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 Paul Glatz | Hi, here would like I my erstes Wettbewerbsprogramm present.
plenty Fun at testing! |
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 | remarkable!
nevertheless, if I same to Start on the 1. clear Button click, then writes the program by DrawText on my Desktop supra left and is in a Endlosschleife. (can not More valet)
If one whom korrekten lane follows functions everything To to the Program launched has. thereafter can it itself ditto not any more valet, but with old+F4 terminate. |
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 Jac de Lad | interestingly and particularly yet ausbaufähig.
I hope still you have The Buttons through of/ one Loop and one aray created.  |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 08/08/08 ▲ |
 Paul Glatz | have obigen Download aktualisirt. Dietmar has it me with XProfan 10 compiliert ,because it under XProfan 8.0 not klappte. now should it klappen. |
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 Paul Glatz | @iF you have one parr sec. a blank loaded. |
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 Frank Abbing | The bow is in the new Version now fixed.
functions as should. Perhaps can you the solid yet improve. so find I it something sterile. Designen power still always on the meissten joke if the Grundgerüst is done.  |
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 | correctly., because now functions it!
yet the Mainwindow deaktivieren if the Buttoneigenschaftendialog open is, and the Optionenfenster gänzlich dispense there one too with the rechten Mouse button on a Button clicking could. |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | If I now one Program take on wants, have I suddenly two programs walk... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 08/08/08 ▲ |
 Paul Glatz | Jörg Sellmeyer
If I now one Program take on wants, have I suddenly two programs walk... zeig time one bildschirmfoto |
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 Rolf Koch | idea beautiful for beginning, but unfortunately wants no Program started, if I on the jeweiligen Button click. wants simply not. I Have indeed Vista, but whom Vista Standart Style, Perhaps lying it on it? Haste clicked or getfocus uses? Ausserdem see I, that under Vistastyle your Buttons Save and end in Options something higher and Perhaps center reported go should, since the integrally concise on the edge hang. |
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 Paul Glatz | @Rolf by me works. with windows classic |
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