
Strangeliner - Graphen draw


After reiflicher Überlegung Have I now still decided too with the diesjährigen competition mitzumachen, though my chances against so geübte xprofaner/ inside only very lowly his go.

GrX, so is the program, with the I into competition weg will be.
in the february this year Have I started GrX (then yet under the names x^r) To write. Unterdessen is GrX in Version 0.65 beta to have.
with GrX give I the Mathematiker one Tool into hand, with the it Graphen To different Graphentypen draw can :

- Linearfunktionen
- Potenzfunktionen
- Sinusfunktionen
- Cosinusfunktionen
- Tangensfunktionen
- Exponentialfunktionen
- Logarithmusfunktionen
- Polynomfunktionen

After the Einzeichnen stand then different Rechenmöglichkeiten available (z.B. Wertetabelle create, Verify, whether a point on the Graphen lying ...)
an particular quality of GrX is additionally, that it NO Registry-Entries writes. though must the volume, the The data of GrX enthällt beschreibbar his !

381 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: GrX here to that Download
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6


The following is me noticed:

After +/- (Zoomen) won't automatically neugezeichnet.
After Delete of settings.cfg & Co. can itself the program not any more started. here's passiv rather - create The Files simply from the Exe out new - instead of to interrupt.
the ZoomMinimum reicht often not from, too Scrolling/move goes unfortunately not.
The DLGs are often not high enough (XP) - You mind The Fenstertitelleistenhöhe not. cycaption 
export export unfortunately only whom visible area the hwnd. would You The whole Anzeigegeschichte in the Memory bitmap mcls  manage then could You move/better export offer - and the Repaint would too plainer.

but faith me - I find always what *g*

see grade - You write in Profan²6.6 - there there imho no cycaption  - gentry means blanket 10 pixel DLGHöhe on it - then works too with XP.

first time a couple Answer :

it'll NOT neugezeichnet, because then The whole Graphen recalculated go müssten, the need then plenty performance and Time.

Dass with fehlender settings.set a Error Message comes, becomes in the next Version abgeschafft , okay ?

Scrolling / move funktionniert very well ! the leaf has though *only* a Höhe of 20 units and a wide of 10 units. fit the whole leaf at a single blow on your screen, can you logischerweise not scroll. (Do I then but into Documentation take in, you are not the first, the asks !)

and, Überraschung, GrX operates already MCLS !!!

and that The dialogs not high enough are, lying on it, I of course Win XP use, there but the Classic-solid !

Regards Chris

PS : @iF : i'm still glad, if me of/ one says, I in GrX yet Change should !!!
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Hello Christian,

I find, this is already one right interessanter and ausbaufähiger first attempt. here a couple Notes and Notes for may part.

After the Program Start appear The y-axis by me with a visible Wertebereich of ca. 5.5 To 10.0 on-screen. the find I unfavourable. logical would, if one startup whom Koordinatenursprung in the middle the Programmfensters see could. with functions game itself the integral in the rule in the sew the Koordinatenursprunges ex. who More of Graphen see would like, the can Yes still scroll.

That one with s and W down or. high scroll can - hereon must one first time come. Logischer wären there already The Cursortasten. The Keys A and D functions by me none.

with Graph add appear one moreover-Button. in the subesquent Dialog-Window missing however one back-Button for drop, that one it itself differently consider has.

Additional to the already named Types should too such terms How parable, Hyperbel, etc. from the Mathematikunterricht with uses go. the concerns ditto terms How Stauchung, Streckung, rose, u.ä.

the prompt the Formelwerte is very gewöhnungsbedürftiig. here would the direct complete one pretended Formel-Gerippes sinnvoller, How z.B. y = x² - 2 (at least as option). with a couple smaller CreateEdits ließe itself the sure slight together basteln.

accordingly could one then too fractures prompt (z.B. as rose, or as Exponent).

Wurzelfunktionen as Spezialfall the Potenzfunktionen (means Potenzfunktionen with broken or rationalen Exponenten)can of Program yet not yet prompt or. draw.

an Wertetabelle with some characteristic Values, with them one The Graphen by hand draw could, ought to not as Dialog-Window, separate in a disengaged quadrants (or on the downstairs edge the Arbeitsblattes attend.

The Info: Ungültige input: the comma must as point written go. is superfluously, if you with the request the Edits same one eventuelles comma with Translate$ automatically in a point umwandelst. These Error-Messagebox comes however too at prompt of letters, what foolish is. here should You at the outset only The input of Digits and point to permit. this would already with Profan² 6.6 z.B. with the NEDIT.DLL of Frank Abbing very simply possible and works same plenty professioneller (https://frabbing.de).

of mere Fachlichen since (maths) Gibts some Error.


wrong: x->x-1³ + 1
correctly.: y = (x-1)³+ 1

The Pfeile (to right or. supra) with whom Koordinatenachsen are missing, just as as Beschriftung the Achsen with x or. y.

an Nullstellenberechnung would the Program ditto yet well To face stand, as well as evtl. too the indicate the Monotonie with individual Abschnitten the Definitionsbereiches.

because the program otherwise already right advanced is, would itself here absolutely too yet the graphical solve (at least first time) linearer Gleichungssysteme offer, what thoroughly on the solve of Gleichungssystemen höherer Order expanded go could.

see grade - You write in Profan²6.6 - there there imho no cycaption - gentry means blanket 10 pixel DLGHöhe on it - then works too with XP.

must You none so make. Nimm for y-Koordinate the Buttons simply no absoluten values, separate nimm for Height(d0&) - Buttonhöhe - 5, or so. between Text and Buttons have You Yes anyhow already sufficient Space let. or You erstellst each Dialog-Window same with pretended Values for Clientbereich, then will need you you around the Höhe the Headline none More To concern.

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thanks for Tipps. now have so did i again some To do. with the new Version becomes some rather, hoff I at least.
but Why You not A and D scroll can versteh I do not. by me funktionniert the correct. though must one there yet mind, that one even NOT scroll can, if already The whole wide (of ca.-5 To ca.5) into Window fit. (can z.B. on the graunen edge on the rechten Page discern !!!)

@Dietmar : I seh strain, that You Physics / Math teacher are. You must you then Yes know !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

under Win95 launch the program not - freshly entpackt, launched and suddenly I will simply so beschuldigt, GrX.exe, settings.set or readme.txt umbenannt to have. and the completely To Unrecht!
Nico Madysa

and you have quite nothing changed ?
is namely comic, yet Have I something like to that first time heard, yet has the Löschschutz always inspired funktionniert.
If any Files unchanged are, ought to GrX too funktionnieren.
Genaueres can I you now neither say, because I completely surprised be !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

not that I know, only I it before from slip in a Unterordner installs have. then have I it
  • either in a own Unterordner moved
  • or deleted and new installs
what of both white I do not, the weekend lying again between...
Nico Madysa

its Yes alike, where You GrX installierst. only whom Content the Folder must You NOT change. with the next Version ought to the trouble though resolved his !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

so, long dran rumgemurkst, then The pleasure lost and nevertheless weitergemacht. here's the Update To GrX. How your sure already notice have, is my Program now Strangeliner. The Prerelease Have I for you already time provided.
plenty Fun so ... and hopefully is tappt im dunkeln rather as The old.
what about me hoff, I do not soo a great many Error reingemacht Have. feeling Have I no good, but it shining nevertheless steady To walk ... at least by me.

here one Auszu from whom Changelogs:

* Hilfslinien einzeichnen
* Statusanzeige at to charge of Graphen
* Sekansfunktion installed
* Kosekansfunktion installed
* Kotangensfunktion installed
* accuracy the Graphen take on --> ggf. höhere speed
* Repaint at Reinzoomen, can shorted go
* export & Print the whole Bilds possible (furthermore too Teilbereich)
* Brucheingabe
+ wide the Papiers now too 10 units
+ Menüs having z.T. Icons
+ No Error Message with missing Text files & settings.set
+ Rauszoomen except for 40 px / unity possible
+ Dialoghöhe too with Win XP now correctly.
+ at that Program Start now the zero center
+ move now too with the Pfeiltasten
& Reinzoomen blos yet up to 160 px / unity possible
- Sinnloses Menu Graphenfarbe (ex now in the dialog add)

mfg Christian E

EDIT : ... I Have whom attachment forget
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Hm, for what exactly The PlyS.exe? game You so about The Soundeffekte ex?

my complete opinion give I with the rating ex. i'm but noticed, that diverse Cancel-Buttons not always functions and many Button-Texts To long are for button.
and you should your Exe a Manifesto-Resource enclosing/miss out on.

Yes, The PlyS is for Sounds, but too Profan² 6.6.
Manifestressource einbaun is no thing, falls me only not, I Have whom service Designs off
with the Buttons überleg I me yet what ...
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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