschlüsselt. of these Prog becomes the benötigte Password created if it used becomes. here becomes no Password saved, the Password becomes a master Password (only this must one itself mercken) the Internetanbieternamen and one in the Prog hinterlegten string generiert. After the Generierung standing the Password for a Time X in the Clipboard to that Insert ready. at the end of the Time becomes the clipboard deleted. The Passwortlänge (10-60 characters) and the Time (30-120 sec.) can tuned go.
where with I yet Problems have is the Helpfile, Please once testing. by me is that so, if I The Help aufrufe becomes The Winhelp launched and to terminate Help becomes The Help anew gestarte (it existing but no zweiter appeal in the Prog) and the program crashes. Perhaps take off Roland. (its a CHM File)
not always any these characters The this Generator created in Passworten allows,
therefore vlt. optional Passworte too only from letters and Digits produce.
The Ressourcen the Runtime are not integrally correctly related on Versionsangabe and manufacturers etc. .
i'm I do not sure whether it vlt. meaningfully would if with this Program too another master-master-Password association go should or. whether it so then vlt. unwahrscheinlicher would the with different Users with whom same pages with selbem master-Password the same Zielpasswort entstünde.
so, new version uploaded, have some Changes undertaken, unteranderem too your wish iF. (now must itself the user Login) to the yet small Bug eliminating.
so, now Please testing,testing........
Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |
Hi, I habs time quick tested. negative find I, that with the input the Masterkennworts The input in the Klartext happens. otherwise shining everything To functions.
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...
with whom Password-indicated Perhaps such (in the meantime übliche) display The darstellt How "sicher" the Password is and Perhaps too with not-secure Passworten (How z.B. which, from less than 8 characters consist) properly another warning dispatching.
If I with the rechten Mouse button on The _leere suppliers-Listbox click then asks me one dialog whether I the suppliers delete would like. During the dialog displayed becomes is the Mainwindow furthermore bedien- and aktivierbar but without Reaktionen.
One truer bow against is, that if one The Help aufruft and again exits, it well ausreicht, that one with the Mauspfeil over the Mainwindow drives circa immediate The Help again aufzurufen. sees from as would one Flag (UserMessage) not reset/ mind. after I the window now minimierte and again normalisierte could I it again integrally normal valet.