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![: 03/03/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | in the last year has me the want gepackt, me hither around the Prozessbereich - means circa Threads, processes, DLLs and Window To concern and little more above To learn, as i bislang known. as expedient moreover have I me The application Tasks and Token (TNT) gebastelt, The me bislang in this Hinsicht right good services done has. i want you the program here once something hither present and hope, that you the testing as much Fun power, How me the program and the work on it:
Tasks and Token watts under and windows2000/XP entwickelt; one Operate the application under others Betriebssystemen Although in the principle possible, but only little sinvoll. the Proggi watts with XProfan9 and Profan2Cpp 1.1 prepares, with UPX gepackt and verfügt over ca.10000 Quelltextzeilen. to that Change the Zugriffsrechte use I partly one of me properly geänderte Version of AHs DACL_SET.INC (some BUGs and a part the Protokollierung removes). the Program supported The To WindowsXP standardmäßig verwendeten Zugriffslisten the Type ACL_REVISION and Zugriffslisteneinträge the Type ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE and ACCESS_DENIED_ACE ... Applications, The others Zugriffslisten use, could I bislang not find.. The eigentliche Programmdatei is Tasks and Token.EXE; any Files must in that same directory entpackt go. circa not your Startmenü (or sonstiges) unnecessary vollzumüllen, have I on a Installationsroutine waived - i think, your comes too so so zurecht.
Tasks and Token created a manner aktualisierbaren Schnappschuss the Betriebssystems, listet thereby processes, Threads, Module and Window in her Relationship zueinander on and supply umfangreiche Information over these Objects. circa too Access to Information to obtain, The usually for a Administrator unzugänglich and invisible are, can Tasks and Token Zugriffsrechte on processes, Threads and the Access-Token Change, or (without self really one service To his) with want over windows as Systemservice launched go. thereby is hereon To respect, that TNT as interaktiver service only for User visible is, the as erstes into computer eingeloggt has.
here everything aufzulisten, what the program ausliest or Change can would whom welt well gänzlich sprengen - i'll me therefore on some in the Helpfile yet undokumentierte reaches limit:
Module and DLLs: Nebem the Reading the Versionsinformationen investigating Tasks and Token loaded Module u.a. too to encompassed Exportfunktionen and its Adressen. sustained Information can through Rechtsklick into jeweilige List view into Clipboard copies go. TNT bid too The Possibility, a stranger not yet loaded DLL To loading and To investigating. thereby lead Tasks and Token The Einsprungsfunktion this loaded DLL not from. This has the advantage, that too DLLs of others Betriebsystemen (z.B. a DLL of WindowsXP under windows2000) investigating go können; from compressed DLLs can therefore but evtl. (on these point) no Exportfunktionen read go.
Window: next to the Show unterschiedlichster Fensterinformationen can through Rechtsklick on one Window in the Treeview - to the Motto make visible what invisible is - Statusinformationen one Fensters changed go. too Rechtsklicks into suitable List view afford a Änderungsmöglichkeiten for stranger Window.
processes and Threads: on the side can The unterschiedlichen Threads of/ one application through Rechtsklick in that Treeview stop and continue , can Prioritäten of Threads and Prozessen particular changed or can also the Boost shorted go, the u.a. a Prioritätserhöhnung with Aktivierung one Threadsfensters bewirkt.
Access-Token: One Grundbaustein new windows Betriebsysteme are The Zugriffsrechte. circa very determine to, which application under windows very on what grabbed having must, becomes each Process of Betriebssystem a manner elektronischer identification with on the lane given, the very idendity and rights the executing Users festlegt. Through Rechtsklick into suitable Treeview let itself here among other things Privilegien in a ongoing Process enable or deaktivieren. too Gruppenzugehörigkeiten can, sofern The jeweilige group this supported, deaktiviert and activate go without The group from the Token To Remove. in this elektronischen identification Access-Token there a area, the standard-Zugriffsrechte festlegt. becomes by a Process one new Objekt created and becomes this Objekt weder through Heredity yet sonstwie irgendeine Sicherheitsbeschreibung zugeordnet, becomes these standard-Zugriffsliste in the Acces-Token as Sicherheitsbeschreibung übernommen. this would to that Bespiel u.a. at produce one new Prozesses through @Winexec() the case. Tasks and Token it can Zugriffsliste not only Show separate these too (through Treeview-Rechtsklick) with want Change.
plenty More would like I over my Machwerk really now not tell. I hope, it reicht from for a little interest and pleasure on the play To rousing....
best Regards
edward carpenter
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![iF: 03/03/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | we're tensely. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![: 03/04/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | PS: Download the Progs in the Wettbewerbs-Download Area the Forums: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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![: 03/23/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | best Thanks for the Delete the Doppelpostings...
I have one small Update made and a couple Bugs gefixt. About a integrally small comment would I already forward - must but not absolutely his.. |
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![: 03/26/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Helpfile adjusted and yet a bow removes. The LUID the fountain the Token watts in the incorrect Order the Words displayed. I had me already to the Veröfentlichung decided, The LUIDs so darzustellen, How tappt im dunkeln too in the Registry auszulesen are - whom a I had overlooking. |
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![: 04/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello, be wiedder time short in the House I had really some Change - since the application Yes mainly for me his should, have I here More on amplitude as on performance geachtet: from different Found The it me unmöglich made having furthermore Profan2Cpp for this program To use, is the program now complete with XProfan9 prepares been. in this Version is it now optional possible, the Heaps one Prozesses read To let. into contents this Blöcke can itself with want ditto one look throwing. under windows95/98/ME go now too The Prioritäten the processes displayed. the Show the Systeminfos runs now over a self-employed ongoing Programmschleife. next to the Show of Heaps is too the Reading another beliebiger Speicherbereiche one Prozesses possible. Speicherbereiche stranger Prozeses can (if enough rights present are) discretionary changed go. the first area the Statusbar supply now some on Information More as before. at that Reading the Exportfunktionen of/ one DLL hooked the program sometimes vast. The problem is eliminating. with the Button interval can now longer Operationen Cancel. The tab the Tabcontrols are now too anwählbar during the program itself circa others items kümmert. During TNT yet Information ausliest can now already into individual Listviews to data wühlen. by a Rechtsklick on The address one Heapblock can The in the block located Bytes the Heapblockes read. The erweiterte Style one Fensters watts partly not correctly. displayed - bow is gefixt. Erweiterte Controlstile watts wrong read and displayed - bow watts gefixt. Window get partly to Stiländerungen not updated - Error watts eliminating. the TabControl would by the add the Stils TCS_HOTTRACK under windows2000 something aufgepeppt. The Helpfile watts adjusted and extended.
for Konstruktive review and suggestions be I always very grateful and ask beantworte I durchweg gladly (can mere something last).
PS: I have to (if it me somehow possible is), me in the next year again prolific on the Profangemeinde To participate and hope, that your me diesbezüglich right ardent The thumb pressing... |
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![iF: 04/24/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | hereon can You your *pieps* verwetten! ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif) |
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![: 04/30/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Microsoft cost me in the moment something nerves... ex windows2000 shining I The gesammte Speicherverwaltung changed to have. in the equal Zuge has Microsoft well moreover decided, The HEAPENTRY32 and HEAPLIST32 Structures (d.h. whom Content the Members) ditto To Change - i think Sicherheitsgründe... These Changes are naturally nirgendwo documents - have me but nevertheless there durchgewurschtelt.
Fazit: new Version of Tasks and Token written! |
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![: 05/05/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | have over again one Update made: - Tippfehler eliminating, so far tappt im dunkeln me noticed are - its now possible, WinXP? stranger processes to beliebigen Bytefolgen search To let - Adressbereiche stranger processes, on The zugegriffen go can, can gelistet go
in the hope not any more alzuviel Mist produced to have
AH |
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![: 06/17/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | over again one Update: - Speichersuchen and -tests walk now integral faster. - some Bugs gefixt. |
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![: 06/21/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | by a Error Entladen of Modulen could it under Umständen to a Programmabsturz come. Error is eliminating and new Update made. |
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![: 07/04/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | New Update:
Version 1.6.0:
it can over TNT Timernachrichten with of/ one auszuführenden address on Threads and Window gesendet go. so is it (with ausreichenden Rechten) now possible, DLLs in others processes To injizieren and own View source in another Process perform To let.
DLLs can to that part now too executable in TNT loaded go. so can TNT z.B.circa Own functions extended go, The then through Timermessage addressed go can.
Zugriffsrechte of Prozessspeichern stranger processes can now changed go. there it with falser application quick To Zugriffsverletungen inside the others processes come can, have I me very long consider, whether I a such Funktionalität at all install ought to - I have but in the moment whom local, I without these Opportunities not weiterkomme.
its now not any more possible, at Start of TNT to the Initialisierung the Menu anzuklicken (has me already longer genervt).
circa faster and rather on Menüklicks react to, was The Wartepriorität of TNT bislang always $80. this worth can itself now lasting over the Treeview change and so the jeweilige system adjust. The priority at Perform of longer activities is as always constantly $20.
One Error Show Text in the Statusbar, the ex windows2000 not auftrat, watts eliminating. |
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