

ruler  [...] 

One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines. Bildschirmlineal as Produktionstool, with Fokus on effizientes Bildschirmarbeiten on the windows-PC. One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines*. this screen ruler is a virtuelles ruler for Your Monitor/ for (Web-) Designer and Programmer. the tool is with Click the Icon from the quick-Launch-groin or by Strg+old+L activate. it verfügt additionally over a Lupenfunktion. The integrierte Farbpicker helps a dargestellte colour To analyse. During early Lineale solely a straight edge had, having moderne Lineale mostly too a Skale, with the itself Lengths Is it Unikode let. often go on both pages Skalen infuriated, partly in unterschiedlichen Maßeinheiten. the screen ruler shows not only Coordinates and Lengths separate too Winkel. this Bildschirmlineal eignet itself to that Messen of intervals in Pixel or in selbstdefinierten units on the Anwenderbildschirm. One genaueres read and Positionieren the Lineals allows a zuschaltbare Lupe as well as the Positionieren the Cursors with the Pfeiltasten.

The actually colour the Pixels under the Cursor can as HTML- or HEX-worth displayed and copies go. for users in the screen-Publishing How Web- or screen-Designer, Anwendungs- developer/ Programmer and any The what on-screen Is it Unikode want, is this Tool one mandatory.

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Kurzbeschreibung: the beliebteste and BESTE Bildschirmlineal.

sees well from. I would find yet calm if The Schnittpunkte the selektierten Bereichs yet differently highlighted would. about in ruddy.
then could one yet rather read.

comes In any drop To my developer-Tools hinzu.
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

but ruddy on ruddy is Yes still not sooo well readable -

thatswhy Have I now simply invertiert.


with the Pfeiltasten Mauspfeil pixelweise move, with Invoice values 10 Pixel.
Program started: Strg+old+L or from QuickLaunch.

iF (26.08.12)
but ruddy on ruddy is Yes still not sooo well readable -

is correct. is neither so important.

I have I another couple small suggestions & ideas.
at that Start must unfortunately always first right- and then left clicking. plainer would find I 2x left.
activities in the SupPopUp-Menu "RGB" functions not at me. D.h. it jumping to one short lying simply from the Program.
alternative to input the Selektions-Coordinates: One Algorithmus which determined, over whom lever the mouse befindet, and the Coordinates this Handels on the Mainwindow indicating. would be of my opinion to meaningfully, there one anyhow usually only a Screenshot, or. The Coordinates(usually too only wide & Höhe) of a Window or. one Controls having would like.
further option Print To Save and Clipboard.

[OFFTOPIC]can you The application once as zipper and einmalals Setup Upload? with each Update must I The application install, Exe copy, and again uninstalling. whom most here becomes The Exe wealthy. [/OFFTOPIC]
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

To: "Beim Start must unfortunately always first right- and then left clicking. plainer would find I 2x left."

this is one part the Bedienkonzeptes:

left Mouse button exits the program (often reichts me only time even a line ranzuhalten) and the rechten Mouse button GEHTS hold "weiter" for More functions.

To: "Weitere option Print To Save and Clipboard."

into Clipboard copy goes already and if you print want then simply "Speichern and Öffnen" You can.

To: "Shortcuts"

You can simply Strg+old+L pressing and already launch the ruler. To Vista becomes too one symbol into quick-Launch-groin stored - ex windows8 can it on The Taskbar anhefen.

Why The RGB-functions with you crash understand I do not because The have I

of WindowsXP To 8 tested but the get we certainly yet out.

Nochmal to the Shortcuts:
i'd I do not only wish, the one the program by Shortcut started can, separate too the one each Options in the program too by Shortcut Call can. about "Speichern (& Open)" or "Werte in that Clibboard".


Why The RGB-functions with you crash understand I do not because The have I of WindowsXP To 8 tested but the get we certainly yet out.

hmmm....since the Update crashes the program not any more ex, though does it neither the whole Image (in example in gray) umsetzten. look: [...] 

585 kB
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

I faith I know now Why the lying.

I set The Pixel directly on hDC instead of on hDC2 -

schreib I for next Version on hPics circa.

OK. What is with point number 3 supra? Gedenkst You such a thing incorporate? it would anyway very calm!
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Imho tolles Update.

your Opportunities look I me again on.

Tolles Update!

the new Update schaut well from!
the EFX-Menu (before RGB-Menu) functions now by me SUPER!

some Kleinigkeiten have I though yet. about More characters-Objects. about, additional To arrow, rectangle, ausgefülltes rectangle, or gestricheltes rectangle.

Also would I me wish, that The items "Speichern" & "Speichern & Öffnen" two spots to supra wander so one these leichter finds.
The point "Drucken" heard of my opinion to too into category "Speichern".

Also would a function Save & Send or Share (FB, Twitter, Dropbox, Skydrive, Date Drive etc.) ditto very calm. would be for me though not so important is.

If you you already my Opportunities anschaust, could you your Bedienkonzept evtl. again rethinking, or. The Statement this on whom User. with the Time comes one in your concept of course well zurecht. but at first started is everything very verwirrend. circa only short The situation To narrate:
One normal User has your Program installs and launch it. it sees the Steuerkreuz and attempts How of it dwelt one rectangle by left Mouse button aufzuziehen. stunned must it with standing How itself the Tool closes. The User comes to further try (if it it at all again attempts) behind it, that one by rights Mouse button The selection selektiert and by left Mouse button the window closes



[OFFTOPIC]Jawohl! Tolles Update! [/OFFTOPIC]
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jürgen Strahl02/23/24


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