A small Tool of me, circa a Webcam as Bewegungsmelder To missbrauchen. motions to the Camera go thereby as AVI-films in the Tempordner abgespeichert and archived.
the Rohprogramm standing, even if Settings bislang not yet stored go. except Betareports be I very on Screenshots the visuellen Bewegungsgraphen under windows Vista interested.
Sag time, exists The Possibility one bestimmtes Bewegungsbild To secure so the program _eine defined Bewegung_ or _ein bestimmtes Bild_ wiedererkennen could?
clear Rolf. mandatory so did i well if otherwise nobody ready is, under Vista To testing.
Sag time, exists The Possibility one bestimmtes Bewegungsbild To secure so the program _eine defined Bewegung_ or _ein bestimmtes Bild_ wiedererkennen could?
The Possibility exists. the Tool could The data one Bilds extern investigating let, z.B. a Dll-function.