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| in the last year has me the want gepackt, me hither around the Prozessbereich - means circa Threads, processes, DLLs and Window To concern and little more above To learn, as i bislang known. as expedient moreover have I me The application Tasks and Token (TNT) gebastelt, The me bislang in this Hinsicht right good services done has. i want you the program here once something hither present and hope, that you the testing as much Fun power, How me the program and the work on it:
Tasks and Token watts under and windows2000/XP entwickelt; one Operate the application under others Betriebssystemen Although in the principle possible, but only little sinvoll. the Proggi watts with XProfan9 and Profan2Cpp 1.1 prepares, with UPX gepackt and verfügt over ca.10000 Quelltextzeilen. to that Change the Zugriffsrechte use I partly one of me properly geänderte Version of AHs DACL_SET.INC (some BUGs and a part the Protokollierung removes). the Program supported The To WindowsXP standardmäßig verwendeten Zugriffslisten the Type ACL_REVISION and Zugriffslisteneinträge the Type ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE and ACCESS_DENIED_ACE ... Applications, The others Zugriffslisten use, could I bislang not find.. The eigentliche Programmdatei is Tasks and Token.EXE; any Files must in that same directory entpackt go. circa not your Startmenü (or sonstiges) unnecessary vollzumüllen, have I on a Installationsroutine waived - i think, your comes too so so zurecht.
Tasks and Token created a manner aktualisierbaren Schnappschuss the Betriebssystems, listet thereby processes, Threads, Module and Window in her Relationship zueinander on and supply umfangreiche Information over these Objects. circa too Access to Information to obtain, The usually for a Administrator unzugänglich and invisible are, can Tasks and Token Zugriffsrechte on processes, Threads and the Access-Token Change, or (without self really one service To his) with want over windows as Systemservice launched go. thereby is hereon To respect, that TNT as interaktiver service only for User visible is, the as erstes into computer eingeloggt has.
here everything aufzulisten, what the program ausliest or Change can would whom welt well gänzlich sprengen - i'll me therefore on some in the Helpfile yet undokumentierte reaches limit:
Module and DLLs: Nebem the Reading the Versionsinformationen investigating Tasks and Token loaded Module u.a. too to encompassed Exportfunktionen and its Adressen. sustained Information can through Rechtsklick into jeweilige List view into Clipboard copies go. TNT bid too The Possibility, a stranger not yet loaded DLL To loading and To investigating. thereby lead Tasks and Token The Einsprungsfunktion this loaded DLL not from. This has the advantage, that too DLLs of others Betriebsystemen (z.B. a DLL of WindowsXP under windows2000) investigating go können; from compressed DLLs can therefore but evtl. (on these point) no Exportfunktionen read go.
Window: next to the Show unterschiedlichster Fensterinformationen can through Rechtsklick on one Window in the Treeview - to the Motto make visible what invisible is - Statusinformationen one Fensters changed go. too Rechtsklicks into suitable List view afford a Änderungsmöglichkeiten for stranger Window.
processes and Threads: on the side can The unterschiedlichen Threads of/ one application through Rechtsklick in that Treeview stop and continue , can Prioritäten of Threads and Prozessen particular changed or can also the Boost shorted go, the u.a. a Prioritätserhöhnung with Aktivierung one Threadsfensters bewirkt.
Access-Token: One Grundbaustein new windows Betriebsysteme are The Zugriffsrechte. circa very determine to, which application under windows very on what grabbed having must, becomes each Process of Betriebssystem a manner elektronischer identification with on the lane given, the very idendity and rights the executing Users festlegt. Through Rechtsklick into suitable Treeview let itself here among other things Privilegien in a ongoing Process enable or deaktivieren. too Gruppenzugehörigkeiten can, sofern The jeweilige group this supported, deaktiviert and activate go without The group from the Token To Remove. in this elektronischen identification Access-Token there a area, the standard-Zugriffsrechte festlegt. becomes by a Process one new Objekt created and becomes this Objekt weder through Heredity yet sonstwie irgendeine Sicherheitsbeschreibung zugeordnet, becomes these standard-Zugriffsliste in the Acces-Token as Sicherheitsbeschreibung übernommen. this would to that Bespiel u.a. at produce one new Prozesses through @Winexec() the case. Tasks and Token it can Zugriffsliste not only Show separate these too (through Treeview-Rechtsklick) with want Change.
plenty More would like I over my Machwerk really now not tell. I hope, it reicht from for a little interest and pleasure on the play To rousing....
best Regards
edward carpenter
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Carlo Keil | [quote:4f23daf43b]first time yourself Bessermachen![/quote:4f23daf43b] I must means Mozart not criticize, because I yourself not rather compose can? I must So the food in the canteen not criticize, because I yourself not rather for thousand people cook can? I must means whom manufacturers of my Autos not criticize, because I yourself no better building can? ... I must means review only criticize, if I rather criticize can?
Merkwürdige attitude
not only, because strain The sun so beautiful durchs Window shining cordial Regards Carlo |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | [quote:8f0886ad57]n anybody shape, Nature and point or quality of his Beitrages discriminating go ought to[/quote:8f0886ad57] Hello Carlo, you should already correctly. reading. against review is Yes egad nothing einzuwenden. Dietmar goes it ums to discriminate against, what in the drop well unsachliche review or itself lustigmachen over the code one Autors bedeuted. though straight Dietmar with unsachlicher review already time over target hinausgeschossen is. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/27/06 ▲ |
| [quote:b4a552cd67=Carlo wedge][quote:b4a552cd67]first time yourself Bessermachen![/quote:b4a552cd67] I must means Mozart not criticize, because I yourself not rather compose can? I must So the food in the canteen not criticize, because I yourself not rather for thousand people cook can? I must means whom manufacturers of my Autos not criticize, because I yourself no better building can? [/quote:b4a552cd67] with of/ one review is always the Why important and standing in the Vordergrund. Dietmar has well hardly what against review, because the helps Yes with the development and improvement. review is really what very nice - tausendmal More worth, as some praise. review is for me, the someone the serious takes, I do - itself so auseinandergesetzt and engage has. |
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| New Version of [...] uploaded, The now too The Current Directory one Prozesses ausliest. |
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| some further Prozessinfos added, u.a. The Paths, in them the Process to To ladenden Files and DLLs seek. |
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| i'm bislang with the Program something unpfleglich with windows95/98/ME umgegangen, therefore here time some functions, The with the Proggi under this Windowsversionen possible are:
TNT can The on the Systemlaufenden processes lists and Taskanagerfunktion erfüllen. I use the thing öfters moreover, circa at testing of Profanprogrammen hakende Proggis quick time abzuabschießen. Also bid TNT The Possibility, The Prioritäten laufender processes To Change.
TNT bid a Überblick over The ongoing Threads the launched Proggies.
TNT listet The Window of/ one application on. thereby schlüsselt TNT The Stile the Window on and shows these (sofern The the Program famous are) on.
the Scannen and Change of Virtuellem Prozessspeicher stranger processes is here even To 3GB possible. |
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| Have I really already somewhere erwähnt, the it ex windows2000 possible is, with TNT Controls in finished Applications quasi by Drag and Drop To move and ihrerer Size To Change? (wants time hoping, the the too XP goes). |
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| Since I The PSAPI.DLL not through UseDll solid loaded having, could it at additional loading the DLL in TNT to that Programmabsturz come. Error is eliminating => Update uploaded. |
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| strain a BUG eliminating.
at that Reading of Prozessspeicher could it to that Crash [...] come, if attempts watts More as 100MB on the Piece auszulesen. The maximum on the Piece auslesebaren Bytes get on 90000000 terminable.
PS: memory can with [...] naturally too under windows98/ME scannen. |
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| I ziehe herewith my Program Tasks and Token of competition back.
E.Z. |
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Nico Madysa | Nanü? Why the? have you got fear, that The second- and Drittplatzierten envious on your tolles Program and be you somehow dangerous go.? of my Wissens to has the competition no detriments, because of them one itself back wander could, or wants someone not only The Modelleisenbahnsteuerung separate now too TNT klauen?
EDIT: 3 Rückzüge in 3 Meet - there spar I me my comment. you are of course niemandem a response due, but there a reason for these Rückzieher? |
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| Hello Nico, who nachfragt sustain too response...
for this program Specifically counts: the Program have I from Unwissenheit not under my names posted, the verstößt eindeutig against The competition law.
for this program and the others two programs counts: for any three programs I had a special reason, why I tappt im dunkeln here in the competition posted have. this reason has nothing with the competition on itself or with irgendwelchen erhofften win To do - sooner with the try of/ one thing, The really already in the last year fehlgeschlagen is (be even one Gewohnheitsmensch ). too ifs plainer is, itself forever around the Own axis To turn bring nothing => it must means Changes since . Insgesammt must feststehen, the Changes nothing of these competition and which exit concern. I Please therefore therefore, these three programs with the rating except eight To let and not further in the competition To allude. |
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