Assembler Forum

More Help??


somehow are missing me Information, what everything goes and what not.

How give I a STRUCT on without the itself XProfan above beschwert?
where can I everywhere Macros define? (only in a INC ?)
Einbinden the ASM-INC always in base.inc or in XProfan self?

Rückgabewerte of/ one intern aufgerufenen ASM-Func? (via Scall) only over The Profan-Variable with Return or over EAX ?

now Yes, are everything items The me at program so noticed are. And if one in the Help seek, then finds one not.

How functions the .IF: the code with whom decisions becomes still only once solid created and not each Durchlauf another - or?
with Macro is it clear, there becomes Yes eachone Macrolauf aufgelöst.

and how does that then with .WHILE and .REPEAT ?

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael.

first of all time:
I see XPIA as Profi-Tool. Beginner in Profan go so überfordert his. its objectively for Profis ausgelegt, The experience in Profan and Assembler having. nevertheless have I ready, XPIA so simply How possible To hold. and nevertheless any Assembler-Features to obtain. i think, this is me quite been successful.

I yourself knows neither everything. so z.B. use I quasi never Strukuren, separate almost only reaches, The I for flexibler stops and them so did i rather zurecht come. with the question can I you means not help.

Macros definierst You best in the base.inc, just as How Incs. differently becomes it well neither functions. You must Yes deliberating, that The Assemblerblöcke only Programmtexte within of/ one Assemblerprozedur are.
it counts means, How already in the guide said: extensions always into base.inc.

Rückgabewerte of/ one internen function? No, because a interne function can you of Profan from not Call/started!
And if You tappt im dunkeln a others Assemblerfunktion from launch, serves as Return always EAX. this is with Assembler always so. the meant I with Profitool, experience in Assembler, etc.

The High-Level Syntax: .IF, .While, etc. are fester component of MASM32. The need I in the XPIA-guide not To explain. this is sure task the MASM-Programmer.
is is so, the MASM these High-Level-command umsetzt in Assemblercode, before it compiliert becomes.

sure is the Help not always enough. but i think, I could 1000 pages write and nevertheless would still ask come along. still get Profan with XPIA The Support of/ one kompletten, mighty Programmsprache.
and therefore there Yes this Forum. circa ask, The in the course the Umgangs with XPIA come along, To answer. and the try I always To do, so well It's all right.
but nevertheless ought to one itself to eyes hold, that XPIA only one free Tool is of a Hobbyprogrammierer. The neither omniscient is...

Schaust You you then time the MD5-Topic on?

I have there attempts the parts from the ZIP-File umzusetzen and be on besagte Problems punched.

If you time a Umsetzung carriages could...

my try have I already uploaded.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I verfolge The Thread always time again. your Umsetzung was correctly. well, particularly the Macro.
plenty Time Have I but not momentum, I yourself a attempt started could. I building my Selbstständigkeit presently on several Fronten from and the goes me to. Sorry...


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