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![RICOSCH: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | so have today my X2 receive, everything Compiled and peng- Starttest - Endtest - Setname hang itself on ! has of/ one one council for me ? habs now first without ready made. Please time testing and angucken ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
![](https://xprofan.com/files/ikkvi.jpg) |
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![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Okrea ( [...] ) and RedCube II ( [...] ) The busy Start- and Endtesten walk with you without crash? if so then Gibts a lane.
What is with ...
iF (23.07.11)
Try too time whether StartTest with you not crashes if you time only whom Fensterstil 80 setting.
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![RICOSCH: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | Hi IF, your Progis walk and The DEMO "Planeten" Fensterstyle have I everything attempts whether 80 or normales Window, depends itself on !
is it a problem if I oGL("SetName", number%) means with of/ one Variable versehe ? because only so I get still my Bilderobjekte Beschrifftet ? |
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![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Noe, look... @oGL("SetName", n) -> n: LongInt - mark -
alike obs a numerische Constant or Variable is -
Roland writes erfahrungsgemäß with whom Parameterbeschreibungen too always (as here too) very there what expects becomes.
there it not at me crashes remaining you vlt. first well only a minimalen View source to get where there the Difference z.B. between Your- and the Planet Demo is. |
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![E.T.: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1302115833493860557608e.png) E.T. | Bei'm loading the Images, to directory selection:
...and if the Prog Own Images in that Start List auspackt, should these with Program-end Please again removes go ![](.././../../i/s/qq5.gif) |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 07/27/11 ▲ |
![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Hatter means my AddFiles- and "if there is no image then end" - Verschlimmbesserung means again expanded. ![](.././../../i/s/eusa_snooty.gif) |
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![RICOSCH: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | in the already present quelltext is with the the Starttest and endtest with drin means here [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
and with the the Verschlimmbesserung had I still first understand and understand. Wärst You so endearing and fügst it again with one ?
and @ E.T. if the program normal terminates means with ESC go too The angelegten Temp-Images deleted, the there ne Error Message between funkt have I do not bedacht.
and Please not same fünzig Images loading to that testing wealthy so 10 - 20 part, is Yes yet ne crowd To do. by me bleats it too always time rum "soviele items are not da " and soweiter. and Please not alzuernst take the whole, thankyou ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif) |
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![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | simply this whole Krims here velvet unnecessary variables Remove: CompileMarkSeparationpfad$ = GetDir$("@")
Pfad$ = pfad$ + "\\*.jpg"
bilder$ = FindFirst$(pfad$)
AddFiles bilder$
WhileNot %IOResult
addfiles bilder$
inc counter%
ifnot instr(".jpg",bilder$) = 0
messagebox("Es wurden keine jpg Files gefunden !!","Fehler",0)
whilenot anzahl% = counter%
DATEI$ = ListBoxItem$(anzahl%)
bild& = Create("hsizedPic",-1, Datei$,200,120,1)
casenot bild& : continue
texture%[i% + 1] = oGL("getTextureBMP",bild&,1)
Namen$[anzahl%] = Datei$
deleteObject bild&'IF ergänzung
inc i%
inc anzahl%
and supplant in something like How: CompileMarkSeparationaddFile "*.jpg"
case %getCount=-1 : end messageBox("Keine Bilder","Keine Bilder",0)
whileLoop 0,%getCount+1
bild& = Create("hsizedPic",-1, listBoxItem$(&loop),200,120,1)
casenot bild& : continue
texture%[&loop+1] = oGL("getTextureBMP",bild&,1)
names$[&loop+1] = listBoxItem$(&loop)
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![RICOSCH: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | thanks IF, there stick yet too much old school in me, that with the Loop knew I there not. The jetzigen zeilen are plenty compakter. now custom so did i only yet with addfiles *.gif; addfiles *.bmp ... complement ,? |
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![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![RICOSCH: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | so with your gekürzten Variante I get always one "Bitmap not ladbar" must time bad where it now again hagt.
but with the the Setname and Starttest have I rausgefunden ! on the computer of my daughter runs it Tatelos, I write that here but on sonem mini Netbook Medion Akoya e1212. have of course already whom mobile Intel graphic driver updated. The is too yet of 2008. I get always one Windowsfehler the what with the iglicd32.dll not is correct, means definitiv Graphic-Cards trouble. |
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![iF: 07/27/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | >> means definitiv Graphic-Cards trouble.
Well! If Okrea and RedCube II with you walk then lying But too on the code and you should vlt. try to get under whom terms it run would. |
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