
Strangeliner - Graphen draw

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After reiflicher Überlegung Have I now still decided too with the diesjährigen competition mitzumachen, though my chances against so geübte xprofaner/ inside only very lowly his go.

GrX, so is the program, with the I into competition weg will be.
in the february this year Have I started GrX (then yet under the names x^r) To write. Unterdessen is GrX in Version 0.65 beta to have.
with GrX give I the Mathematiker one Tool into hand, with the it Graphen To different Graphentypen draw can :

- Linearfunktionen
- Potenzfunktionen
- Sinusfunktionen
- Cosinusfunktionen
- Tangensfunktionen
- Exponentialfunktionen
- Logarithmusfunktionen
- Polynomfunktionen

After the Einzeichnen stand then different Rechenmöglichkeiten available (z.B. Wertetabelle create, Verify, whether a point on the Graphen lying ...)
an particular quality of GrX is additionally, that it NO Registry-Entries writes. though must the volume, the The data of GrX enthällt beschreibbar his !

381 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: GrX here to that Download
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

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first time: thanks, that You my Program so in detail tested and me your opinion mitgeteilt have. this is very important for future Weiterentwicklung !

Dietmar horn
1. at that mere- and Rauszoomen should The Graphen new drawn go. because to the Zoomen anyhow recalculated and drawn go must, so one whom Graphen sees, could the too same automatically erfolgen.

have you got me letztes time already said, I habs even already installed, only forget einzuschalten & into Settings with aufzunehmen. MEIN FEHLER ! ... is quick & slight To to fix !

Dietmar horn
2. If I The EXE-File from the archive with the utterly-Commander starte (everything temporär entpacken, means not only The EXE-File), then crashes the program ex (see ScreenShot). If I in a beliebigen Ordner entpacke, then works it. here seems a Path-trouble vorzuliegen - often helps there but already one simples Upper$)

Ühmm... that the program crashes, because one way not is correct, this is me not yet happens. I schaus me nevertheless at times

Dietmar horn

3. The usage more Funktionsbezeichnungen is mathematically wrong (z.B. count Potenzfunktionen or trigonometrische functions not to the linearen functions).

what me already deliberate is. only white I now not, where the Error is ! I know not, I The Potenzfunktionen to the linearen Gepackt Have !

Dietmar horn

4. at that export as ganzes Image the Graph for growing x-values sometimes wrong drawn (Paralle to Y-Ache, z.B. with y = x³).

Okay, okay ... I know already, where the Error lying

Dietmar horn

5. an Possibility to that einfachen prompt of Potenzfunktionen with rationalen Exponenten (z.B. y = x high 1/3 for z.B. y = root from 3) have I yet not yet discover (or only not yet long enough thereafter sought ...).

are still Potenzfunktionen, How You said have. must You simply to the Potenzfunktionen weg and 0.33333 prompt ... voila

Dietmar horn

6. The Gruppierung the different Funktionstypen ought to something logischer erfolgen. somehow appear me the still quite confusion gewürfelt. so belong z.B. Sinus, Cosinus, Tangens and Cotangens together in a group the einfachen trigonometrischen functions.

and Sekans and Kosekans gentry so did i same into the bargain

Dietmar horn

7. at that maximalen or. minimalen Zoom appear me the Wertebereich only To something over 5 as right lowly - particularly for such simple functions, How y = x², y = x³, etc.

The Wertebereich goes y-, as well as x-Achsentechnisch of -10 To 10...

Dietmar horn

8. Optional should too same yet indicated To Funktionseigenschaften, How z.B. Monotonieverhalten, Nullstellen or Schnittpunkte more Graphen made go. the could then possible a Vorstufe to Berechnung of Gleichungssystemen of your program his.

Okay, but not any more these Programmversion... the whole is namely z.T. not so slight ... and this Version not yet vorgesehen. but I werd drandenken !

Dietmar horn

9. super wären naturally as Folgeversion sometime yet Views To Zahlenfolgen and Reihen (graphical Grenzwertbestimmung, etc.). after your you in the Mathematikunterricht something accurate with Differential- and Integralrechnung engage have, could your Program sure a good Help z.B. with Maxima- and Minima-Berechnungen go.

How You said have: we're us so engage having !

Dietmar horn

I see here anyway very plenty capability for future and sinnvolle Weiterentwicklung Your Program!

I finds too class, I of very many people, be it here from the Forum, as well as too of friends and Lehrern unterstütz will be. on this place : VIELEN DANK for. the supported me in of my work, and shows me, I nothing utterly sinnloses make !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Christian Eichler
first time: thanks, that You my Program so in detail tested and me your opinion mitgeteilt have. this is very important for future Weiterentwicklung !

Dietmar horn
1. at that mere- and Rauszoomen should The Graphen new drawn go. because to the Zoomen anyhow recalculated and drawn go must, so one whom Graphen sees, could the too same automatically erfolgen.

have you got me letztes time already said, I habs even already installed, only forget einzuschalten & into Settings with aufzunehmen. MEIN FEHLER ! ... is quick & slight To to fix !

Dietmar horn
2. If I The EXE-File from the archive with the utterly-Commander starte (everything temporär entpacken, means not only The EXE-File), then crashes the program ex (see ScreenShot). If I in a beliebigen Ordner entpacke, then works it. here seems a Path-trouble vorzuliegen - often helps there but already one simples Upper$)

Ühmm... that the program crashes, because one way not is correct, this is me not yet happens. I schaus me nevertheless at times

Dietmar horn

3. The usage more Funktionsbezeichnungen is mathematically wrong (z.B. count Potenzfunktionen or trigonometrische functions not to the linearen functions).

what me already deliberate is. only white I now not, where the Error is ! I know not, I The Potenzfunktionen to the linearen Gepackt Have !

Dietmar horn

4. at that export as ganzes Image the Graph for growing x-values sometimes wrong drawn (Paralle to Y-Ache, z.B. with y = x³).

Okay, okay ... I know already, where the Error lying

Dietmar horn

5. an Possibility to that einfachen prompt of Potenzfunktionen with rationalen Exponenten (z.B. y = x high 1/3 for z.B. y = root from 3) have I yet not yet discover (or only not yet long enough thereafter sought ...).

are still Potenzfunktionen, How You said have. must You simply to the Potenzfunktionen weg and 0.33333 prompt ... voila

Dietmar horn

6. The Gruppierung the different Funktionstypen ought to something logischer erfolgen. somehow appear me the still quite confusion gewürfelt. so belong z.B. Sinus, Cosinus, Tangens and Cotangens together in a group the einfachen trigonometrischen functions.

and Sekans and Kosekans gentry so did i same into the bargain

Dietmar horn

7. at that maximalen or. minimalen Zoom appear me the Wertebereich only To something over 5 as right lowly - particularly for such simple functions, How y = x², y = x³, etc.

The Wertebereich goes y-, as well as x-Achsentechnisch of -10 To 10...

Dietmar horn

8. Optional should too same yet indicated To Funktionseigenschaften, How z.B. Monotonieverhalten, Nullstellen or Schnittpunkte more Graphen made go. the could then possible a Vorstufe to Berechnung of Gleichungssystemen of your program his.

Okay, but not any more these Programmversion... the whole is namely z.T. not so slight ... and this Version not yet vorgesehen. but I werd drandenken !

Dietmar horn

9. super wären naturally as Folgeversion sometime yet Views To Zahlenfolgen and Reihen (graphical Grenzwertbestimmung, etc.). after your you in the Mathematikunterricht something accurate with Differential- and Integralrechnung engage have, could your Program sure a good Help z.B. with Maxima- and Minima-Berechnungen go.

How You said have: we're us so engage having !

Dietmar horn

I see here anyway very plenty capability for future and sinnvolle Weiterentwicklung Your Program!

I finds too class, I of very many people, be it here from the Forum, as well as too of friends and Lehrern unterstütz will be. on this place : VIELEN DANK for. the supported me in of my work, and shows me, I nothing utterly sinnloses make !

I have your Posting zitiert because I it simply Quote wished - the nice Posting the...

Changes :

- Automatisches Repaint at Zoomen (can shorted go, if desired !)
- Dietmar: Please testing: I Have now time Upper$ eingefügt, white not, obs helps, would for a response grateful !
- Error export resolved ...
- Menu to Typenauswahl slight modifiziert

the wärs really been
Please any the Update loading. V.a. to the evaluate schaun, whether I something new posted Have

EDIT: Ajjj... now Have I again The File forget

688 kB
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

- Page 3 -

I have your Posting zitiert because I it simply Quote wished - the nice Posting the...

Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Hello Christian,

the everything should naturally only Notes and suggestions his. How You, the evtl. very umsetzt, the remaining naturally you give over.

I know not, I The Potenzfunktionen to the linearen Gepackt Have !

See: Graphen add, Button Linearfunktion ... and then come tappt im dunkeln any ... means any under the Button Linearfunktion.

must You simply to the Potenzfunktionen weg and 0.33333 prompt

and very this is mathematically wrong, because 1/3 is mismatched 0.333, and 1/3 is too mismatched 0,33333333 - just as How Pi mismatched 3.14 is. one ought to there already low-down fractures prompt can. that the Program then nevertheless only with 16-digit accuracy (or so about) calculate can, the standing on one integrally others leaf written ...

The Wertebereich goes y-, as well as x-Achsentechnisch of -10 To 10.

Yes, in the Vollbildmodus weg The y-values by me too To something over 9. rather would it, if one itself the yourself in something further border take on could. with designed Funktionsgruppen could the to explanation the Funktionseigenschaften thoroughly meaningfully his.

If I me function or. Funktionsgruppe select have, then ought to same the Dialog-Window with the Eingabemöglichkeiten come (naturally with discontinue-Possibility). because the moreover-Button appear me on this place superfluously.

As I said: the should everything only suggestions his.

sure becomes one solches Program not same at the beginning a gigant Anhängerkreis find, because too under Programmierern the volume not absolutely for such something theoretischere mathematical Views interested. but the comes already yet in the running the years, if you The Funktionsvielfalt by degrees erweiterst, so that for each what thereby is.

and particularly there such something spezielleren programs (also something taugen) not yet How sand on the sea - anyway not as Freeware, or as shareware to that Taschengeldpreis.

straight is me yet noticed, that it unmöglich looks, if I z.B. The Sprachendateien lösche (z.B. no Beschriftung the items More). with such important things ought to a previous Überprüfung on existence come off. And then either Error Message with Programmabbruch, or the write of Standardeinträgen of Program from. now likes you the with this right small Program presumably not yet big itch - but at the latest if the Programmumfang increasing, then become You a such Vorgehensweise appreciate.

yet verrückter becomes it, if someone from the archive solely The StrangeLiner.exe executing (because it it simply not rather white), without The others Files with To entpacken. faith not, that this one Ausnahmefall is (too with XProfanern not ...). here seem You utterly no Fehlerüberprüfung installed to have - and this is not well ....

If I time again little more Muße for have, I will your Werk moreover auseinanderpflücken - but by then bastele quiet first time another Weilchen on it around. but Please not wrong understand: i want nothing zerpflücken, circa it schlechtreden to - separate, so the program by degrees always rather becomes.


1. the temporary Entpacken works yet always not.
2. the Repaint to the Zoomen works now.
3. export shining To functions.

New notice (no idea, whether the before already so was):

I have erstmals the Print ausprobiert (on PDF-Creator):

The PDF-File prepares - but unschön format.
thereafter can I your Program only yet by Taskman fire, because there something in a unending-Loop to hang shining - probably one Focus-trouble in the Source).

iF found your Antwortposting probably so jolly, because You in amount almost any my Postingzeilen (really sinnloserweise) of 1 until bitteren end in between zitiert had.

to the evaluate schaun, whether I something new posted Have

if You so The Wettbewerbsbewertung through our Juroren my should: i'm no Jury-Member (and would like this too prospective not his).

me fasciated your Program therefore, because I sometime to almost exakt 30 years on the Uni in Leipzig time u.a. maths and Physics study having and today with the Mathetik not yet straight on Kriegsfuß stand.

yet have I your Program only me To dwell XP-Home accurate under The Lupe taken. on the friday evening (28.12.) I will it times under Win 95 / 98 on PCs with 300 MHz / 64 MB RAM testing. If you Happiness have, then has Nico Madysa there too straight time buck hereon, itself your Program anzuschauen, because this Nico M. (How I here yet mitgelesen have, so shining your both vaguely gleichaltrig To his) standing with something höherer maths neither straight on Kriegsfuß. Look simply ex ca. 20 watch time into Community-Chat mere - a couple of us MMJ-Chaoten become You there there certainly meet can ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Ähem ... with the the Button Linearfunktionen is not, that the The Übergruppe is, separate, that currently as Graphentyp Linearfunktionen select are. at that 2.Button standing Yes Deaktiviert. the would, your Logik to, Yes mean, that Linearfunktionen to the group Deaktiverte Graphen heard ... ONLY : what are Deaktivierte Graphen ?

what the high 1/3 concerns: the left of the Eingabefläche is a Button to that prompt of Brüchen ... but over which function could we now quarrel

Ähem, I Have the feeling, that You, Dietmar, something übersiehst : You can with the Pfeiltasten (and with W A s D) whom Anzeigebereich to left/right/supra/under move. so can you, independent of the Fenstergröße and the Zoomstatus, whom KOMPLETTEN area of -10 < y <10 und -10 < x < 10 betrachten.

the grundsätzliche trouble with one always larger werdenden x / y - Achsenbereich is, I sometime Problems with the Memory bitmap get, I not infinite do number two can ! If you in the actually Version complete reinzoomst, (160px/unity), then is the Memory bitmap already 3200x3200 Pixel big.
One further trouble with one yet more area lying in the Rechengeschwindigkeit. there Profan Yes relatively slow operates, what about me for Graphen relatively plenty calculate must, becomes The Rechengeschwindigkeit too always slower. through insert of if-terms becomes the whole then additional slow ! [to speed say I under yet what !]
Dass a couple back-Buttons are missing, the bestreite I now time not at all

Dietmar horn
As I said: the should everything only suggestions his.

for the so did i very grateful be. even if I the whole not immediate (and this Version) umsetz, I werd me dran remind, if The Time for come is !
that you, How You said have, nothing schlechtreden want, white I. i'm it ditto rather, if one Tester the program very viewing and attempts Error to find. [Bsp: In my Freundeskreis kursiert my Program already since of/ one very early Version (The first having then yet garkeine Skala). After each Update Have I each of them whom Link to new Version skillful. once was in a Version one huge Knaller drinnen. (at that attempt To Save is the program abgestürzt, because I Close forget having). whom Error has none Pinned. naturally Have I there time nachgehakt and Have then as response get, that Save a function be, The it not use would ... class !

Dietmar horn
1. the temporary Entpacken works yet always not.

Okay, I attempt the whole then yourself time . I Have Yes because Source and therefore is it for me too plainer, whom Error to find !

and what whom PDF-Creator concerns ... whom must so did i yet somewhere rumfliegen having. I installier whom time and look me the on ! but the Error might not new his, I Have in the Druckfunktion nothing More changed

Eingentlich Have I already virtual, that You Jury-Member are. power but nothing, I hoff time, that too yet others read along. Vll. is there Yes of/ one from the Jury thereby

be time tensely, what at decompose under Win98 rauskommt

now again quick to speed of Profan, How supra angekündigt ! Profan is relatively slow as we warsch. any know. therefore, Have I me virtual, lagere I in the next Version the rechenintensivste simply in a C++ DLL from. C++ is, this is one Ergebniss one of my try, 417 time faster as Profan² 6.6

mfg Christian E

EDIT: I Have now even time whom PDF-export by PDFCreator , by FreePDF XP and by PDF master OE 3.0 tested. I can no Error check !
EDIT2: too whom utterly-Commander-Error can I not understand, by me funktionniert the whole!
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

@Christian: The display the Graphen over one Memory bitmap is pure Ressourcenverschwendung. too skalieren is herewith very heavy there Neuaufbau necessary is. the only what You you herewith vereinfachst is well the Scrolling. here should You you yet Thoughts make. what a externe DLL concerns must I say thats often not necessary is. The speed of Profan is nothing moreover as The increase the Schwierigkeitsgrades to that find one others Weges!

i'd well per Formel properly Vektorergebnisse in memory take off and these Show - so have You too a verlustfreie Skalierung. with the Mausrad ought to one z.B. zoomen can, or. with gedrücktem Mausrad scroll. (I know - net eachone has a mouse with wheel which too yet drückbar is. The Programmzielgruppe however becomes such a mouse own)

I werd time drüber cogitate ... but How already said, that concerns then eh first The next Version
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

comic - with the the Print (PDF-Creator) shining today To klappen. The bow at temporären Entpacken is however by me stayed.

With the whom Buttons Linearfunktion and Deaktiviert kabe I yet not understands (I must the But of course neither absolutely schnallen).

If you only whom x-/y-Achsen-Maßstab änderst, then must You still the Memory bitmap not change. the can still in the Size so stay, what's it like. and More Rechenleistung becomes therefore ditto not needed, if you The whole Rechnerei and Zeichnerei to some extent skillful over Procedures with Parameter Passing steuerst.

whom remainder look I me ex ca. 16.00 watch in the PC-cabinet times under Win 95, 98 and 2000 on.

whom Error has none Pinned.

the goes me with my Programs too constantly so. apiece More Programmfunktionen include are, circa so less Tester finds one unfortunately, The the everything time accurate under The Lupe take.

to that competition: Jury-Members any Community-Admins (except I). Admin-list: see integrally under in the Community. I wanted to of beginning on not in the Jury his, because here indeed my schoolboy join what about me often The Codes yours Wettbewerbsbeiträge to that part know.

if Roland for competition another or several actually XProfan-Full versions give liberally ought to, then would have You of these Program chances a of it To ergattern, even if You so Perhaps not whom first Price win should (because some the Mitbewerber having Yes already XProfan 10 or. 11). or You credit hereon, that Sebastian this time again a Prf2Cpp-Full Version as Price available position - then kannste you with the your DLL save ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

which Version from the utterly-Commander verwendest thou ? by me wars Version 6.55.

sure have you got right, apiece More functions installed are, so seltener go each functions uses. but I me virtual Have: I cramp me as a ex, the Save To make possible, Please somebody, the program To testing and the observes not. was a little bit enttäuschend !

and wieso I the Memory bitmap not change must, the versteh so did i not !

and what whom competition concerns : thereby his is everything !

With the whom Buttons isn't so heavy, look:
since this Version can you 2 Graphen unterschiedlichen Types zusammenaddieren, means z.B. x^2+sin(x).
the a is a Potenzfunktion, the others a Sinusfunktion.
means position You whom a Button on Potenzfunktion, whom others on Sinusfunktion. in the actually Version go both Graphen IMMER ADDIERT. Okay ?

mfg Christian E
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Test under Win 95/98:

Temporäres Entpacken works. shining means eindeutig one PATH-trouble in the code To his.

otherwise shining too everything To klappen.

but: Gib with quality time yourself a zero one and look, what then passsiert: nothing. The problem depends and can not time More terminate.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

for Dietmars Problem with the functions and its Gruppierung (deaktivierte lineare functions, Potenzfunktionen are lineare, etc.) would I simply time Choiceboxen recommend. For this are The made.
Nico Madysa

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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