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| in the last year has me the want gepackt, me hither around the Prozessbereich - means circa Threads, processes, DLLs and Window To concern and little more above To learn, as i bislang known. as expedient moreover have I me The application Tasks and Token (TNT) gebastelt, The me bislang in this Hinsicht right good services done has. i want you the program here once something hither present and hope, that you the testing as much Fun power, How me the program and the work on it:
Tasks and Token watts under and windows2000/XP entwickelt; one Operate the application under others Betriebssystemen Although in the principle possible, but only little sinvoll. the Proggi watts with XProfan9 and Profan2Cpp 1.1 prepares, with UPX gepackt and verfügt over ca.10000 Quelltextzeilen. to that Change the Zugriffsrechte use I partly one of me properly geänderte Version of AHs DACL_SET.INC (some BUGs and a part the Protokollierung removes). the Program supported The To WindowsXP standardmäßig verwendeten Zugriffslisten the Type ACL_REVISION and Zugriffslisteneinträge the Type ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE and ACCESS_DENIED_ACE ... Applications, The others Zugriffslisten use, could I bislang not find.. The eigentliche Programmdatei is Tasks and Token.EXE; any Files must in that same directory entpackt go. circa not your Startmenü (or sonstiges) unnecessary vollzumüllen, have I on a Installationsroutine waived - i think, your comes too so so zurecht.
Tasks and Token created a manner aktualisierbaren Schnappschuss the Betriebssystems, listet thereby processes, Threads, Module and Window in her Relationship zueinander on and supply umfangreiche Information over these Objects. circa too Access to Information to obtain, The usually for a Administrator unzugänglich and invisible are, can Tasks and Token Zugriffsrechte on processes, Threads and the Access-Token Change, or (without self really one service To his) with want over windows as Systemservice launched go. thereby is hereon To respect, that TNT as interaktiver service only for User visible is, the as erstes into computer eingeloggt has.
here everything aufzulisten, what the program ausliest or Change can would whom welt well gänzlich sprengen - i'll me therefore on some in the Helpfile yet undokumentierte reaches limit:
Module and DLLs: Nebem the Reading the Versionsinformationen investigating Tasks and Token loaded Module u.a. too to encompassed Exportfunktionen and its Adressen. sustained Information can through Rechtsklick into jeweilige List view into Clipboard copies go. TNT bid too The Possibility, a stranger not yet loaded DLL To loading and To investigating. thereby lead Tasks and Token The Einsprungsfunktion this loaded DLL not from. This has the advantage, that too DLLs of others Betriebsystemen (z.B. a DLL of WindowsXP under windows2000) investigating go können; from compressed DLLs can therefore but evtl. (on these point) no Exportfunktionen read go.
Window: next to the Show unterschiedlichster Fensterinformationen can through Rechtsklick on one Window in the Treeview - to the Motto make visible what invisible is - Statusinformationen one Fensters changed go. too Rechtsklicks into suitable List view afford a Änderungsmöglichkeiten for stranger Window.
processes and Threads: on the side can The unterschiedlichen Threads of/ one application through Rechtsklick in that Treeview stop and continue , can Prioritäten of Threads and Prozessen particular changed or can also the Boost shorted go, the u.a. a Prioritätserhöhnung with Aktivierung one Threadsfensters bewirkt.
Access-Token: One Grundbaustein new windows Betriebsysteme are The Zugriffsrechte. circa very determine to, which application under windows very on what grabbed having must, becomes each Process of Betriebssystem a manner elektronischer identification with on the lane given, the very idendity and rights the executing Users festlegt. Through Rechtsklick into suitable Treeview let itself here among other things Privilegien in a ongoing Process enable or deaktivieren. too Gruppenzugehörigkeiten can, sofern The jeweilige group this supported, deaktiviert and activate go without The group from the Token To Remove. in this elektronischen identification Access-Token there a area, the standard-Zugriffsrechte festlegt. becomes by a Process one new Objekt created and becomes this Objekt weder through Heredity yet sonstwie irgendeine Sicherheitsbeschreibung zugeordnet, becomes these standard-Zugriffsliste in the Acces-Token as Sicherheitsbeschreibung übernommen. this would to that Bespiel u.a. at produce one new Prozesses through @Winexec() the case. Tasks and Token it can Zugriffsliste not only Show separate these too (through Treeview-Rechtsklick) with want Change.
plenty More would like I over my Machwerk really now not tell. I hope, it reicht from for a little interest and pleasure on the play To rousing....
best Regards
edward carpenter
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GDL | Hello Andreas,
Perhaps fasse I your Posting too wrong on,but for my Modelbahn... interested itself too only which of ausserhalb the Community.i know to date not whether it without hardware for Nichteisenbahner einigermassen verständlich is.so my I The groben Programmabläufe,NOT DIE PROGRAMMIERUNG EINER ANLAGE ,the Progs. what reserves, I lass it in competition.Lass You your Progs hold too.
Hello Georg |
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| circa here further unnecessary Diskussionen vorzubeugen, have I The Downloads removes. |
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Nico Madysa | now well, sees so from, as ließest You you not bring round.
P.s.: strange - three competition-programs less in the run what about me can me nevertheless not above forward... |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello Andreas,
with the the among other things names posted, had we but already to Monaten extensively durchgekaut and clarified.
and what's more:
who here something public vorstellt and ggf. public again zurückzieht, the ought to of my opinion to too so much Mumm into bone and have public The to uphold Reasons for name and not so rumeiern, How You, the in your response on Nicos question done have (... has nothing with the competition To do ..., bla bla bla, etc.).
everything else sound in my ears to Wichtigtuerei, circa time again on itself attentive make To want, u.ä. ... with Teenagern can I the possible yet up to one conscience Grade understand, but with ausgewachsenen Männern falls me the really very heavy.
If I irgendeine opinion to a thing have and these public outer, then have I these opinion too sensible To account. so much gegenseitige deference might still well here not too much desires his, or?
If I z.B. in my Kursen my opinion ggf. not sensible account can, then outer I these opinion even none first and stops my tab. Anderenfalls hätten me The Jungs probably already long ago into Desert skillful, or me as middle-aged and senilen Uhu abgehakt.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 12/18/06 ▲ |
| Hello Dietmar...
this is of course not the reason, whom I supra called have, but for may part kannsz You too the as reason suppose. stops me Please not for impolite, but I see the herewith as completed on.
Andreas |
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| means for me ists not completed because I somehow well To stupid be whom reason herauszulesen.
Why because now eigendlich - or ists so unfassbar difficult To formulieren the too ichs kappieren would? |
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Frank Abbing | we turn us only circle, the bring nothing. too me goes it on the biscuit, things To post and hardly Resonanz for To get. but unfortunately is it so. The grosse majority loading down, probiert, using, archived and holds beautiful The tab. is Yes everything so beautiful apocryphal. moreover Have so did i soon none buck More, there has Andreas already right. therefore would so a Forumsfunktion How already seen of well, only even for Downloads. already runtergeladen of, or so similar. lane from the anonymity. I find, who things of others runterlädt, can also time a comment moreover deliver. and who things from the Beta-Forum runterlädt, can also gefälligst once in a while a Testbericht moreover deliver. power it it never, comes it on The Ignor-list - and ready! I anyway will be ex now keinem More here help, the I do not too helps - basta! what about me would like whom others too moreover guess, otherwise becomes that here never what with the Gegenseitigen. One Forum ought to namely one replacement together his and not only einseitig proceed... |
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| [quote:679f538ae5]I find, who things of others runterlädt, can also time a comment moreover deliver. and who things from the Beta-Forum runterlädt, can also gefälligst once in a while a Testbericht moreover deliver. power it it never, comes it on The Ignor-list - and ready! I anyway will be ex now keinem More here help, the I do not too helps - basta! what about me would like whom others too moreover guess, otherwise becomes that here never what with the Gegenseitigen. One Forum ought to namely one replacement together his and not only einseitig proceed...[/quote:679f538ae5] @Frank fundamentally have You right and I your List view.dll class find, have I already More How once bekundet. now have I me but a others Topic The ZIP-File Downloaded, in the You The new Buttons vorstellst. there have I now a problem. Why - because I the XPIA-Assembler not use. should I now write: Son Schit, only for Insider of XPIA written what about me stay outer to. ? - then hold I still rather The tab. ROKOS Generator is a Superteil and he's by me spare geschaltet. but must I therefore with eachone new Version jedesmal a new Kotau make ? the want You do not and any others Grossen not, think I me. it reicht still fully and integrally, if one so How I yesterday in the Profan-Forum with a couple Lines Text one Erfolgserlebnis at Fragenden trigger could. and the praise or The review is still here really often enough To reading. - so, this is the end the Vortrages |
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Frank Abbing | Horst, so is not meant, and You as person already none. have often enough Tests for me implemented and you help I always gladly. No - I mean The schweigende majority here. The 620 still Brüter, not The 12 active! Diejenigen, which never report or only then, as they yourself ask having. and itself not even for Help thank. or diejenigen, The here Müllthreads release and never something Konstruktives beisteueren. clear isn't eachone fit in Profan and can help, but one Program time debug and its opinion moreover kundtun can sure eachone. very The my I... |
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| I find the goes Real into incorrect direction - too with Franks opinion can I me not identify.
Gleiches with Same... the lead to that stood still.
I find we should not forget the we Yes not for program circa Feedbacks To get - separate because we it gladly do. I write z.B. on XPSE not for Huldigungen - separate so I tidy with XProfan program can How I it custom. I put too NEN OGL-EgoEngineDemo not mere for Huldigungen - separate in order to show the goes too. there are everything Anreize The created go - The Resonanz affects still often plenty subtiler from as in a Posting in the Thread.
If Frank z.B. The ListView.Dll posting - download it 50 Leuz. 50 Leuz having now in the head ah - the went. two years later remember as they one ListViewProblem having on The DLL. If I time NEN Schwenk To others - plenty more Communitys make - then time whom StatsFinger ziehe - then erkenne I the The Resonanz here even überdurchschnittlich high is! twice so high as in riesenCommunitys! clear - weils here naturally something persönlicher zugeht.
I find hold - we proggen still from Fun - and the Resonanz missing too only allegedly.
but time back about. I find AH ought to it already create simply time To explain Why it 3 its programs from the competition zurücknimmt.
it created otherwise a incorrect local. what wants it us provide with his action? The response find I is it us due - conditioned by the Nature and point. How sees the because Please from AH? reminds me a little bit on the getue what in the large using becomes circa whole Konzernzweige To flapsieren. Dickes fettes Kaufangebot and the last Minute a retreat. Willste us so something say? understand me not wrong - I must the ask because You whom local produce could that here what not IO is - and the stink me vast and the take so did i then personally if one me says the not personally To understand is - because I white the it not on Struktuqualität mangelt can it only slightly persönliches his.
i will here no Kuschelmuschel and Intrigengetue - means out with the Language - Why The three Annulierungen? |
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Frank Abbing | [quote:293a4dbb50]I find the goes Real into incorrect direction - too with Franks opinion can I me not identify.
Gleiches with Same... the lead to that stood still. [/quote:293a4dbb50] well, this is your opinion. I have in the relationship but another. How erklärst You you otherwise, that it here only a handful active Members gives and 620 (well, without Doppelacounts and Dateileichen 150) others?
[quote:293a4dbb50]I find we should not forget the we Yes not for program circa Feedbacks To get - separate because we it gladly do.[/quote:293a4dbb50] this is indeed furthermore the case. only I will in future any Members ignore, of them i think, that they not think about, itself on the community To participate. from whom Found too always.
[quote:293a4dbb50]If I time NEN Schwenk To others - plenty more Communitys make - then time whom StatsFinger ziehe - then erkenne I the The Resonanz here even überdurchschnittlich high is! twice so high as in riesenCommunitys! [/quote:293a4dbb50] likes voices. I speech indeed not from the people, The here very active are. only are not sonderlich many. I sags again: I speech from the others, grossen majority here. from the still heimlichen. only around the GEHTS. |
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| [quote:5ca0386f42]I speech from the others, grossen majority here. from the still heimlichen. only around the GEHTS.[/quote:5ca0386f42]Hey clear the understand I still - but from 25 is nunmal only of/ one one Aktiver. If you but the 25 unregarded can ergibts itself from it Perhaps first garkeiner. |
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