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![Torsten Rümker: 05/14/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | Hello. means first thing a short Statement what my Program so power. it deals itself circa a Symbolleiste, which center on whom oberen Bildschirmrand depends, and everybody can arbitrary Program integrate can, The dan by klick launched go.
so far nothing particularly new, the ursprüngliche thought to the Program coming me as we beginning last year in of my firm new software sustained, the split in several modules is. (means Finanzbuchhaltung, Personalwesen, Faktura etc.) and each this programs must one itself startup by Benutzernamen and Password identify.
there the onerous go can, there in Softstart a option over everybody can startup Username and Password prompt can, The then with whom individual Program (with want) as Startparameter transfer go.
there ja nu is not would like the someone during one not any more on the job sits, but forget has the program To terminate, is it possible the Program 2 times mitzuteilen, on them it itself self exits, or whom whole PC herunterfährt.
there me naturally clear is, that not everyone these functions use can, see the whole still simply as a nice Vereinfachung circa often needed programs griffbereit to have. The eigentliche benefit on the groin is then: the program sits so on the oberen Bildschirmrand, the of a Program the in full-screen mode runs maximum The Headline covers becomes.
so for diejenigen, which the program herunterladen would, there's 2 programs download the a is so a manner minimalistischer Installer the The actually Version of my FTP-Server herunterlädt, the others is the Whole-Package. The therein encompassed Setup.exe is already the eigentliche Program, the a Own Installationsroutine in itself birgt. who the program by hand anywhere settle would like need The File mere in softstart.exe umzubenennen. If the The Setup.exe launched becomes, asks the program to one way into it itself install should, in this Will be a subdirectory namens Softstart laid out. thereafter opens itself nacheinander The Help and the Einstellungsdialog, The Help is always over F1 To achieve.
yet something wichtiges! The Settings for Symbolleiste go in the Registry under HKEY_Current_UserSoftwareTRSoftware stored. Since I momentarily yet some Problems so have The Cross-Registry Users again To clear, there in the Einstellungsdialog a relatively primitive and something ungewöhnliche but fully funktionsfähige de-Installations routine. These is though (unfortunately) with a Neustart the PC (by the user not through my Program) joined, I a RunOnce entry the Registry use.
so yet something, what the testing angeht there's a function, The it the Program allows by FTP To to check on whether a new Version vorliegt and these then download. who would like should the Please do and me short Info give whether everything worked has. i'll To this object short after I this here ready have, a new Version with the only Difference in the version number Upload.
Achja, who over The version number surprised ought to, I work now (with interrupts) still are something over 1 year on the Program. (even if not plenty since power) |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/14/06 ▲ |
![Hubert Binnewies: 05/15/06](.././../../i/a/20195318664516764acddb2.jpg) Hubert Binnewies | I habs me installs, I see of course for me yet none reasonable Anwendungszweck, but this is one really nice Piece Programmierarbeit, only The Selection for Installationspfad is gewöhnungsbedürftig, one Beginner had Problems... |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 05/15/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 05/15/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | Yes, the faith I. sincere said, have I The Auswahlmöglichkeit the Installationspfades first integrally currently installed, and me first for a Standarddialog decided. Mmm, but if I me the so ansehe, have right I building something schöneres.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/15/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 05/21/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | so new version uploaded. ( To get here in the Thread first Posting or by <Strg>-<F11> in the program or with the Online-Setup.
The installation watts of me something aufgepeppt (go ahead see after a kompletten neuinstallation incl. Neustart the Rechners) what about me have the Button End of program on wish of outside the Forums The Possibility given on wish too the windows herunterzufahren. To achieve, because one The <Strg> Button pressed holds during one on the End of program Button pressing. Achja the Windowsende Window, the then appear can itself by <ESC> Cancel.
hope The Ergänzungen fallen.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/21/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 05/23/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | some smaller ones Schönheitskorrekturen on the View source implemented, Abstürze under designed Umständen are so Done.
new Version To get How had.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/23/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 05/24/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | i'm straight noticed, for or. diejenigen, The The Online-Variante the Setup Downloaded having: If I here a new version Poste, is not jedesmal necessary too same the new Online-Setup download! the Onlien-Setup must only then new Downloaded go, if I the particularly write, otherwise it may for each Versionsänderung used go. Achja, and if itself so How at last times not straight The installation changed has, reicht it too from, in the Softstart (Focus must naturally on the Program lying) <Strg>-<F11> To pressing, and the program loading automatically the new Version down and installs tappt im dunkeln.
I thought I write the time, I seen have the The Online Variante only very little Downloaded becomes, what about me befürchte there power itself one einzelner The trouble jedesmal one identisches Program download ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif)
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/24/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 05/31/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | new version uploaded small Changes in Program display Help ought to now reliably functions, without Programmabstürze.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 05/31/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 07/03/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | Hi, time again a new Version, I have some Verschönerungen in the Source undertaken, moreover ought to the constant flicker of the program in the Taskbar now lane his.
means: now new version herunterladen (
would be me forward, if I Rückmeldungen get would, whether the program functions How desired, Specifically on other Betriebssystemen as Windows XP. interested täte z.b. whether the terminate the Program To desired times functions without abstürze, and possible too the Shutdown the Rechners. Achja, the Dialogue with the 30 sec Countdown to the Shutdown the Machine can be with Escape Cancel.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 07/03/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 08/16/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | WICHTIG!
If someone over the automatic Update The Version receive having ought to (discernible on the Headline in the Einstellungs dialog) Please absolutely one new Update conduct! (either with the Tastenkombination <Alt>-<F11> if the program whom Fokus has, or through Download the new Version from the first Posting)
it has itself one Error eingeschlichen, the probably only of/ one Erstinstallation to a only with Help the Taskmanagers To beendenden Endlosschleife lead can.
Since I The fehlerhafte Version here never posted have concerns the trouble means only diejenigen The the Online-Setup benefit and within whom last week one Update receive having.
with the opportunity position itself for me time again The question whether a not integrally so anonyme Update-function Perhaps still sinnvoller would? Naja whatever now is everything again well.
MfG Torsten Rümker |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 08/16/06 ▲ |
![iF: 08/16/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | i'd The Possibility the Angebens of personal Information afford - and [X] ask whether these data at Update übermittelt go can. too Gibts The Mgl. a serial number To Generate (Frank had this time a Thread eröffnet - faith Eindeutige ID hieß the) which instead of the Userdaten übermittelt becomes. The indicated of/ one MailAddy ought to for Updateempfänger idR not disturbing. |
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![Torsten Rümker: 10/27/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | so afer a long linger.
I have me decided it go no data on me übermittelt with one Update!
The Installationsroutine is revised, there it yet vorkommen could, that some Files not copies go.
there's now too one small Fensterchen the indicating what straight happens with the installation.
therefore now one letztes Update on The Version 0.9.4.
MfG Torsten Rümker |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/27/06 ▲ |
![Torsten Rümker: 12/21/06](.././../../i/a/617900842433de430ed8f2.jpg) Torsten Rümker | OK, abschließendes and for good letztes Update!
on the Source has almost nothing changed, but since I temporary No further Changes to have, and everything so runs How I me the Vorstelle now The Version 1.0.
plenty Fun so!
Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 12/21/06 ▲ |