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Georg Jablonowski | good day!
really have I the community only called, circa time even something over The rechtsbündige spending of Texten / Zahlenwerten in Dialogfenstern To experienced. and thereby be I over The gentle invitation, me vorzustellen, stumbled - means Please:
i'm selbständiger Handwerksmeister, the since 14 years one Kalkulationsprogramm under MS-DOS (whom Älteren of you becomes these Bezeichnung sure another concept his ) uses. the fit not any more into Time. there DOS The USB-interface not supported, had I my new parallel-printer on the Flohmarkt buy (so correctly. happy power me the 24-needle-printer but neither).
I have me some zeitgemäße programs angeschaut. The are me but any To very with unnützen functions and Multimedia-Schnickschnack überfrachtet, during The for me important Features only against horrende Aufpreise to obtain are. And then The operating... I likes me not Programs make friends, with them to Creation one Angebots or of/ one bill The mouse several kilometres put aside must. i'm no friend the mouse. and the computer has 12 Function-Keys. one must tappt im dunkeln only correctly. occupy, then can The fingers on the keyboard let, without The mouse bait To must. Ergonomie is for me thoroughly one Topic.
If the market no half-way brauchbare software provides, must the Handwerker even self program. of tailor CPC 6128 upcoming (so have I to 20 years whom good middle-aged Z-80 in Basic and Assembler program) have I The Entwicklungsstufe MS-DOS complete übersprungen and be 1998 with Profan 4.5 (then freshly as Freeware released) into windows-Programming boarded. now have I XProfan 10 on the Festplatte. so will probably one Handwerker-Program create let.
Tja... a or others question will with the Programmentwicklung with high probability yield. therefore be I here.
Best wishes Georg Jablonowski |
| Soft- &Hardware: Windows XP Pro ohne SP, XProfan 10, Duron 1000 MHz, 256 MB Speicher Mit Profan 6 kenne ich mich bestens aus - spätere Versionen sind für mich Neuland. Und noch was: Es gibt keine dummen Fragen - es gibt aber dumme Antworten! | 11/07/07 ▲ |
| nice. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | cordial Welcome! How it so is - The axe in the House requires a Verbandskasten - there's nothing like selbstgeschriebene programs. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/08/07 ▲ |
| @Georg tailor-PC says me too yet what and DOS ? - my first Version was 3.2 on the Euro-PC of tailor. cordial Welcome ! finally time again of/ one, the The surface the Monitors yet without Windoof... knows |
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