books & Tutorials

XProfan-Textbook picture... + Download


Hello together,

after it in the Community already often call to one XProfan-Textbook given having, is here first attempt with meanwhile ca. 2800 Textbook pages in 11 volumes::

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so the learner itself first of all not any Codes with difficulty type must, have I a Textbook-aide settled, the The in the book encompassed Source clearly lists. from the aide out can The Demos Starting and The Codes into windows-Clipboard copy, circa tappt im dunkeln into own editor to further usage insert to (in the Textbook-Full Version).

any completions relating itself on XProfan 10/11/12 (or. X2) - much is too with older XProfan-versions useable. circa me because of the many extensions version of To Version not To verzetteln, have I deliberate The lowermost boundary with XProfan 10 pulled

The construction the Lehrbuches corresponds to vaguely the Vorgehensweise in my Programmierkursen. this Textbook depends itself means in first line on Beginner, The yet never before something with the program To do had had - for the time being might it advanced XProfanern means presumably not yet too much give.

me would it particularly interested, How itself the book with the eyes of Anfängern reads and which Ungereimtheiten it evtl. with the formation and with whom Formatierungen the Texts gives. If one constantly on it operates, then becomes one in the running the Time occasionally still something betriebsblind.

That in the vorliegenden Version the Print and the copy the Texts as well as the Perform the Demos for the time being blocked is, is for may part beabsichtigt - I have my Reasons for.

this is during the past 10 years at least my 6. or 7. attempt to a XProfan-Textbook what about me hope, i'll it this time something kontinuierlicher and konsequenter go through with.

the eigentliche XProfan-Textbook exists from several volumes (PDF-Files).

The Textbook.exe launch whom Textbook-aide. from there can any Volumes over the Menu Call and the currently over 800 example-Codes over The windows-Clipboard in its editor copy - or but too itself the desired from whom PDF-Files copy or print out (in the Full Version).

Kritiken, Notes and suggestions are me naturally gladly Welcome, because therefore can it only rather go.


Edit: The lowdown in this Eröffnungsposting I will each (more) Textbook-Update adjust. means Please not above wonder, if into Folgepostings since 2008 stellenweise to apparently Widersprüchliches To reading is.

161.156 kB14,95 €
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Kurzbeschreibung: XProfan 11-Textbook as PDF, 2800 pages, 11 Volumes
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


supra there one small Update with meanwhile ca. 400 pages amplitude. too The Formatierungen have I something vereinheitlicht and thereby hopefully not too plenty forget.

the Grundkonzept of my Projektes might meanwhile discernible his, even if not yet any chapter entire filled are. the comes by degrees, so How me The Formulierungen and Beispielcodes moreover to occur. too with the general reinen XProfan-Grundlagen be I not yet integrally through. I wealth time, with altogether ca. 700 To 900 pages might this then weitestgehend Done his.

as Zugabe schwirrt me another separater volume as Aufgabensammlung in the head rum. naturally then too with a self-contained volume with example-Solutions. still is presumably until Jahresende not any more integrally To create his.

as Übernächstes kämen then fortgeschrittenere Programmiertechniken and/or (evtl. parallel moreover) the develop konkreterer Programmierprojekte dran. but is then well probably sooner my xprofansches feed for years 2009 and 2010 his.

with the Stichwortverzeichnis fight I yet always integrally beautiful. These automatic transmission in the Star-Office shining me yet a morsel of To plenty the good automatically manage To want, so that there sometimes integrally schöner Stuß with rauskommt. now have so did i The cause the many Programmabstürze determined: it's located definitiv on the update the Stichwortverzeichnisses. If I the update rausnehme, then crashes by me never More what ex. but to that Happiness works the Save sometimes still, if too first to the second or third attempt (with which then but nevertheless always 2 - 3 hours Time verplempert are).

Fehlerberichte and other Notes to that Textbook on me held itself yet unfortunately very in border (almost 0).

One large Thank you on this place on Nico Madysa for the Korrekturlesen and the Fehlerfinden on the first 200 pages!

I would very on it interested, if itself 1, 2 or 3 people find, which in the past tense already time intensiver with the write of Tutorials engage and have now and than to the publication my Scripte time accurate durchschauen would. thereby goes it me less around the mere Fachliche (XProfan), separate plenty More circa Notes in direction Methodik, Didaktik - but too circa spelling, Grammatik, etc. informations Please by PM on me. i'd then a self-contained, not-public Download-Link arrange and zuschicken, the always my actually Arbeitsversion and ggf. too not yet integrally so ausgereifte Entwürfe contain.

too on Zuarbeiten another Authors To spezielleren Topics would I very interested! That such pieces then of me with the copyright the jeweiligen Autors marked go, is a Selbstverständlichkeit! yet lying me in this direction however solely The Bereitschaftserklärung of Nico Madysa to, some chapter about MCI to contribute to want. the must naturally not everything during the next weeks or months happen. too must not absolutely everything already fix and ready "druckreif" ausformuliert his - the go we then in the running the Time already together somehow sensible into row catch. as well as with my XProfan-manager stops I the for better alternative, if such "Einzel-Perlen" more Authors in a Tutorial under of/ one Haube gather are. If eachone its Help Files To special Topics only on its own small HP published, then is the for Lernenden anyway just very heavy to find. especially since one Beginner often yet none know can, wonach it at all Internet search must, if it for itself first of all unüberwindbare Problems with the work on seinem Programmierprojekt sees.

this lane shining me yet the erfolgversprechendste To his, sometime time one to some extent vernünftiges XProfan-Textbook for Programmieranfänger from the christening raise to, after others try in this direction yet Yes unfortunately often (here in the Community) mostly already into Anfängen failed are. still too with the of me eingeschlagenen lane would like I to the currency of too plenty Euphorie guard, because the whole proposition stick first still in whom Windeln and needed certainly another couple years, To it to some extent grown-up becomes - if at all ... still on the other hand be I with my XProfan-manager into Anfangsjahren ditto of many pages mitleidsvoll belächelt been - and today becomes the program (withal yet contained Unzulänglichkeiten) not only of bloody Programmieranfängern of my Wissens to not straight ungern uses.

The latest Textbook-Version there always on ours MMJ-HP in the Downlod-area. now and than there time nachschauen could itself certainly for a or others lohnen ...


Download How always supra:  [...] 
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar horn
and nevertheless are The Bengels always integrally, integrally endearing and well (particularly as they sleep ...).

Denk dran: we reading with!
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Thomas Zielinski
Dietmar horn
and nevertheless are The Bengels always integrally, integrally endearing and well (particularly as they sleep ...).

Denk dran: we reading with!

the observes one but not!

@Dietmar: on your .pdfs gefällt me but none, that I these not time print must...

and auserdem these plenty To big !!!! (naja, from StarOffice...), can I you but with the "übersetzung" help, Have Acrobat...

talk we time to that "Treffen" drüber...

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


Denk dran: we reading with!

so miserable and hinterhältig ye means too yet? and even heimlich read along? this is Yes almost worse, How DDR-Stasi and the BRD-Schäuble-Mani and its Datensammelwut in this Bananenrepublik zusammengenommen!

what have I me with you as not-in-the-DDR-nee adolescent only as block on my middle-aged Hörnchen-Hinkebeine and on my artificial Schweine-Herzklappe tied? there must I then well temporär really something in direction brain-flu had having ...

but nevertheless: If the Bengels sleep, then are you any always integrally, integrally endearing and well - and utterly OK - eachone on its Nature and point! and with full awareness - means as they straight time again slightly buck on XProfan having, are you any man to some extent endurable. anyway must I then always something less ausrasten. is correct still, or?

How said still one something älterer and already seniler wirkender DDR-Staatsmininister 1989: "Ich love you still any!"

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


How said still one something älterer and already seniler wirkender DDR-Staatsmininister 1989: "Ich love you still any!"

alas Dietmar, your Jungs having you still any gladly !!!

Why come otherwise any Freitags again ???

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Hello Dietmar,
I close me Mario P. fully and integrally on, what the pressure-forbidden angeht. Please gib if possible The pressure-function spare. because straight the would really the grundsätzliche benefit Your Lehrbuches - that one one good manuals on paper available has, by which to the gelesene at the same time on the computer testing/ try can, without constantly between Help/guide and Program-Window hither and thither chid To must.

greeting Stefan
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

This will yet plenty plenty work, before it as book rauskommen can. but I login me already at times and frag to the Subscriptionspreis!

@Dietmar simply pointed,
but I hope, that The Textbook.exe, anyway is it by me so, not utterly in the Vordergrund remaining. desirable too The List in the tab with Beispielnamen on place the number. The additional expenditure is me aware. Why You the the profane Print blocked have is me neither clear. I open The PDF with the **view.exe and drucke me The chosen Sites. have z. Z. unfortunately no Time everything To sort. Aufgefallen was me, that a or others graphic in the Textbook.pdf a part the Textes covers. Register yet.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

Hello Dietmar !

here times the visibility one Anfängers - at least what XProfan concerns (otherwise program I already almost 25 years):

means what can itself over the manuals say:

1. thanks
2. thanks
3. thanks
4. very well aufgebaut and gegliedert
5. understandable Description without too much fachchinesisch
6. DIE work must one itself first time do

well, that the window always is in foreground (Textbook.exe) is really something disturbing.
for me Perhaps not, I a 22 Zoller have - but with smaller Monitoren can I me the already present.
what the Print anbelangt, so have I vollstes understanding for, that You this blocked have.
i'm it Yes - and this is now utterly subjektiv - anyhow rather it on the Monitor To reading as whom slips of paper-muddy-Warr
durchzublättern. already on my own The Search to something designed can itself hold with a PDF-Reader integral
plainer manage.

means: over again thanks Dietmar

Greeting Gerhard
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

@Frank: clear! the kriegste today evening yet. mandatory but immediately once more short path circa what To manage.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Zum Buch

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