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Delv Wulff | I have my Vornamen gekürzt, because I any Koseformen of my Vornamens terrible find. i'm schwerbehindert, and to of my Blasenkebs-OP and chemotherapy schwerstbehindert, what me but not of it abhält music To make and me diversen Interesssen zuzuwenden.
i'm one Eingeborener from Kiel, Baujahr 1960 - now be 60 well then, one becomes older and most people circa one around too, and one sees with them taking off the Geistesleistung, I already by me fixes have, wozu has to the Handy, if one his Kurzzeitgedächnis Streiche game?
my Ambitionen (dt. ambition) software To erschaffen, based on my kaufmännischen profession, the very plenty analytische Techniken to Fehlerermittlung of administrativen, betrieblichen geschäftlichen, rechtlichen so far it The betriebswirtschaftliche reaches comprising To respect, circa from constantly To wiederholenden Berechnungen a summary to a Abarbeitungsmodell in shape one Program To Generate.
Since I from the Wohnungswirtschaft come, have I a great many programs from this sector written. and this I did almost solely in BASIC.
the interest to that program erwuchs already, as the first Homecomputer produced get, I had a tailor CPC6128, More could I me then not yet do.
my first PC I had 1987 a 386it - it was no IBM, the was my parents To valuable. and was straight ready with my BWL ready. Studies are always and To eachone Time poor socks.
means 1983 with GW-BASIC, then coming itrgenwann TurboBasic, the its names because of right-Streitigkeiten with the TurboPascal-Entwicklern in Powerbasic changed and zunächt only To to 16 bit-splint only Float and Integer for numbers ready held.
then first as 32bit-based versions of Powerbasic on the market came, watts for kaufmännische application The Currency-Variable created, The automatically on two Nachkommastellen rundet, accordingly no maths, separate Verfahrenstechnik, circa amounts among themselves To write.
I have me diverse BASIC-Dialekte angeschaut, How GFA-BASIC, what me but not pleased, was one proprozessuales Anhänsel, similar of/ one .DLL the the program run is. what I as hinderlich empfand, though one therein programs for windows create could.
I am not the windows-fan and feel The mouse not everywhere as helpful, with the registration of Personal-Data is tappt im dunkeln even onerous. so is it possible in Powerbasic two reaches To benefit: 1.The Konsolenprogrammierung / 2. Windowsprogrammierung.
1. is my Favorit
still The times wandeln itself, where one open ought to circa itself umzuschauen.
Why the change To XProfan?'
i will something other try, and Search Kollegen, also yet Search and already me some ahead having, as with XProfan functions.
my derzeitige Configuration exists from a Intel i7 and Windows 10, because I films cut, need I a box The 1 hour rendert (Videopixelberechnung for Ausgabedatei in diverse Formate) and not 10 hours.
Covid19 changed everything my Steckenpferdchen [...] and my volume [...] is to aufs further abgemeldet, public auftritte can lebensgefährdent his. i want of it not befallen go. |
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Manfred Barei | Hello Delv, cordial Welcome and no fear to new here becomes one always moreover helped. |
| XProfan X2Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 | | 08/12/20 ▲ |