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![RICOSCH: 06/14/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | ![](https://xprofan.com/files/nieka.gif)
I had already once a uhralte Dclock from whom first Profan times 1996 prepares, now watts it Time for a generalüberholung.
what can Dclock2014 ? not plenty ;) -different Designs -spare positionierbar -always in the vordergrund -Screen saver function -Wecker with Notizen / Anwendungsstart / Sound spending -2 größenformate
would me forward if it of a or others time testing, Maybe Gibts indeed what to that meckern ;)
menu Gibts with the rechten Mouse button !
[...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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![RICOSCH: 06/15/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | the wundert me but too ;(
if I the tick entferne and ok press , hears the ticken on !
have now again everything new uploaded ! there's now too couple More soundfiles (3 ticken and 2 wecker files) and a Dclock BIG for The ne large watch having want ;) |
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![Julian Schmidt: 06/15/14](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | is immernoch so. Perhaps helps you the it at deaktivierten Ticken only tickt, if the program whom Fokus has. |
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![Georg Teles: 06/16/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Hello, by me is the something differently:
- first "Negativer Fensterfehler" if I on 2. Monitor go or Window "links into Monitor schiebe", with BIG becomes the window correctly. into Monitorbereich "zurückgeworfen" ( best Errorlevel add at finished Program, presupposed any Error are fixed )
- Wecker goes, Screen saver too ( exits itself through Click or ESC )
- if I into Clock click, goes the Tick not any more (1s, 10s, 1mins - 1h wished I do not Waiting )
- Rechtsklick -> Menu appear, if one thereby on Desktop clicking, updated the Clock not any more, first if one in these clicking, work You random with GetMessage ? with Timer would it rather of my opinion to
achja and the DLLs are Jpeg Images the Clock in the whole a nice Clock
RICOSCH (15.06.14)
George watch have so did i already admired and served as anregung my middle-aged Schinken again aufleben To let ;)
what about me have your aGlotze admired, a propos, whom mail here in the Forum find I do not More, there were certainly Reasons for ![](.././../../i/s/gruebel.gif)
EDIT: if one on Taskbar right clicking and the Program, comes the Error, Program runs but moreover ( normal and BIG ) with big is then even big.dll
![](https://xprofan.com/files/kuaka.png) |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![RICOSCH: 06/16/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | moin moin !
thanks Georg for your Feedback !
- which mail is whom disappeared ? - have The "negativen Bildbereiche" on one Monitor already eliminating, How itself the on one 2 Monitor area behave can I unfortunately not testing. - furthermore use I nochimmer the good old How to remove and white unfortunately not How the Progis on neueren Systemen behaviour, you're too ehr as FUN Products to examine. - Related to the Menu in Taskbereich is me already noticed, with XP comes Namely keins if man with right mouse drauklickt, Why can the lying ? - and Yes, diee DLL are just The jpg ! The renaming serves really only the safety - the tappt im dunkeln not simply deleted go ! (ne dll skin one even times not so quick lane ) the can but too The possibility open, one own solid einzupflegen. |
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![RICOSCH: 06/16/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | big and kleinformat the Dclock in a watch abstracted ! further Designs added (großformat) |
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![Georg Teles: 06/16/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | day,
(I meant the aGlotze8, be me sure, the mail was time here in the Forum)
sees kompakter and plenty cooler from ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif)
does me sorrow, have forget To allude, I under Win8 teste but the have you got already seen ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) ( the good old XP, of my opinion the stabilste and best system, would so did i today yet benefit, unfortunately come I do not with some Applications circa DirectX11 around )
Yes the negativbereich is fixed, but my 2. Monitor has even The Coordinates -1024 -878 hehe, never mind, I have for my Clock too yet no better Solution found, if I a knows, pieces I tappt im dunkeln with
Menu: No it's located not on the Taskbar, füge simply To your Window Style, means what you have +1024, this bewirkt, that the window Style the ToolWindow has and first not at all in the Taskbar appear. accordingly becomes The Titelleiste but in Taskmanager not displayed (Win8, with WinXP but already faith I), in the Taskmanager is then the Process (WinXP) or Programmname (Win8), whom You in the PrfRun32.exe definiert have (in your drop "Profan-Runtime")
I personally change any indicated the EXE with ResHacker or XN-Ressource editor and there come we to Jpeg ... You can these with named Tools into Prfrun32.exe integrate and through Create("HPIC",n,s) loading
Regards |
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![RICOSCH: 06/16/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | Hi Georg,
thanks first for Tipp with windowstyle +1024 , the functions lovely ! naja The jpg I will not directly in The Program exe left, I tappt im dunkeln so plainer Edit and strain can. with reshacker work so did i and entries go with completion the progis as a rule too changed, latterly default I this but too. |
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![RICOSCH: 07/10/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | small Phänomen in windows 8.1
-have random on one Win 8.1 computer endeckt the it one sec Ticken gives which not from the Dclock stammt, too the Tick-Sound isn't of Dclock !
can unfortunately not festestellen where the herkommt. after one Tick-sound with Dclock tuned been is and this again deaktiviert becomes, Tickt windows 8 with a strangers Ticken munter moreover ;) simple Solution is whom Ticksound in the Dclock again on and if it not disturbing should on 1 h take on.
Maybe has Yes of/ one ne idea Why the well lying likes. |
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![iF: 07/10/14](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | have You times the undertow. "Systemsounds" deaktiviert? in example Gibts still such Buttonclicksound... |
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![RICOSCH: 07/11/14](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | hallöchen IF, beautiful you again here To reading ;)
unfortunately can I not Fehlersuche under Win8 weg I yourself yet XP use. have whom Error one friend on seinem computer endeckt the me thereupon pointed.
but thanks for Tipp with the Systemsounds > Maybe helps it whom one or others windows 8 Users. |
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![iF: 07/11/14](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | be too absolute XP-fan! the for me best windows! |
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![Georg Teles: 08/16/14](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Dito, XP SP2 (64 bit ) ! who not circa DX11 around come can, is Win 8 the best (no 8.1 & no 8.1n, and Win 7 takes of my opinion to simply too much memory particularly with the, who something schwächeres system has or with Win 7 runs generally More as it should, for there there everything)
Perhaps "sickert" into creep what through, so The DClock öfters tickt as tappt im dunkeln should ? |
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