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Ulrich Bednarz | Hello, i'm new here and would like me short present: are it The DV gives , engage I more or less with Betriebssystemen and Applications. to ca. 15 years have I began Datenbankapplikationen in DBAse, Clipper, Turbo-Pascal to program. after a very intense Programmierphase have I from professional/familiären and others Found so quit. after I stolzer owner of Profan 2 become be, watts the interest again wach, something in things Databases zuschreiben. but Profan let then concerning Datenbankprogrammierung only few items To , so that my Ineresse on it itself rasch again verflüchtigte. in the occupancy of Profan 8.0 have I now again in these Thematik hineingekniet and be surprised, what these Version for a DB-Programmer everything bid. Zugegeben, The functions are something gewöhnungsbedürftig. If one but the principle understood has, can so integrally well bypass.
integrally currently have I one small Programmierproblem, the me so into o.g. DB-Languages not vorgekommen is. whom Source with the both DBs füge I al zipper-File with. my difficulty have I the code enclosed. I hope, I here The suitable Help experienced can. following ask moving me. 1. Why can at produce one index no Pfadangabe mitgegeben go? 2. Why becomes with Anklicken of cmNeu often one doppelter Datensatz created. 3. Why can The 2. DB not closed go? 4. The übrigen Fragestellungen s. Source
mfg Ulrich Bednarz |
| UlrichB Windows XP Profan-Version 8.0 | 12/17/07 ▲ |
| Welcome Ulrich and thanks for your Review!
What the Programmierprobleme concerns eröffne Please a this-own Thread under Programming/generally. |
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Thomas Freier | |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 12/17/07 ▲ |