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E.T. | slow i was it sorrow, the the Skype - Home - Screen always "länger" becomes: "Erzählen tappt im dunkeln what tappt im dunkeln straight machen" , I see therein none benefit. particularly, because Yes "alte" Entries not vanish (so could I Yes life), this scroll only always moreover down.
and there one Yes vergesslich is had I over ands over again take after, where one what delete must. means is this small Tool emerged: No particular surface, simply To valet, observes itself whom Skype-name in a Ini-File in the Skype - Arbeitsverzeichnis. working on several Rechnern without Problems, writes not The Reg. or other Systemverzeichnisse. Freeware, usage on Own menace !!
Help Have I me gespart, m.M. selbsterklärend. Startoptionen: * normal * with log : who see wants, what the program power * Skypename zurücksetzen : Bereinigt The ini-File and asks Skype-name new ex |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 05/18/14 ▲ |
Georg Teles | Very nice, functions ... can his that it Process anhand the Fenstertitels killt ? Skype + FireFox were by me here open, there the cover the FF "Skype Home 'aufräumen'" means, has the Tool same FF.exe gekillt |
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E.T. | JA, i'm on The speedy no blödere idea come, on The PID of Skype To come |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 05/19/14 ▲ |
Georg Teles | Hehe goes me too so, with Find or Kill Process can it itself but always works (severe taken is it no Fakt that Skype.exe now Skype.exe is) whom code there were here Schonmal somewhere, knows not where ... I poste whom nevertheless again CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
Def ProcessSnapshot(2) !"KERNEL32.DLL","CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"
Def ProcessFirst(2) !"KERNEL32.DLL","Process32First"
Def ProcessNext(2) !"KERNEL32.DLL","Process32Next"
Def GetLastError(0) !"KERNEL32.DLL","GetLastError"
Def OpenProcess(3) !"KERNEL32.DLL","OpenProcess"
Def TerminateProcess(2) !"KERNEL32.DLL","TerminateProcess"
Def CloseHandle(1) !"KERNEL32.DLL","CloseHandle"
Struct FOKP_PROCENTR32 = dwSize&,cntUsage&,th32ProcessID&,th32DefaultHeapID&,th32ModuleID&,cntThreads&, \
Proc fokp
Parameters FOKP_Process$,FOKP_Delete&
Declare FOKP_NameLng&,FOKP_hSnapshot&,FOKP_Result&,FOKP_hProcess&,FOKP_ProcAnz&,FOKP_TermOk&,FOKP_PROCENTR#
Clear FOKP_NameLng&,FOKP_hSnapshot&,FOKP_Result&,FOKP_hProcess&,FOKP_ProcAnz&,FOKP_TermOk&,FOKP_PROCENTR#
FOKP_NameLng& = Len(FOKP_Process$)
FOKP_Process$ = Lower$(FOKP_Process$)
FOKP_hSnapshot& = ProcessSnapshot(2, 0)
IfNot FOKP_hSnapshot& = -1
FOKP_Result& = ProcessFirst(FOKP_hSnapshot&, FOKP_PROCENTR#)
While FOKP_Result&
If Lower$(Right$(FOKP_PROCENTR#.szExeFile$,FOKP_NameLng&)) = FOKP_Process$
If FOKP_Delete& = 1
IfNot ~GetCurrentProcessID() = FOKP_PROCENTR#.th32ProcessID&
FOKP_hProcess& = OpenProcess(1, 0, FOKP_PROCENTR#.th32ProcessID&)
FOKP_TermOk& = TerminateProcess(FOKP_hProcess&,1)
sleep 100
FOKP_ProcAnz& = FOKP_ProcAnz& + (FOKP_Delete&<>1) + FOKP_TermOk&
FOKP_Result& = ProcessNext(FOKP_hSnapshot&, FOKP_PROCENTR#)
Return Int(FOKP_ProcAnz&)
Declare exe_$
exe_$ = "skype.exe"
If fokp(exe_$,0) > 0
MessageBox("Skype.exe gefunden","",0)
fokp(exe_$,1)'0 = finden, 1= killen
4 href='./../../Function-References/XProfan/endif/'>EndIf
better idea I had neither |
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