
private IP Finder


Hello together...

Erstmal a really grossen Thanks all The me with ihren many Tipps and Answer go to page stood.

The Grundgedanke of my Program (eigendlich are it Yes 2) is the Possibility its computer To eachone Time of everywhere Internet to find.
gives it already become your say, clear...have I seen.
to that example FileZillaServer, only the one here only a FTP Server Call can.
or DynDNS, but then has the computer a solid names and so find not only I separate too eachone others my computer, and has accordingly any Time the world it anzugreifen.

here now my programs:
the Server Program becomes on the To findenden computer installs and announced.
In regelmässigen intervals reports itself the Server Program now in a data base on my Webspace.

the Clientprogramm becomes on one others computer installs, and here has one now The Possibility all sorts of things over the Server To Save (up to 5 Server), too Ports an so on...
I have particular worth on safety laid, so becomes the ClientProgramm if it copies becomes never its gespeicherten Information abandon, unless one is really the proprietor the installation.
there are too yet many functions installed everybody can eigendlich only sees if one yourself Error created..for example the umkopieren inside the own rechners...the Change the Passwortes and the anschliessende started the middle-aged Version......or Ähnliches...

testing time fleissig rum, i'm for konstruktive review open.

any Juroren receive self-evident a 12 Monatige Freischaltung, sofern I here a Private Message with the Nutzernamen sustain.


P.s.: for Bequemen under us have so did i Setups prepares, with Uninstall, The no gravierenden Systemveränderungen distinguished.

again P.s.: On of my Website building so did i another request one, I have here Schonmal The programs posted there Yes the XProfan and not the HTML rates becomes.
once but too The Webseitenabfrage standing I will that here naturally too post...

650 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Server zipper with guide V1.1.0.2
812 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Server Setup with guide V1.1.0.2
891 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Client Setup with guide V1.1.0.1
767 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Client zipper with guide V1.1.0.1
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

I have me for very this drop simply a small PHP written with which I defined (or Own) IPs in the network static abrufbar can make.

;if (strlen($q)>0) {

    ;if ($fp=fopen($q.".ip","w")) {

        ;fclose ($fp)


    ;} else {
    ;echo getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");



Hrm to installation the Server shows me the program one Window and crashes thereafter immediate ex. I had means gladly a debugVersion. The Client against functions however - what You sure too in your DB see can.

I know the trouble....I have the too multiple attempts here To clarify...

this is the everywhere lover @RTF commands....

guilt are The 3 Lines:
text$ = $progdir+"Hilfe.rtf"
sleep 20

The spelling is already famous, the The not crash should..

there's there but another circumstance The the whole to that crash bring.
Bennene times the INI.Dat in the Clienten circa (so the program means the would the Erststart, but circa gotteswillen not delete) and take time in the Ordnernamen The space lane...and already stürtzt the commands ex...

well then the seltsame...mach time at ServerProgramm The space in the Ordnernamen lane...and already runs it...

I war The Krätze with this Mist Fehlerhaften commands....

there ought to it a Patch for give...

in the übrigen shows you your PHP Script only your Own IP...not The one ANDEREN computers...

WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

I have The Setups and Zips updated, The Results should now walk...
but I feel the adjust the Ordnernamens as Flickwerk...
there there no others Possibility ne RTF File To loading???
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

[quote:9e2823eecd=Hubert Binnewies]in the übrigen shows you your PHP Script only your Own IP...not The one ANDEREN computers...Hubert...[/quote:9e2823eecd]
look tappt im dunkeln you quiet over again accurate on and you'll see the The PHP sehrwohl it allows The IPs another computer in the network available To make. $q is hierbei the Query which by Get on The Url angehangen go can and a Bezeichner definiert.

ok....have right....but over irgendeinen protection verfügt the Script not...alas not over a identification the Rechners... I mean I habs now not probiert...but can you too 100 computer define??...or 1000??...and the too sure discern???

you have you the new Setup not yet loaded...versuchs time...the runs now..( so god and the Programmer of XProfan want)....
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

[quote:faf8e50c56]ok....have right....but over irgendeinen protection verfügt the Script not...alas not over a identification the Rechners... I mean I habs now not probiert...but can you too 100 computer define??...or 1000??...and the too sure discern???[/quote:faf8e50c56]even as much as you want - quasi hardly aussprechbar.

the Setup look I me today gladly on.

OK....I übersehe simply time the the $_REQUEST missing, (I go simply time of it from the You not copies separate from the hand written have.

but (berichtige me if I wrong lie, in PHP be so did i one Newbie) so How I the see there 2 Opportunities the Script aufzurufen:
1.) with names, thereby becomes a File laid out The in the Filenames whom aufgerufenen names and the IP sustain and as Content again The IP.
2.) without names, thereby becomes one just The Own IP displayed...

but I see not as IP from the File again displayed becomes...except You take one FTP Proggi and load you The File down...

hmmmmm...... clear..is too ne Possibility...

but I have one commercial Proggi written mainly for Geschäftsleute The on the way are...
therefore have so did i worth on safety laid...

You must gladly try my Scripte anzugreifen...
or copy time the whole Proggi to the Login on a others computer (the simulate a Klau the Proggis) and attempt times the INI.Dat in the everything stored is To dekodieren... plenty joke...
(only the forthrightness halber, I have here time a Posting with the verschlüsselten Save written, I have only a part the Grundidee uses, but in the actual is the one integrally another Algorythmus whom I from Sicherheitsgründen secret stops)

Desweiteren is the whole proposition too so laid out the if of/ one attempts The data To klauen it itself (almost) always zurückverfolgen can.

the stupid HIER is only the one it the Proggi not ansieht , the Client is still over 2600 Lines long..
(the Server about 1600)

Greeting Hubert.
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

[quote:12dc895285]but I see not as IP from the File again displayed becomes...except You take one FTP proggi and load you The File down...

hmmmmm...... clear..is too ne possibility...[/quote:12dc895285]Tztz! No The einfachen items sinds still.

to that Download of/ one File which in the Publicbereich lying need one still no FTP - separate here helps still one plainer Urldownload.

everybody can accordingly its IP a einfachen URL appeal a) secure and b) call for. this take action have I to some years as optimal classed, because The installation of/ one software is there still one jags schärfer and explicit Systemlastiger. naturally are both mutants hardly vergleichbar especially since I like this ausgehe the your Program yet many others Features mitsich bring.

I wanted to with the Aufzeigen the small Scriptes too only one bisl Why stay create.

now look I time obs with the Setup works...

The Server crashes still ex.

ok...there give I you in all Points completely right...its plainer and less Systemlastig

I mach it hold as Reifenhersteller....always and over ands over again the wheel new invent...

with Improvements naturally.....
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Hubert Binnewies (13x)
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