
Dominik H. alias Doik

Hello your any,

my name is doik and I am new here in the community (How not differently To expect *g*). I schreib purposely not big because with the simply To umständlich is, means beschwert you bidde not.

my eigentlicher name is Dominik H. what about me hot from the reason not so, because I with fundamentally not tappt im dunkeln regulate in foren durchlese, because there really always the same schwachsinn drinne standing.
in any case be I in momentum 14 years and werd on the 14.6 finally 15. its incidentally ziemilcher mist in the june gebohren To go, because any from the class older are and More can (stupid altersbeschränkungen but too).

jo otherwise game I yet piano (I Have but never pleasure to that exercise) be in nem badminton association, the with whom turnieren always of/ one the last becomes *gg* what about me go in the Blumenstadt Straelen (NRW boundary To holland) aufs gymnsasium. The school is though not very good, we've massenhaft code teacher (jaja these stupid teacher ;) )

joa I work gladly on the pc, kenn me now not so super with everything from, but for is indeed if there ;)
on the dearest game I [...] , tolles game can I all only recommend
joa otherwise Have I yet recently html learnt so a little bit. I Have too ne hässliche homepage :

I Have time to a couple years what with qbasic made, could but too only Text (fürn quiz or so) program. but qbasic is Yes quite old in the meantime and then Have I simply time whom loves if demand, which Program I because take solle, and so be I hold To profane come.

though find I 60 euro for the Program for a poor schoolboy How me still a little bit happig and therefore Have so did i not till me the Program To buy. one discount would still something ;) (your can but too gladly one Program make, with the I in exe Files transfiguring can)

To my pc,
athlon xp 2000 +
msi geforce fx 5700 ultra
512 mb cheap east germany-ram (only 233 mhz and cl 2,5 )
one dummes beschissenes <zensiert> elitegroup k7s5a motherboard
40 gb festplatte
dvd and cd/rw drive
billiger medion monitor (i want finally a flachbildschirm having, the does simply To painful into eyes so, but which with 16 ms quickness of reaction are unfortunately so valuable)
I hate windows (xp) because the dauernd abschmiert and my pc unfortunately not 100 % steady runs, as it really his ought to .

and then Have so did i yet same the first stupid anfängerfragen for you parat.

take off a commands must I indicate, so profane a designed ordner vpn yourself raussucht, circa a File To Save, so I no way indicate must?

moreover, How war I the there, that the pc neugestartet becomes, latterly one profane program.

achja, on the most fun power it still windows fehlermeldungen to program:

declare abc%
SOUND 440,360
abc% = @messagebox (Aaahh, one Window! nothing How lane here!,warning,48 )

so the wars of me, if your yet ask have, must your me The gladly to put ;)

To then your, Doik

...and so be I hold To profane come.

though find I 60 euro for the Program for a poor schoolboy How me still a little bit happig...

Tjah, then recommend I you The Freeware, so can also Exen make.

...To my pc,
athlon xp 2000 +
msi geforce fx 5700 ultra
512 mb cheap east germany-ram (only 233 mhz and cl 2,5 )
one dummes beschissenes elitegroup k7s5a motherboard
40 gb festplatte
dvd and cd/rw drive
billiger medion monitor (i want finally a flachbildschirm having, the does simply To painful into eyes so, but which with 16 ms quickness of reaction are unfortunately so valuable)

Jaja, the are The aaaarmen schoolboy of today.

...and then Have so did i yet same the first stupid anfängerfragen for you parat.

was Yes clear. but rather you put also [...]  in the Forum.

...take off a commands must I indicate, so profane a designed ordner of yourself raussucht

now always slow Doik, not everything at a single blow. are You you sure the You a Ordner seek? or not Perhaps still only a/mehere defined File/en?

...moreover, How war I the there, that the pc neugestartet becomes, latterly one profane program.

Exitwindows is exactly the commands for. look too time in the Help to.

...achja, on the most fun power it still windows fehlermeldungen to program:
declare abc%
SOUND 440,360
abc% = @messagebox (Aaahh, one Window! nothing How lane here!,warning,48 )

How I see have You yourself already to profane gewöhnt. moreover so. :roll:

How already said, lass us but not moreover hereon come in. rather you put your ask [...]  in the Forum.


if if if,
means first time,
you have gesat, that the freeware dingens <zensiert> is (and You has always right ;) ), find I incidentally too, there my windows Error Message there not working.
then sacht the always: commands uncharted: abc%
moreover can I so no exen make, the says always runtime modul not found, Have I you incidentally too Schonmal said.

I Have still quite none so good pc whom Have I me in 2 years so zusammengebastelt. and guck time the motherboard, the says Yes well everything, that the pc rubbish is.
moreover Have I no money for a flachbildschirm, means.

and you have time To me said, I me here present should and then go my stupid ask too same here answers

so the wars
enough gespammt ;)


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Peter Max Müller08/15/13


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